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New footage shows rocket fired from Gaza malfunctioned mid-air before striking hospital



An Israeli TV station has released new footage which appears to show rockets fired over a hospital in Gaza just moments before an explosion killed hundreds last night. It comes after Israel's military shared footage and analysis which they say shows they were not responsible for the horrifying blast at the Al-Ahli Hospital. The video clip livestreamed on Israeli television shows a salvo of rockets being launched before explosions rock an area claimed to be the medical centre.


Alfrescian (Inf)
A story like this has to be fake when it seems too good to be true. 2nd red flag, name of the channel - Daily Mail.

True Believer

An Israeli TV station has released new footage which appears to show rockets fired over a hospital in Gaza just moments before an explosion killed hundreds last night. It comes after Israel's military shared footage and analysis which they say shows they were not responsible for the horrifying blast at the Al-Ahli Hospital. The video clip livestreamed on Israeli television shows a salvo of rockets being launched before explosions rock an area claimed to be the medical centre.
The bungling Hamas jihadists murdered their own people whom they have been using as human shields in the past. Now they are trying to blame Israel.


For an explosive to kill 500 people and scores more injured, the bomb has to be massive.
Looking at the homemade water pipe missiles hamas lobbies over, the most heaviest explosive would be about 20kg.
For a blast to take out the hospital, at least a 200lb bomb is requires and hamas doesn't have that.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (Inf)
The West and Israel doctor videos too. Not saying that this is the case but we must not assume that Biden and Bibi are clean.


Has anyone considered the possibility that Nethanyahu planned this whole event from day 1 just to stay in office? Too many loop holes in the news presented


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
For an explosive to kill 500 people and scores more injured, the bomb has to be massive.
Looking at the homemade water pipe missiles hamas lobbies over, the most heaviest explosive would be about 20kg.
For a blast to take out the hospital, at least a 200lb bomb is requires and hamas doesn't have that.

The explosive barely took out the hospital car park.

The hospital and its surrounding buildings are still standing, mostly undamaged.

The 'massive' bomb creater a small pothole.


For an explosive to kill 500 people and scores more injured, the bomb has to be massive.
Looking at the homemade water pipe missiles hamas lobbies over, the most heaviest explosive would be about 20kg.
For a blast to take out the hospital, at least a 200lb bomb is requires and hamas doesn't have that.
J Andres Gannon, an assistant professor at Vanderbilt University, in the US, says the ground explosions appeared to be small, meaning that the heat generated from the impact may have been caused by leftover rocket fuel rather than an explosion from a warhead.

Justin Bronk, senior research fellow at the UK-based Royal United Services Institute, agrees. While it is difficult to be sure at such an early stage, he says, the evidence looks like the explosion was caused by a failed rocket section hitting the car park and causing a fuel and propellant fire.

Mr Gannon says it is not possible to determine whether the projectile struck its intended target from the footage he has seen. He adds that the flashes in the sky likely indicate the projectile was a rocket with an engine that overheated and stopped working.

Valeria Scuto, lead Middle East analyst at Sibylline, a risk assessment company, notes that Israel has the capacity to carry out other forms of air strike by drone, where they might use Hellfire missiles. These missiles generate a significant amount of heat but would not necessarily leave a large crater. But she says uncorroborated footage shows a pattern of fires at the hospital site that was not consistent with this explanation.


J Andres Gannon, an assistant professor at Vanderbilt University, in the US, says the ground explosions appeared to be small, meaning that the heat generated from the impact may have been caused by leftover rocket fuel rather than an explosion from a warhead.

Justin Bronk, senior research fellow at the UK-based Royal United Services Institute, agrees. While it is difficult to be sure at such an early stage, he says, the evidence looks like the explosion was caused by a failed rocket section hitting the car park and causing a fuel and propellant fire.

Mr Gannon says it is not possible to determine whether the projectile struck its intended target from the footage he has seen. He adds that the flashes in the sky likely indicate the projectile was a rocket with an engine that overheated and stopped working.

Valeria Scuto, lead Middle East analyst at Sibylline, a risk assessment company, notes that Israel has the capacity to carry out other forms of air strike by drone, where they might use Hellfire missiles. These missiles generate a significant amount of heat but would not necessarily leave a large crater. But she says uncorroborated footage shows a pattern of fires at the hospital site that was not consistent with this explanation.
I love intelligent analysis.
If the data is correct, this makes sense.
Let's wait until one of them admits to it.



An Israeli TV station has released new footage which appears to show rockets fired over a hospital in Gaza just moments before an explosion killed hundreds last night. It comes after Israel's military shared footage and analysis which they say shows they were not responsible for the horrifying blast at the Al-Ahli Hospital. The video clip livestreamed on Israeli television shows a salvo of rockets being launched before explosions rock an area claimed to be the medical centre.
The CCTV video footage stopped at 20secs while the YouTube video continues. That's not the explosion of the hospital. That's the location of when the rockets were fired. The video was obviously taken out context to make it seems like an explosion.