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The Authentic Forummer


Alfrescian (Inf)
The last time I brought up the concept of the "authentic forummer", Leongsam questioned what it meant.
To him, only the fact that there are more "eyeballs" matter, he didn't consider authenticity important at all.
Well, it matters to me, as a regular at this coffee shop forum.
In fact, it's even more important than whether we like each other or whether we agree or disagree on most things.

I'll try to describe authenticity using the 3 Ps:

1. Authenticity of persona - Except for a few, we are all using nicknames here and would rather remain annonymous. So nobody expects you to describe your personal particulars, job, education and family in great detail or provide a CV. But at least, don't bullshit about your persona, e.g. what you do, where you are based, what is your family or educational background, or even what you like or dislike.

2. Authencity of purpose - Again, there is no need to tell everyone why you are here. But at least, don't lie about it. Don't pretend to be here for a different purpose from your real intention.

3. Authenticy of post - Nobody expects every post here to be a ground breaking, earth shattering, enlightening, eureka piece of information which only you knew and you are now telling all of us lucky blokes. Humour and light hearted posts are most welcome. But at least, write from your heart, mean what you post and post what you mean. Don't bullshit others just because you want something, may it be points, popularity, penis envy, etc. Even if there's banter, mean it, and not because you want to make the post, thread and forum in general look as frivolous as possible.

Btw, would like to mention the forummer with the nickname elephanto. He previously made the comment "Be authentic!", when encouraging forummers to post what they really think, feel or mean. A forummer who is as authentic as they come, cheers to you bro.

Seasons greetings to everyone and please be authentic in 2013 even if you haven't been before.

wow interesting post here. :wink:


Re: The Authentc Forummer

And what is reality? You think what you can see with your eyes is real? Or a representation of what the brain tells you? Isn't that a form of "preception" as well? We live in a world where everything is man made, especially in countries like Singapore. The floor you stand on is made of concrete, the money in your wallet is man-made, the car you drive is man-made, unless you live in a cave, the house you live in is man-made. So again, what is real and what is not? This forum maybe "virtual" but we are also living in another "virtual" world.

It's impossible to have an authentic forummer in a cafe doesn't really exist in the first place.

The forum is a stage. The characters are actors. The background is a facade. The script may be based upon real life experiences but that's the only link this forum has to reality.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: The Authentc Forummer

:*:Honestly it all voice down to SAM BOSS.

This is my personal opinion only.

1. The only problems lies in TonyChat, KopiUncle, Kinnana.
Tony signature and curse of Sinkie has to go, he is either a Malaysian that can't get PR here so the hatred and i'm sure he's NOT a SG. Or Just a "BOSS" clone.

2. K & K are the Bastards, they are either PaPies IB or just Businessmen benefiting from FT Policies because they employ many FTs so they die die support MiWs, with Morals aside so they are polite
they don't post Vulgarities to cover up their immorality. They Post in every thread just to disrupt & frustrate forummers so newbies give up & leave this forum. That's their main aim. They don't
really fcuk a damn care about the 80 odds of the regulars here but the 1~2k Guests. They want newbies & Guests here not to learn about how bad the MiWs are. And again both or one might be
"BOSS" clone too.

3. People like Drifter posting copy/paste from other forums & when asked he said he just check online spelling only but when proved wrong he tries wriggling out. Or those who say stay here but actually there, Or those who say do business but cleaner or whatever fcuks.. IT DOESN'T MATTER ! We don't know who they are what they do anyway...... One might be Pinky ..how the fcuk u expect
him to own up ?

Only the top item 1 & 2 really matters. These people in 1 & 2 post tens or Hundreds of post daily ... they're preventing the people to know the truth & destroying the integrity of our people. If it's me I'll just close their account let them recreate & re-donate $$ to BOSS.

BOSS is gonna say "Freedom of speech". .. Ya, MY FOOT !

Freedom of speech only applies to true facts & not immoral lies. Zapping doesn't do fcuks if they're inf(P).

Look at the Points you will know who is who. Who the fcuks will donate 4 times 5 times ? Unless you have a stake here or Ulterior motive.

Just simple common sense. ;P :p:cool::eek:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: The Authentc Forummer

1. The only problems lies in TonyChat, KopiUncle, Kinnana.
Tony signature and curse of Sinkie has to go, he is either a Malaysian that can't get PR here so the hatred and i'm sure he's NOT a SG. Or Just a "BOSS" clone.

2. K & K are the Bastards, they are either PaPies IB or just Businessmen benefiting from FT Policies because they employ many FTs so they die die support MiWs, with Morals aside so they are polite
they don't post Vulgarities to cover up their immorality. They Post in every thread just to disrupt & frustrate forummers so newbies give up & leave this forum. That's their main aim. They don't
really fcuk a damn care about the 80 odds of the regulars here but the 1~2k Guests. They want newbies & Guests here not to learn about how bad the MiWs are. And again both or one might be
"BOSS" clone too.

Only the top item 1 & 2 really matters. These people in 1 & 2 post tens or Hundreds of post daily ... they're preventing the people to know the truth & destroying the integrity of our people. If it's me I'll just close their account let them recreate & re-donate $$ to BOSS.

BOSS is gonna say "Freedom of speech". .. Ya, MY FOOT !

Freedom of speech only applies to true facts & not immoral lies. Zapping doesn't do fcuks if they're inf(P).

Look at the Points you will know who is who. Who the fcuks will donate 4 times 5 times ? Unless you have a stake here or Ulterior motive.

Just simple common sense. ;P :p:cool::eek:

You must be a damned sore donor and forummer - full of spite, full of anger and full of desperation. I sympathise with you. I suggest you stop reading the posts otherwise you will land yourself in IMH for sure.

You indulged in too much intellectual dissection here. You got Kopiuncle totally wrong. You called me a bastard. Okay, you're entitled to your opinion. You should thank BOSS for giving you so much freedom and laxity to call Kopiuncle a bastard. I will not call you one because I feel that you are too immatured and too ignorant.It's not your fault.It's pointless to engage an ignorant forummer on such matters. It's just a waste of my precious time.

You are again wrong to accuse me of being a PAP IB. Please don't insult the world esteemed and world class PAP for employing and engaging a Kopisai to be their IB here.Look around and study the many intellectuals and smart alec here - they are the ones PAP will engage .NOT that Kopisai! Wrong conclusion!

Kopiuncle is a business man! Wrong again!!! Why should I benefit from the foreign workers here? I am already so old . Maybe gone by 2030!!! So you are WRONG ONCE AGAIN!!!

This is an open forum. You accused me destroying discussion and trolling. WRONG again. Did I prevent people from knowing the TRUTH? Please don't give me too much credit okay. You are wRONG again!!! dID i DESTROY the integrity of our people? WRONG AGAIN!!!

You want to close my account. Please go ahead. Be my guest.

You are one very angry, frustrated and piqued forummer. I suggest you calm down before you burn yourself. All the WRONGS you have given to Kopiucle. Need I say more about the credibility and integrity of your character?? Before you preach, make sure you are clean yourself. Before you made any accusations, make sure you are RIGHT. YOU ARE FILLED WITH WRONGS!!! Wake up to the reality of this forum.Open your eyes and don't shoot blindly from your hip.Cheers and Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!! HUAT AH!!!!!!!!!!