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Is Fear of Muslims Rational?


After u take ur medication then i will talk to u. But i think it wont be long i will also start ignoring u. Wasting too much of my precious time. All repeated post/discussion. Yaawnnn....
m&ds time are precious? Tat will be the day. Anyway it's good to be Ignored by u n yr faggot lover the Prostitute Trader. Which means I am right about my postings and I will have the feel of the mudslime entitlement of criticizing others with no repercussions. Something mudslimes love doing.


Alfrescian (Inf)
m&ds time are precious? Tat will be the day. Anyway it's good to be Ignored by u n yr faggot lover the Prostitute Trader. Which means I am right about my postings and I will have the feel of the mudslime entitlement of criticizing others with no repercussions. Something mudslimes love doing.

I can see ur tails in between ur legs....run road leow.:roflmao:

Haha...typical MIW cronies. Ownself praised ownself:roflmao::poop:. Yet said he pro Oppi.:poop: But wait....ur The Hypocrite! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Keyboard Jeneral John Tan s/o Kuppusamy Vengedamuti (Muslim Body Count: 60, 017), I have told you before and I will patiently repeat it as I recognise you are not very bright. Here it is again:

In any exchange, the onus is on the person making a claim, to support his own claims with facts and figures. It is not the onus of the other party to provide these facts and figures.

You made this claim:
"I'm glad you support moslems who shut down churches and burn temples."

Because you have no brains and no balls and are basically nothing more than a fucking clown and a loudmouthed dumbfuck, I provided you with facts and figures. I then asked you to:
1. Investigate the number of churches that have been "shut down" and "burn down" by Muslims. (As you made this claim, YOU provide these figures, not me.)
2. Work out the percentage of churches "that have been shut down and burn down by Muslims" against the 5.5 million churches in the world and let me have that percentage.
Don't vomit out links and hide behind them to avoid answering simple questions. Show some fucking basic respect for yourself if you want to stop being mocked, ridiculed and treated like a brainless clown and a dumbfuck. Learn to stand on your own two feet like the Muslim Slayer Extraordinaire and big, brave and heavily bemedalled Jeneral that you are. If your flying unicorn can stand on its own feet, so can you.

I write as I please. I don't take instructions from fucktards like you.


I write as I please. I don't take instructions from fucktards like you.

Keyboard Jeneral John Tan s/o Kuppusamy Vengedamuti (Muslim Body Count: 63, 925), it's not because you "write as you please".

It's because you are fucking hopeless; a low-IQed loudmouthed dimwit given to shooting off your mouth but who is unable to prove what you say with any facts and figures when you are called upon to substantiate what you say.

Poor in research skills. Poor in comprehension skills. Poor in basic Maths skills. Poor in logical reasoning. Zero sense of reality. No sense of shame. No self-respect.

What the fuck are you good for aside from slaughtering Muslims and having sex with your unicorn on the pretext of retrieving your magical calculator from its arse?

This is the reason why of the Five Clowns of the Sammyboy's Echo Chamber, I call you the Chief Clown.

BTW Jeneral, how's your Manifesto coming along? And your unicorn pregnancy? Have you informed your wife that after last night, your unicorn is not just to fly you around to slaughter Muslims but is now your mistress as well?


Fuck the mozzies. They should all be banished to African continent and stay put with the niggers

You appear to have the fine qualities of a keyboard Jeneral so why don't you help banish these Muslims? Most importantly, you have the street creds as you have gone to prison.

You can start off as a runner to the Chief Clown, Jeneral John Tan s/o Kuppusamy Vengedamuti (Muslim Body Count: 63, 958) for a start.

In 12 months when his unicorn gives birth, you can have your flying unicorn too and be promoted to a full Jeneral.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Fear of all religion is completely rational.who wouldn't be?it's when stupid people gather in numbers to tell you insane things that otherwise wouldn't be the truth is the reality.


Shes ur Mdm. N ur an Idiot. Is she in uniform? Oh...Just one civil service woman wearg hijab n u claimed all muslimah do so too in civil service? U see. Lies n lies again. U r behaving like a retard each passing day.
Why must wear hijab ah?



Humanities › Religion & Spirituality
Does the Quran Require Women to Wear the Veil?
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Godong/UIG / Getty Images
byPierre Tristam

Updated March 02, 2019
One of the most visibly contentious issues in Islam as well as in the Western world is women's wearing of the veil. To western feminists, the veil is a symbol of oppression. To many Muslims, it can equally be a symbol and an act of empowerment, both for its explicit rejection of Western values and its implicit meaning as a status symbol: many Muslims see the veil as a sign of distinction, the more so because it evokes a connection to theProphet Muhammad and his wives. But does the Quran, in fact, require women to cover themselves—with a veil, a chador, or any other form of head covering?

