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[Video] - Altercation between national cyclist and driver, witnessed by police


Alfrescian (Inf)
this is the kind of cyclist i encounter daily.



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Also, traffic rules stated very clearly that ...
8. Every bicycle shall be ridden close to the left hand edge of the roadway and in such a manner as not to obstruct vehicles moving at a faster speed.

That means if you are riding abreast with another cyclist, you should move to the left most edge to give way to fast-moving vehicles first and not obstruct them!

On a single lane road there may be a problem trying to satisfy both requirements but in the Singapore context, there is more than enough space for cyclists to ride two abreast as motorists can overtake on the outer lanes without any issues.

If cars are parked along the side of the road, cyclists riding single file have to give 1.5 metres space between the car and themselves anyway to avoid being hit by car doors swinging open. That pretty much results in the whole lane being occupied.

As cities advance and progress, more and more emphasis is being placed on cycling infrastructure at the expense of cars because it is the only way to go. Singapore will soon have to make the same transition so you might as well start getting used to it.



National cyclist in National Team Jersey behaving like this on the road ..........WHAT DE FARKKKKK!!!!! Now try to shame others when he probably provoked the driver first ........

VinCUNT is a disgrace to Sinkieland!!!!!!


fark you. who do you think you are? you are just a nobody here. don't come here to talk about right or wrong when you are so blardy blind although you have eyes. where were you when a cyclist riding on pavement knock down a pregnant friend of mine and cause a miscarriage? when have you seen a TP stoping a cyclist and issuing a summon for breaking the law like cycling against the flow of traffic, cycling across PEDESTRIAN crossing, cycling on five foot ways, cycling without lights at night, cycling on mrt pedestrain walks, etc. etc Zilch. never once in my 30 years of driving!!! you see all these bastards breaking the law everyday. never have a cyclist being hauled to court for knocking down a pedestrian or kid. if you are so smart, then tell me the reason as why to all the above happened????
once a cyclist cycling against the flow of traffic knock into my mercs and caused a deep gash on the bonnet resulting in a few thousand dollars repair. the moment I got down and ask him for his ID , he saw the damage and then quickly cycled away into a small lane to avoid responsibility. Tell me, you moron, how to identify him when no licence plate? are you going to pay for the damage caused by him?? stop talking like an idiot here. I have seen alot of these idiots thinking they are king of the road till a tipper come and crush them like cockroaches. if they want a lane all to themselves, fine by me but then petition the garmen to build seperate cyclist lanes like in europe. I sure they would back track once the garmen ask to tax them. do you know in germany , switzerland and in fact in almost all european countries, cyclists are required to register and have small plate attached to their bikes in some of these cities. in some cities they are require to buy insurance in case of accident against pedestrians. in germany and switzerland if any of them is caught cycling against the flow or across zebra crossing, the TP would issue a fine on the spot of at least 120 euros. I have seen it happened many times.
Here in stinkieland the cyclists know they are anonymous and there are no TP anymore that's why they act like a pack of idiotic hyenas picking on solitary motorist to bully them like above. Fark them. how come you never see these groupies cornering those big lorry tippers or prime movers?? that's because they know the ah nehs and ah tiongs give no shit and would run over them if provoked. at most a few weeks in jail for these ah nehs. so these groupies behave like cowards. so don't come here to pontificate like an idiot. I drive any how I like as above so long as I do not break any traffic rules and you can do absolutely NOTHING about it. so fark off and suck your thumb asshole

You just sound like a major loser with an ex to grind LOL!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
You just sound like a major loser with an ex to grind LOL!

The guy is talking through his arse. I've cycled in Europe and none of the countries I rode through required bicycle registration or insurance.

Switzerland used to require an insurance sticker but they did away with it 4 years ago.


The guy is talking through his arse. I've cycled in Europe and none of the countries I rode through required bicycle registration or insurance.

Switzerland used to require an insurance sticker but they did away with it 4 years ago.

You have only cycle in 1 country, that is SINGAPORE. Nothing else. :wink:

numero uno

The guy is talking through his arse. I've cycled in Europe and none of the countries I rode through required bicycle registration or insurance.

