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Punggol East By-Election Later News Update


Our swissbank is really a kum gong kia

Look below picture first before you say 25 years accumulated total salary $4.5 million dollars is alot ??


swissbank Maths FAILED...LOL

Lets calculate PM total income for 25 years.

25yrs x 2.2 million/annual = $55000000 !!

A Cool $55 Million dollars !

That is 1000 times or 1000% more than LTK !!


PAP = PAY AND PAY :biggrin:


copied TR Emeritius

A very horrible person:
June 23, 2015 at 1:16 pm (Quote)

Yee Jeng Jong,

I don’t even feel there is any opposition party in Singapore. WP is more like a PAP team B. Perhaps it is better to play safe, touch on relative unimportant issues such as hawker center cleaning, and very, very busy over town council management issues. WP never challenge PAP on sensitive issues like CPF.
Those are left to Roy Ngearn, HHH, Philip Ang, Andrew Loh, Chris K, Leong Sze Hian, KJ, Chee Soon Juan, and most recently Amos Yee.
Perhaps you are beholden to PAP for where you are today? Thanks to funding from Ngee Ann Poly, and revenue mainly derived from MOE, you were able to sell off AsknLearn and made a few tidy millions. The question is: What is the point in joining politics when you cannot make any difference? When the opposition has low ambition and low expectation and don’t speak out on major issues affecting the man in the street. Politics is for strong people with ambition to make a difference in the life of the people they represent.


LTK, please listen :

copied TR Emeritius

June 24, 2015 at 10:17 am (Quote)

I believe everybody, almost everyone, know that Amos needs some kind of help. This part majority of the people accept.
What is happening now is that because of culture of unbelief on whatever PAP is doing that created this negative but nevertheless concern of what PAP is doing on this teen.
Lhl had shown in the past how ruthless he is when dealing with any opposition. Not just politic oppositions but even Singaporeans who don’t agreed with him.
So now we have this youngster who completely stepped on not just lhl but it seemed the judiciary as well.
What to do with a wayward 16 yr old?
Every option is not right.
Maybe it takes a young boy like Amos to break the PAP.
BTW, if not handle properly, the reputation of singapore & very much that of lhl will be tarnished & P


PAY AND PAY some more

Poverty stricken SG50 pioneer generation citizen has not bathed in 10 years

Today 6:45 PM http://sgfuck.org/mybb/images/mobile/posted_0.gif Post: #1
forum456 http://sgfuck.org/mybb/images/buddy_offline.gif
Elite Junior

Posts: 2,678
Reputation: 5


For 10 years, 77 year-old Zhu Jin Yuan has lived without brushing his teeth, bathing or cleaning up the Txxxh in his house.

Neighbors living nearby know the man and his house by the terrible stench coming out of his 7th storey flat at Block 106, Jalan Bukit Merah. They also described the man as severely unkempt - neighbors have spotted large blood-suckinng ticks crawling on the man's body.

When the media visited the man's flat, reporters could smell the odious stench from afar.

According to a neighbor, 40 year-old Madam Lim, Mr Zhu has been living at the unit for over 20 years, loves rearing cats and usually spends his time sitting at the stone bench below his block.

The founder of non-governmental organization "Keeping Hope Alive", Ms Fion Phua, discovered the man by chance when her staff were distributing free durians for residents near Mr Zhu's block.

When volunteers eventually turned up at his house, what shocked her was the state of the man's house.

"He didn't even have a tooth brush or a bar of soap. When asked if he hasn't brushed his teeth or bathed in for over 10 years, he kept quiet and mumbled that he hasn't." Ms Phua said.

There were nests of ticks and other insects crawling around his dilapidated home, and Ms Phua's volunteers saw first-hand how ticks would crawl out and around Mr Zhu's body and clothes even as he walked around doing his daily business.

With the goal of helping Mr Zhu improve his personal circumstances, Ms Phua's volunteers set out to clean Mr Zhu's house and provide him with a much needed make-over.

Ignoring the stench, Ms Phua's hardworking and gutsy volunteers cleaned out Mr Zhu's home, bringing in stocks of soap and hygiene products for Mr Zhu's future use.

Ms Phua also realized that the man was having breathing difficulties, possibly from living in a dirty environment for too long, and arranged for him to visit a doctor.