The quick answer is no: the Quran has no requirement that women cover their faces with a veil, or cover their bodies with the full-body burqua or chador, as in Iran and Afghanistan. But the Quran does address the matter of veiling in such a way that it has been interpreted historically, if not necessarily correctly, by Muslim clerics as applying to women.

Historical Perspective
The veiling of women was not an Islamic innovation but a Persian and Byzantine-Christian custom that Islam adopted. For most of Islam’s history, the veil in its various forms was seen as a sign of distinction and protection for upper-class women. Since the 19th century, the veil has come to represent a more assertive, self-consciously Islamic expression, sometimes in reaction to Western currents—colonialism, modernism, feminism.

The Veil in the Quran
Initially in Prophet Muhammad's life, the veil was not an issue. His wives didn't wear it, nor did he require that other women wear it. As he became more important in his community, and as his wives gained stature, Muhammad began adapting Persian and Byzantine customs. The veil was among those.

The Quran does address veiling explicitly, but only in so far as the Prophet’s wives were concerned. The wives were to be "covered," that is, unseen, when in company of other people. Significantly, the Quran's requirement did not mention a veil as it’s understood in the West—as a face covering—but a hijab, in the sense of a "curtain," or a separation of sorts. Here is the relevant passage in the Quran, best known as the "Verses of the Curtain:"

"Believers, do not enter the houses of the Prophet for a meal without waiting for the proper time, unless you are given leave. But if you are invited, enter; and when you have eaten, disperse. Do not engage in familiar talk, for this would annoy the Prophet and he would be ashamed to bid you go; but of the truth God is not ashamed. If you ask his wives for anything, speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for your hearts and their hearts." (Sura 33:53, N.J. Dawood translation).​

What Led Muhammad to Require Some Covering
The historical context of that passage in the Quran is instructive. Muhammad's wives had been insulted on some occasions by members of the community, leading Muhammad to see some form of segregation for his wives as a protective measure. One of Muhammad's closest companions, Omar, famously chauvinistic, pressured Muhammad to limit women's roles in his life and to segregate them. The Verses of the Curtain may have been a response to Omar’s pressure. But the event closest connected to the Quran's Verses of the Curtains was Muhammad's wedding to one of his wives, Zaynab, when guests wouldn't leave and acted improperly.

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Shortly after that wedding, Muhammad produced the "revelation" of the curtain.

Regarding manners of dress, and other than that passage, the Quran requires only that women and mendress modestly. Beyond that, it never requires face or full-body coverings of any form for men or women.

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Alfrescian (Inf)
Why must wear hijab ah?



Humanities › Religion & Spirituality
Does the Quran Require Women to Wear the Veil?
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Godong/UIG / Getty Images
byPierre Tristam

Updated March 02, 2019
One of the most visibly contentious issues in Islam as well as in the Western world is women's wearing of the veil. To western feminists, the veil is a symbol of oppression. To many Muslims, it can equally be a symbol and an act of empowerment, both for its explicit rejection of Western values and its implicit meaning as a status symbol: many Muslims see the veil as a sign of distinction, the more so because it evokes a connection to theProphet Muhammad and his wives. But does the Quran, in fact, require women to cover themselves—with a veil, a chador, or any other form of head covering?

The quick answer is no: the Quran has no requirement that women cover their faces with a veil, or cover their bodies with the full-body burqua or chador, as in Iran and Afghanistan. But the Quran does address the matter of veiling in such a way that it has been interpreted historically, if not necessarily correctly, by Muslim clerics as applying to women.

Historical Perspective
The veiling of women was not an Islamic innovation but a Persian and Byzantine-Christian custom that Islam adopted. For most of Islam’s history, the veil in its various forms was seen as a sign of distinction and protection for upper-class women. Since the 19th century, the veil has come to represent a more assertive, self-consciously Islamic expression, sometimes in reaction to Western currents—colonialism, modernism, feminism.

The Veil in the Quran
Initially in Prophet Muhammad's life, the veil was not an issue. His wives didn't wear it, nor did he require that other women wear it. As he became more important in his community, and as his wives gained stature, Muhammad began adapting Persian and Byzantine customs. The veil was among those.