Switzerland used to require an insurance sticker but they did away with it 4 years ago.

you are the one caught bullshitting through your arse and your filthy mouth. obviously never cycled in europe, maybe you cycle in pulau ubin . hahhahahh .just like xebay11 who is a born loser and cannot even afford an economy class ticket to europe.
obviously you never cycled in europe so stop your bullshit. Here the PROOF of what I said.

here are the references from Munich town council.

Netherlands, switzerland, Denmark lithunia etc all have bike registration. even UK is going to licence it soon.

it lists the fines for cyclin offences
>>> ..... Some of the most common infringements and their related fines include crossing a red light either on foot or by bike more than one second after a traffic light has changed to red (€ 62.50), cycling along the cycle path in the wrong direction (€ 15), using a mobile phone while cycling (€ 15), traveling by bike on the wrong side of the street (€ 10) and not having lights on your bicycle (€ 10). If you are caught perpetrating any of these offences, the police will first of all tell you what it is you are being accused of, then either charge a fine (Geldstrafe), which can be paid on the spot if the sum is € 40 or less—after which you will be allowed to continue on your way......

in other cities failure to use the bike path - €20; riding without light - €20; riding on the sidewalk - €10; not using the right lane - €15; riding the wrong way on a one-way street - €20; riding in a pedestrian zone: €15.

so stop talking cock here. so go eat your own shit
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numero uno

You just sound like a major loser with an ex to grind LOL!

why you so sour grapes?You are obviously unhappy I fly private jets and get to cycle for fun in almost all te big european cities during holidays. I just post the proof of what I said to leongsam for talking crap. now you and him sounds like an idiot. like I said please back up what you claim with proof , otheriwse you and him lose all credubility.



On Safe Cycling Behaviours (DON’Ts)
  • Do not cycle more than two abreast in the same direction.
  • Do not cycle along the footway and on the expressways.
  • Do not cycle across pedestrian crossings and overhead bridges.
  • Do not cycle against the flow of traffic.

If the right to use the road depended upon the amount of road tax paid, then Ferraris and Bentleys could start demanding that Hyundais and Cherrys should get the fuck out of the their way.

http://statutes.agc.gov.sg/aol/sear...0 TransactionTime:20121218000000;rec=0#P1III-.

When Riding

29. Always ride on the left-hand edge on a dual carriageway but do not ride on a footpath. Allow other traffic to overtake you safely. Keep a straight course and avoid sudden swerves.

30. If there is a cycle track, you must use it.

31. Always ride in single file.

32. Do not swerve in and out of vehicles in traffic. When traffic is held up, keep your place and do not attempt to get in front of the other vehicles by weaving in and out of the narrow spaces between them.

33. Keep a safe distance behind moving vehicles. A sudden stopping of traffic will give you no chance to avoid a collision if you ride too close behind a vehicle.

34. Always keep your head up.

35. When passing a parked car beware of passengers opening doors. Allow a margin of safety when passing.


Totally agree with you, all these morons knowledge of Highway Code is learned from the play park in East Coast Park, they just anyhow create their own laws when it comes to cyclists rights.


http://statutes.agc.gov.sg/aol/sear...0 TransactionTime:20121218000000;rec=0#P1III-.

When Riding

29. Always ride on the left-hand edge on a dual carriageway but do not ride on a footpath. Allow other traffic to overtake you safely. Keep a straight course and avoid sudden swerves.

30. If there is a cycle track, you must use it.

31. Always ride in single file.

32. Do not swerve in and out of vehicles in traffic. When traffic is held up, keep your place and do not attempt to get in front of the other vehicles by weaving in and out of the narrow spaces between them.

33. Keep a safe distance behind moving vehicles. A sudden stopping of traffic will give you no chance to avoid a collision if you ride too close behind a vehicle.

34. Always keep your head up.

35. When passing a parked car beware of passengers opening doors. Allow a margin of safety when passing.


why you so sour grapes?You are obviously unhappy I fly private jets and get to cycle for fun in almost all te big european cities during holidays. I just post the proof of what I said to leongsam for talking crap. now you and him sounds like an idiot. like I said please back up what you claim with proof , otheriwse you and him lose all credubility.

