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Serious Lim Tean's great analysis on Gay Loong's on NDR speech


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Diabetes are Stress Related. Our society is just too stressful.

our citizens are all overworked and stressed out - just like our mrt system.

if diabete gone on uncheck we and future generation will be all diabetic...

thats the price for doing "forced marched success".....

WTF are you talking about?

You get diabetes from eating a regular sweet diet put together with a largely sedentary lifestyle.

The m&ds and kelings love sweet stuff such as teh tarik, cendol, coke and all that sweet kuih and gula melaka.


Sugar has been used for centuries to get consumers addicted to a particular product or vendor. Its high time gay loong crack down on cocacola and pepsi along with the kopitiams by imposing this sugar tax. Better to extend it to all wholesale sugar sales in sinkapoot


WTF are you talking about?

You get diabetes from eating a regular sweet diet put together with a largely sedentary lifestyle.

The m&ds and kelings love sweet stuff such as teh tarik, cendol, coke and all that sweet kuih and gula melaka.

then we must learn from our neighbouring countries...


Honest man. At least he dont b
Misbehave like his father talk want to fight people. Kpkb sinkie not working hard enough but he goes pky golf and play wirh his granchildren.


[h=1]Singapore PM delivers banal speech for National Day Rally[/h] Published on 2017-08-20 by The Online Citizen
by Lim Tean

I never thought I would see the day when the Prime Minister of Singapore would give as banal a speech as he gave tonight.
Our country has so many problems ranging from increasing unemployment , stagnating wages , astronomical costs of living , inadequate income for our elderly , ultra-low productivity and dismal innovation and entrepreneurship .
The PM chose not to address any of these pressing issues and instead chose to assume the mantle of Chief Doctor of the Nation and spoke about diabetes. Honestly , any doctor can advise his client on this matter. National Health education in schools would be more effective too rather than a speech by the Head of Government.
Even the section on pre-school shows no originality . It is modelled after what Barack Obama tried to achieve in his second term of Office.
And as for the Smart Nation, all Lee Hsien Loong's speech demonstrated was how behind the curve the PAP Government has been in terms of innovation. It shows how despite the fact that Singapore is a supposed First World Nation , we are far behind many other nations in use of technology.
But we should not be surprised. PAP ministers have spent the last 30 years coming with various stratagems of cementing their hold on power instead of coming out with innovative ideas to move our Nation forward. They are still trying to persuade Singaporeans why it is necessary to have one-party rule and why only 30 % of students should go on to University education.
Don't be fooled by the spin my fellow Singaporeans. Behind the PM's words lie a party that is totally bereft of ideas of how to move to the next stage of our development both in terms of national as well as personal development.
Our National Day Rally is akin to the State of the Union address by the President of the United States. Imagine the American President giving a speech like what was delivered tonight. I think Americans will think that their President has absolutely no agenda to improve their lives. Dismal!



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Diabetes is a luxury illness.
A country with high occurrences of diabetes meaning the people have excess $$ to spend on food.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Nothing is going to change. Type 2 diabetes cannot be solved with a sugar tax anymore than lung cancer can be solved with a cigarette tax and liver failure be solved with a booze tax.

These diseases are all self inflicted. The change has to come from within.

Conclusion: PM is delusional & bereft of any ideas to move Singapore forward?


Honestly, Lim Tean's write-up is hardly qualifies imho as "great analysis".

A much more eloquent, thoughtful, succinct yet punchy piece was written by this young chap: https://theflipside.sg/2017/08/20/focus-insipid-ndr-speech/

"Even as we laud ourselves for our tech start-ups, especially those in fin-tech, the stark reality is that these start-ups are here because of generous inputs and subsidies by the Government. The Singaporean mindset, entrenched since the LKY era, is one that has always been more cautious and risk averse. Well-remunerated public service positions also hobble the entrepreneurial spirit.

There are many pertinent issues and imminent threats to the continued survival and viability of Singapore as a cohesive society and successful economy that would serve as better NDR fodder."

"As a First World country, we can afford to be compassionate and empathetic; we do not have to be so brutal to the lowest income strata of our Singaporean society.

Singapore remains an attractive place for MNCs to do business and is also a choice investment destination. However, should the political leaders and senior public servants opt to only focus on the rosy aspect of the outlook, we might find that one day soon, Singapore, encumbered by ever rising wages and rent, lacklustre productivity growth and a multi-tiered society divided along income and wealth lines, is no longer a special location in the global economy – that would imperil our economic vibrancy and continued prosperity."


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Alfrescian (Inf)
not sure if sinkies are taking vitamin d supplements, but if you do take vitamin k as well to go with d. it's like 9 in 69.