The Quran does address veiling explicitly, but only in so far as the Prophet’s wives were concerned. The wives were to be "covered," that is, unseen, when in company of other people. Significantly, the Quran's requirement did not mention a veil as it’s understood in the West—as a face covering—but a hijab, in the sense of a "curtain," or a separation of sorts. Here is the relevant passage in the Quran, best known as the "Verses of the Curtain:"

"Believers, do not enter the houses of the Prophet for a meal without waiting for the proper time, unless you are given leave. But if you are invited, enter; and when you have eaten, disperse. Do not engage in familiar talk, for this would annoy the Prophet and he would be ashamed to bid you go; but of the truth God is not ashamed. If you ask his wives for anything, speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for your hearts and their hearts." (Sura 33:53, N.J. Dawood translation).​

What Led Muhammad to Require Some Covering
The historical context of that passage in the Quran is instructive. Muhammad's wives had been insulted on some occasions by members of the community, leading Muhammad to see some form of segregation for his wives as a protective measure. One of Muhammad's closest companions, Omar, famously chauvinistic, pressured Muhammad to limit women's roles in his life and to segregate them. The Verses of the Curtain may have been a response to Omar’s pressure. But the event closest connected to the Quran's Verses of the Curtains was Muhammad's wedding to one of his wives, Zaynab, when guests wouldn't leave and acted improperly.

Grammar Tip of the Day
Discover grammar tips, writing help, and fun English language facts.
Shortly after that wedding, Muhammad produced the "revelation" of the curtain.

Regarding manners of dress, and other than that passage, the Quran requires only that women and mendress modestly. Beyond that, it never requires face or full-body coverings of any form for men or women.

Grammar Tip of the Day
Discover grammar tips, writing help, and fun English language facts.
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ThoughtCo is part of the Dotdash publishing family.

Ehh....where did the bible say xtian like u can go weekly pilgrimage to batam n kol girls?


Ehh....where did the bible say xtian like u can go weekly pilgrimage to batam n kol girls?
Wat does me living in Batam and having a harem have to do with mudslime demands of wearing hijab? Have to admit going out with a few hijab wearing ceweks n eating Bak Kut Teh really is very fulfilling. Especially when they enjoy it and drinking Bintang beer. Indon m&ds in general are not stuck up with halal this and tat.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wat does me living in Batam and having a harem have to do with mudslime demands of wearing hijab? Have to admit going out with a few hijab wearing ceweks n eating Bak Kut Teh really is very fulfilling. Especially when they enjoy it and drinking Bintang beer. Indon m&ds in general are not stuck up with halal this and tat.

So y kpkb. U can still have sex with indon hijab girls. They also drink. Eat bkt. N can also say ur a "muslim" too:poop:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Keyboard Jeneral John Tan s/o Kuppusamy Vengedamuti (Muslim Body Count: 63, 925), it's not because you "write as you please".

It's because you are fucking hopeless; a low-IQed loudmouthed dimwit given to shooting off your mouth but who is unable to prove what you say with any facts and figures when you are called upon to substantiate what you say.

You are a fucktard moron who supports terrorism as long as the terrorists are moslems.


So y kpkb. U can still have sex with indon hijab girls. They also drink. Eat bkt. N can also say ur a "muslim" too:poop:
Wow.. n Bagus is when my ceweks wear miniskirts with hijab. Really turns me on. N after the beers the sex is even better. If all mudslimes eat pork n drink beer the terrorism will stop. If only mudslimes embrace life instead of terrorism n disregard halal garbage. They might actually move up in life n not kpkb about halal this n that


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wow.. n Bagus is when my ceweks wear miniskirts with hijab. Really turns me on. N after the beers the sex is even better. If all mudslimes eat pork n drink beer the terrorism will stop. If only mudslimes embrace life instead of terrorism n disregard halal garbage. They might actually move up in life n not kpkb about halal this n that

Oh. So ur bible teaches u to go have sex with prostitutes...so ur life be better. Ehh...sermon just over issit?:roflmao:


When Muslims are a minority, they will play the race & religion card and be the victim, accusing those who dares to refrain them from appeasing their incessant Islamic compulsions.

But once they are the majority, the will fuck care the rest of the minorities and impose Sharia Law on the masses.


Alfrescian (Inf)
that is a question I would also like to hear the answer to as well.

Actually Islam will always be a misunderstood religion. So many questions to answer...till cow come home also cant finish. Now if u talk about Hadiths also cant finish. U must remember 1400 yrs ago and now.

Not just muslims. Some orthodox xtians also wear hijab lah. Tats why i told u right. Those retards like jt, the hypocrite (TH) are just like frogs. One croak...the other one follows. They just know how to copy paste fm the net. Why this why tat why huh....like retard!