Volunteers helped Mr Zhu get rid of the ticks on his body, using paper tissues to squash the blood sucking ticks on Mr Zhu's body, clip his toe and finger nails and wipe off the dried mucus and dirt on his body.

After discovering that Mr Zhu was rearing 5 cats in his home despite having no money for regular meals for himself, volunteers convinced Mr Zhu to give up his pets so that they could seek a better home.

All 5 cats were infested by fleas and were seen constantly scratching themselves till they bled. One of the cats has gone blind, possibly due to an untreated illness. The cats were handed over to Voices for Animals, an NGO animal help group.


Alfrescian (Inf)
We are 50! Fellow Singaporeans and friends, celebrate with your MPs and good neighbours of Aljunied, Hougang and Punggol East this special National Day. Collect a unique commemorative souvenir at the dinner!



Protected July 5th, 2015 | Author: Contributions

一旦法官的素质出了问题?主控官的素质出了问题?对于行动党来说,过去50年的治国法术将无法顺利进行。反 过来说,可能法官和主控官素质依旧,而是行动党法术的运用出了大问题,结果将会更加严重。当政治上出现新的 安排,新的常态,新的改变,行动党却拒绝顺应民情,以不变的法术来对付新挑战,可想而知,行动党的未来将是 何去何从。
余澎杉的案件,一拖再拖,表面是为了寻求一个对于余澎杉最合情合理,又符合法治精神的解决方法。细想一下, 这是不是法官的素质出了问题?如果换成一个圆通,懂得变通的法官,结果会不会像现在这样,成了 国际笑话?
如果这个案件在4月就结束,或者,迟一点,在5月的时候结束,事情的发展也不会越闹越大。现在,连联合国人 权组织都出来说话了。行动党可能没有想到,作为政府,也可以被告上国际法庭,罪名是违反人权。新加坡虽然贵 为第一世界国家,但是,在人权纪录和新闻自由上,和很多独裁政权差不多。有好些独裁者已经被告上国际法庭, 这点行动党不可能不知道。
国际法庭,当然有点说多了。行动党政府的国际友人还不少,不像其他独裁政权的国家。但是,国际民间的力量, 非政府组织的话语权,已经越来越获得各国政府和国际公司的重视,行动党头头还很可能一直想着50年不变的美 景。但是,作为国际世界的一部分,本身又是金融中心,行动党应该看到忽视国际上非政府组织的力量可能结果, 法术运用失效,将会带来更多负面的人权和新闻自由的报道。
为什么,过去50年,行动党的法术能够如鱼得水,顺顺利利的根据党的意愿来进行。而现在,却寸步难移,尤其 是李光耀过世后,法术的运用,处处碰壁,在社交媒体,在国际媒体上被围攻。很多人认为,现在的行动党领袖, 不如从前,因此,在法术的掌握上,在素质上也没得比。一方面技术和智慧不如前辈,一方面又不敢面对现实,因 此,做起法术来当然不能得心应手。
50年来,新加坡引以为豪的就是法治精神,似乎告诉人们和让人感觉到法律和司法制度的公平。这基本上也有赖 于法官的素质高。因为他们懂得遵循新加坡的宪法精神,在行动党领导下国会赋予的治国精神。以这样的精神来诠 释和作为下判的标准。再加上,主控官的配合,提供符合‘国情’素质的检控内容。因此,法术就能发挥功效,对 行动党的治国做出贡献。
所以,成也是法。50年来就是这么运作,不论三权分立,还是五权分立,法庭司法就是其中的 一权。这个权,根据人民行动党的说法,确保新加坡取得第一世界国家的地位。
50年来,法就是这么诠释,不论国内外人士如何批评,人民行动党作为政府,始终坚持没有改变,依然故我。没 有人能够动摇,世界上欧美的民主国家,也是睁一只眼,关一只眼。
败也在法,似乎说不过去。除非法官的素质出了问题,在诠释上拿捏的不够精准,下判的结果又被人指指点点,余 澎杉的案件就是一个例子。当然,主控官提供的素质建议,也会影响法官的判案。如,建议担保金的数目,担保人 的条件,建议进入青年改造所等等。这些都是法术的手段,但是,却是跟不上时代变迁的处理手法。难道,真的是 素质和法术都出现问题吗?行动党的法术专家,为何无法提供一套完善的策略?还是,在民意民情下,行动党已经 无计可施了。
李光耀才走了没有到几个月,法官,主控官素质就出现问题。这是巧合,还是行动党的不幸。还是法官的素质没有 问题,问题是这个‘法’的诠释,没有与时并进。一个少年被告上法庭,法官竟然以大人的标准来诠释。一个创意 的录像,被认为反社会行为来判断。还要加上精神问题的怪考虑。
为什么50年来,诠释法律,法庭根据宪法作为指导的判案精神,没有出现大问题,而偏偏50年一过,李光耀一 去,问题就出现。
因为人民要改变命运,改变过去认为不对的做法。而行动党的法术,在民意民情的压力和要求下,终于被一一的暴 露出来,让人看到法术背后的真面目。
是时候了,我们的法庭,我们的司法制度,要以当下的政治环境,年轻人的期待,老年人的寄望,还原法律,法庭 ,司法的真正精神。行动党的执迷不悟,只能把自己带入死胡同,陷入何去何从的困境。