Proof of what? That you are just a big retarded loser? I dun cycle in Europe and never claimed too.



http://statutes.agc.gov.sg/aol/sear...0 TransactionTime:20121218000000;rec=0#P1III-.

When Riding

29. Always ride on the left-hand edge on a dual carriageway but do not ride on a footpath. Allow other traffic to overtake you safely. Keep a straight course and avoid sudden swerves.

30. If there is a cycle track, you must use it.

31. Always ride in single file.

32. Do not swerve in and out of vehicles in traffic. When traffic is held up, keep your place and do not attempt to get in front of the other vehicles by weaving in and out of the narrow spaces between them.

33. Keep a safe distance behind moving vehicles. A sudden stopping of traffic will give you no chance to avoid a collision if you ride too close behind a vehicle.

34. Always keep your head up.

35. When passing a parked car beware of passengers opening doors. Allow a margin of safety when passing.

Hey idiot!!! I was not referring to this incident on single file or two abreast, I have no issues with that and for safety, definitely cycle single file on any road, law or no law, no point in being "dead right", there was another thread which dumb play park "motorists" here claim that they do not have to give way to oncoming traffic when filtering from minor road to major road, just because the oncoming traffic was a bicycle.


Hey idiot!!! I was not referring to this incident on single file or two abreast, I have no issues with that and for safety, definitely cycle single file on any road, law or no law, no point in being "dead right", there was another thread which dumb play park "motorists" here claim that they do not have to give way to oncoming traffic when filtering from minor road to major road, just because the oncoming traffic was a bicycle.

FUCKING MORON caught prata flipping. Your previous reply was to quote Leongsam's post which mentioned cycling abreast. Now trying to backtrack. WHAT A MORON. :rolleyes:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
FUCKING MORON caught prata flipping. Your previous reply was to quote Leongsam's post which mentioned cycling abreast. Now trying to backtrack. WHAT A MORON. :rolleyes:

Cyclists are allowed to ride two abreast. The LTA says so.

It also clarifies that it is permissible to ride 3 abreast when overtaking so in roadie terms, it means that a paceline of 3 or more cyclists can legally occupy a whole lane given that each cyclist needs a width of about a metre of road.

Here's the extract from their latest publication :

http://www.lta.gov.sg/content/dam/l...rt/files/Your Guide to Intra-Town Cycling.pdf


  • twoabreast.gif
    44.4 KB · Views: 2,405


Cyclists are allowed to ride two abreast. The LTA says so.

It also clarifies that it is permissible to ride 3 abreast when overtaking so in roadie terms, it means that a paceline of 3 or more cyclists can legally occupy a whole lane given that each cyclist needs a width of about a metre of road.

Here's the extract from their latest publication :

http://www.lta.gov.sg/content/dam/l...rt/files/Your Guide to Intra-Town Cycling.pdf

NO. Singapore Statues say cannot.

http://statutes.agc.gov.sg/aol/sear...0 TransactionTime:20121218000000;rec=0#P1III-.

When Riding

29. Always ride on the left-hand edge on a dual carriageway but do not ride on a footpath. Allow other traffic to overtake you safely. Keep a straight course and avoid sudden swerves.

30. If there is a cycle track, you must use it.

31. Always ride in single file.

32. Do not swerve in and out of vehicles in traffic. When traffic is held up, keep your place and do not attempt to get in front of the other vehicles by weaving in and out of the narrow spaces between them.

33. Keep a safe distance behind moving vehicles. A sudden stopping of traffic will give you no chance to avoid a collision if you ride too close behind a vehicle.

34. Always keep your head up.

35. When passing a parked car beware of passengers opening doors. Allow a margin of safety when passing.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
NO. Singapore Statues say cannot.

The statutes are either wrong or out of date. Time for you to update your brain and accept the fact that cyclists have a right to occupy a whole lane.

If motorists are not happy it's just too bad. They'll have to lump it.

numero uno

FUCKING MORON caught prata flipping. Your previous reply was to quote Leongsam's post which mentioned cycling abreast. Now trying to backtrack. WHAT A MORON. :rolleyes:

agreed with you. that farking idiot was always caught flipping and fibbing. no point arguing with him and leaong sam as they would beat you with their experience ie experience in bullshitting and expertise in idiocy.