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Serious Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

SINGAPORE: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will visit Singapore in the next three months, according to a report by the Jerusalem Post.

The Israeli newspaper reported that Mr Netanyahu announced his plans to visit Singapore and three other countries – Australia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan – at a cabinet meeting on Sunday (Oct 30).

In April, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made his first official visit to Israel and met Mr Netanyahu as prime ministers for the first time.

Mr Netanyahu's planned trip, which would make him the first sitting Israeli prime minister to visit Singapore, is to reciprocate Mr Lee's visit in April, according to the Post.

The Israeli Prime Minister did not give the exact dates of his trip, the report added.

Speaking in cabinet, Netanyahu reportedly said his visits and other diplomatic visits planned this year attested to how Israel's international relations were flourishing, despite losing two votes in UNESCO on Jerusalem earlier this month.

“Israel's international relations are spreading in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and many other places,” Netanyahu was quoted as saying. “We realize that this development flows from Israel's technological and economic strength on one hand, and its security and intelligence capabilities on the other.”

The Post said Netanyahu added that this does not mean that “we are not challenged in international forums, like we saw in the scandalous UNESCO decision,” but that “there is no doubt” that in international organisations and even in votes like those at UNESCO, there has been a change.


greedy and cunning

Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

in certain area sillypoore has a strong hush-hush dark relation with Is Real.

nothing surprising about this visit.
foster international relations my foot.


Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

Which hotel do foreign dignitaries normally choose to stay ? Shangrila ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

i hope ISIS Indonesia branch celebrate this special event by launching a couple of rockets at MBS.

why does PAP love these zionist pigs so much and purposely antagonish our muslim neighbours.is SIngapore a rothschild colony?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

It will make LHL very popular with our neighbors in Malaysia & Indonesia. It may even attract attention from ISIS. I wonder if the plan is to create a mini crisis that will turn it into a case of Spore vs an external muslim threat :confused:

I really don't understand LHL. First he antagonises China & now he wants to antagonise our muslim neighbours:eek:


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

It will make LHL very popular with our neighbors in Malaysia & Indonesia. It may even attract attention from ISIS. I wonder if the plan is to create a mini crisis that will turn it into a case of Spore vs an external muslim threat :confused:

I really don't understand LHL. First he antagonises China & now he wants to antagonise our muslim neighbours:eek:

This is just about the worse time that he can choose
to invite the head Jew. Are you fucking kidding me? He has pissed off the Chinese, the Pinoys, and now all the surrounding muslim countries.


Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

It will make LHL very popular with our neighbors in Malaysia & Indonesia. It may even attract attention from ISIS. I wonder if the plan is to create a mini crisis that will turn it into a case of Spore vs an external muslim threat :confused:

I really don't understand LHL. First he antagonises China & now he wants to antagonise our muslim neighbours:eek:

LHL plans to create trouble with China, Malaysia and Indonesia so that Singaporeans will not focus on his failed policies and the economic problems SG faces?


Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

This is just about the worse time that he can choose
to invite the head Jew. Are you fucking kidding me? He has pissed off the Chinese, the Pinoys, and now all the surrounding muslim countries.

Distraction tactics to gel Singaporeans


Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

sigh another chaim herzog...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

they look like Mexicans, sans the skull-caps
date of visit tba, till mfa receives the sombreros :wink:

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

Wtf. I better be out of the country when he visit. No guessing what these crazy Isis will do.


Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

Distraction tactics to gel Singaporeans

Uniting the people is good. Do you want Singapore to be disunited? That sounds treasonous! :eek:


Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

open mob,silent mob..thanks but no thanks..PAP dug themselve shithole, defacate in it and now wants NSmen,Nsboy to clear the dump?


Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

We are surrounded by 200 million plus Muslims and we deliberately invite the Number One Enemy of all Muslims to Zikapore. The stupidity and arrogance of the pap is absolute. It is like a dare to all Muslims around us to do something against zikapore.

This is insane.


Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

open mob,silent mob..thanks but no thanks..PAP dug themselve shithole, defacate in it and now wants NSmen,Nsboy to clear the dump?
The last time Herzog came, he caused many units to be on stand by and many storemen cursing and swearing literally having to load stacks and stacks of magazines and tons of equipment. I remembered vividly cursing and swearing as we were all kept inside like deprive slaves for a month with booking out. Expect more nonsense for old Net; more sinkies serfs will suffer.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

We are surrounded by 200 million plus Muslims and we deliberately invite the Number One Enemy of all Muslims to Zikapore. The stupidity and arrogance of the pap is absolute. It is like a dare to all Muslims around us to do something against zikapore.

This is insane.

I was not aware that appeasement of Muslims made us safer.

Is EU today safer from Muslims despite EU becoming more pro-Palestinian?


Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

I was not aware that appeasement of Muslims made us safer.

Is EU today safer from Muslims despite EU becoming more pro-Palestinian?

Pisang, being prudent is not the same as appeasement. Why deliberately upset and challenge our Muslim neighbours and Muslims in zikapore. Your master is really insane.

greedy and cunning

Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

I was not aware that appeasement of Muslims made us safer.

Is EU today safer from Muslims despite EU becoming more pro-Palestinian?

use your brain a bit,
dont only think of money.

things happening in EU are going according to plan.

USAss - most powerful cuntry in the world ,
able to project it forces to any part of the world in hours.

yet cannot solves the middle east wars against so called terrorists with inferior weapons

EU - considered to be advanced group of cuntries
knowing very well that refugees are terrorists in disguise , let in millions of them.

“I am convinced that nearly all wars are caused so that someone will profit and those who profited and
those who are profiting now are the International Financiers, the Jews. Gather together the fifty most
wealthy Jewish Financiers, the men who create wars for their own profits,
control them and you will put an end to it all.” — Henry Ford

was it coincidence that so many jews were involved ?
The American President, Woodrow Wilson, was advised at Versailles War Conference by Jew Bernard Baruch, The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, was "advised" by Alfred Milner, Rothschild employee, and Jew Sir Phillip Sassoon - direct descendant of Rothschild, The French leader, Georges Clemenceau, was "advised" by Jew Georges Mandel

Rabbi Felix Mendelsohn : 8 Oct. 1942 where he states: “The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism.”

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was totally subservient the Jew.
Roosevelt was surrounded by plenty of Jewish advisors such as Bernard Baruch, S. I. Rosenman, Sidney Weinburg, Sidney Hillman and Felix Frankfurter.
That s y evil USAss got involved in ww2.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

i applaud sg and il courage. must show the region the middle finger and who's boss.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Israeli PM Netanyahu To Visit Sinkieland! SAF And Home Team Reservists Activated

I was not aware that appeasement of Muslims made us safer.

Is EU today safer from Muslims despite EU becoming more pro-Palestinian?

Why go around looking for trouble when Spore already has plenty of it:confused:
Our ASEAN neighbours are busy concentrating on developing their economies & what I see is LHL who is so free that he goes around causing Spore problems:rolleyes:

We are having so many problems with our infrastructure e.g. trains breaking down on a regular basis, defective brand new trains, dangerous elevators, ... There are so many other problems like Zika & dengue being out of control, unemployment, ...

I think a good leader should personally make sure his own house is in order before going around making goodwill visits. Don't forget that Prez Obama is on the way out & the americans haven't decided on who will be the next Prez. Israel might be a good friend but what can they bring to Spore to help the economy of Spore:confused: