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AMK FIRE NEWS: LoanSharks, Pending Divorce The Cause???


Read the report. Many families are now like that.

Wife puts pressure on husband for more material wealth. Husband gambles, borrow money to shut up nagging wife. Get into financial difficulties.

Wife says bye bye, I want divorce.

My advise to husbands with wife that want material wealth to shut her up and not try to appease her. Seen too many of such scenarios in real life.

BTW, I am not saying this is the case in this AMK tragedy.

<table id="lhscontent" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="newsdetailpagetitle">Three dead in Ang Mo Kio fire</td></tr><tr><td>8 Nov 2009</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td class="newsimages" id="newsimage" width="380" height="260"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="396"><tbody><tr><td width="8"> </td><td width="380" height="10"> </td><td width="8"> </td></tr><tr><td width="8"> </td><td>
</td><td width="8"> </td></tr><tr><td width="8"> </td><td width="380" height="10"> </td><td width="8"> </td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr><td class="text">A 39-year-old Chinese man is believed to have set fire to his flat last night before falling to his death.

And his two children were also found dead in their flat at Block 543 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force or SCDF received a call at around 9.50pm last night (07/11) about the fire, which had broken out at a 6th floor unit.

Upon their arrival, SCDF firefighters saw black smoke coming out of the unit.

They had to force their way into the flat to put out the fire.

When they conducted a search within the unit, they found a 5-year-old Chinese boy and a three-year-old Chinese girl inside one of the bedrooms.

The boy, Savier Ng Wei Yi, and the girl, Cheryl Ng Shi Hui, had no pulse and were not breathing.

SCDF officers immediately performed CPR, but they were unable to revive the two children.

They were pronounced dead shortly after.

A resident who stays on the 11th floor and only wanted to be known as Mr Ng, said he went one floor up to alert his neighbours of the fire.

That's when he found a man lying on a narrow parapet on the floor.

Mr Ng said he asked the man to get down, but his warnings were ignored.

"I heard a lot of people screaming and with a loud "bang", I saw a lot of tiles falling on the ground. I walked out and saw the man from the 12th floor, lying on the ground."

Another neighbour, Lee Haw Nam, said he saw the police and SCDF officers trying to persuade the man to come down from the parapet shortly before his death.

"When he (fell), we saw a few figures trying to, leaning over the concrete to pull him up. But it was too late."

The man, identified as Ng Chee Kiang, was rushed to Tan Tock Seng Hospital where he was pronounced dead at 12.46am.

Neighbours interviewed by MediaCorp were shocked by the death of Ng and his two children.

Many described Ng as a friendly man.

But some suspected that he could have been facing personal problems.

Resident Abdul Manaf said he saw paint splashed on Ng's door on two occasions.

"In front of the door you can see the paint. From the loanshark, big words saying "pay me my money". Then don't know what Chinese dirty words."

Another neighbour, Ms Tan, said the deceased and his wife were having marital problems.

"I only know that they were about to get a divorce. I would see the husband drinking every day at a nearby coffeeshop."

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.</td></tr></tbody></table>


NO job, No family, No Possession.
Very sad but nobody need to die, not the children.
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Casino not even open yet there's already tragedies due to gambling.

There are tens of thousands of such cases in S'pore and I am not exaggerating.

The GARMENT already knew a few years back.

That is why they changed the LAW on HDB flats being untouchable from creditors to VERY TOUCHABLE

Where GARMENT got help people? They help themselves to kill you for profits.



Problem will get bigger and more frequently when the Casinos open for business.

IR at Marina looks like "three joss sticks", some say like tombstones

Casino not even open yet there's already tragedies due to gambling.


Alfrescian (Inf)
There are tens of thousands of such cases in S'pore and I am not exaggerating.

The GARMENT already knew a few years back.

That is why they changed the LAW on HDB flats being untouchable from creditors to VERY TOUCHABLE.
ya, man! ...

dey going 2 open ze gambling dens soon ...

dey wanna make u lose ur hdb pigeon hole back 2 dem ...
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Alfrescian (Inf)

丈夫火烧孩子跳楼死 妻哭晕现场


* 妻子破口大骂“臭男人”
* 邻居们时常听见他们吵架
* 百多名居民目睹男子坠死


Alfrescian (Inf)

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Problem will get bigger and more frequently when the Casinos open for business.

IR at Marina looks like "three joss sticks", some say like tombstones

Resident Abdul Manaf said he saw paint splashed on Ng's door on two occasions.

"In front of the door you can see the paint. From the loanshark, big words saying "pay me my money". Then don't know what Chinese dirty words."

dai yi long money is blood money...2 kids have to be scarified because of this..


Read the report. Many families are now like that.

Wife puts pressure on husband for more material wealth. Husband gambles, borrow money to shut up nagging wife. Get into financial difficulties.

you don't anyhow say, don't have comments from his wife...why he borrow moneys from dai yi long, gambling!!

why he gambles? because he's jobless and wanted more money...for what?

papers always dun report deeper...


her girl girl is so cute....sad....another girl girl died before because she played with her dad cigarettes...

ah! her dad was a Sushi shop manager. how could he even do such a thing to his own flesh and blood.



fucker should go and kill the ah long lah. since he wants to die leow, he should go and whack the ah longs for sabo-ing his life

kill his own children and commit suicide! what kind of fucking idiot is this man? &^%&^$%$@!$%


Alfrescian (Inf)
Blk 543, Ang Mo Kio Ave 10, where the two children's bodies were found.

Pregnant Madam Ong lost her husband, two children and flat. She could hardly walk or drink on her own as she viewed the bodies.

The charred interior flat


Alfrescian (Inf)
A walkway roof was damaged when Mr Ng Chee Kiang plunged to his death from the flat.

Venerable Shi Fa Rong performing some rites for the deceased.