Workers' Party is a hopeless, silent and fake opposition party.
WP under LTK is very arrogant and they taught that better than the other opposition party.
What had WP done these 4 years inside parliament????
WP no eye to see Amos Yee and RN been bullied by their PAP as WP is PAP 'B' Team.
Supporters of Amos Yee and all mothers living in Aljunied GRC, Hougang and Pungool East, please vote wisely for a real opposition whom really raise hard issues against PAP.
I dare to say WP votes will drop at least 5% in GE16.
Kick WP out and vote for SDP, SFP, RP, SPP.


Low Thia Kiang,
I think you are happy to hear that Amos Yee is now in hospital.
WP do not deserved to be voted in as an opposition party as they are truly PAP 'B' Team.
RP, SDP and even paster do speak up for Free Amos except you LTK, SL and CSM and all WP members.
WP deserved to be kicked out.
Opposition party, please have 3-corners fight against all WP.
Singaporean, vote wisely.


Roy’s articles resonate with CPF members!
Protected July 6th, 2015 | Author: Contributions

CPF members should remember that Roy’s defamation suit by PM Lee resulted from his speaking up on our behalf. The court case is a lose-lose situation for everyone – tax dollars lost in court hearing, PAP will lose even more votes and CPF members still can’t get all OUR money back at 55.

1. WP support our CPF min sum withdrawal at age 65.
2. WP MPs have no balls to confront the PAP
3. Disgrace WP former MP for Hougang Yaw Shin Leong voted for PAP
4. Taiwan, HK, Malaysia, RP, SDP members, SFP members, Rev and thousand of Singaporeans see the injustice of Amos Yee and yet WP MPs to remain silent just to protect their 16k.

During past election rally, LTK and SL talk so much but after been elected WP always keep silent.
LLL is a auntie MP whom provides organizing function for residents, free hair cut and durian tour.
Do residents of Punggol want a silent MP and collected 16k for this job.
WP is completely no threat at all to the PAP as all WP MPs have no balls to confront PAP.
PAP fears most is KJ, CSJ, TJS as they are the real and tough opposition.

To conclude, WP MPs are all useless, no balls MP and WP is PAP 'B' Team


Voice of Conscience
Protected July 7th, 2015 | Author: Contributions

Andrew Loh expressed frustration and disappointment that no MP, be it PAP or WP has made any comment on the torture, unfair treatment or cruel inhumane vindictive political persecution of AMOS.
I would like to share with him and all here why this is so. I was persuaded by many well meaning supporters and close associates not to comment or get involved in this Amos saga simply because they opined that I will lose support and votes from Singaporeans who may be either opposition supporters
or middle ground voters.


Workers' Party, please read properly

Why are you inside the parliament for ???
For fcuk sick just to collect 16 and to keep silent.
Shame on you Low Thia Kiang calling yourself opposition member.
Supporters of Amos Yee and all mothers,
Please void your vote in Aljunied GRC, Hougang and Punggol East.
You judge yourself to see WP is a useless opposition.
WP under LTK will not progress further as LTK has no ball to talk for you.


Now you know why WP kept silent in parliament !!!!
WP is PAP 'B' Team
LTK, SL, CSM and all WP members feel offended with Amos Yee 8 min video


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