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Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for him


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Firstly, when you debate gay Loong be aware of one thing. This guy's is an idiot. He is good in maths but not much else. He is not the mental equal of his father and therefore, Low should not be intimidated and give him the respect that he did.

Mr Low: Mdm, I wish to clarify a few points. First of all, the reason why I decided to focus my speech on constructive politics: Because I thought that was an important issue that we should look at. As what I say in my speech, Singapore is becoming more diversified, there will be different views, and moving forward, how the Government will deal and accommodate different views and different perspectives of Singapore. It’s important for us to move forward together as one united people.

I would suggest that Mr. low understand one thing. we can never be a united people as long as the PAP is in power. All the PAP has done is divided us between the have and have nots, the FTs and the local, etc. to think that the PAP can move forward with you and be a united people is to kid yourself.

Mr Lee: Mdm Speaker, I’m very grateful for the extremely reasonable explanation from the member. I hope he takes an equally reasonable approach when it comes to election rallies because the WP approach has been to be extremely reasonable – indeed low profile – in Parliament but come election time to turn into tigers and heroes.

Mr. Low, you never want the leader of the govt to say that you as an opposition party have been "extremely reasonable", and "low profile" in parliament. And is he right? what have you done as an oppo? other than the white paper on the 6.9 million population, you have voted for pretty much everything that the PAP has voted for. Do the words "fake opposition" ring a bell?

Mr. Low: We debate the policies, we came up with some suggestions but these are not bankrupting the Government coffer or suggesting to use the reserves.

Since Mr. Low nor anyone in the country knows how much is in the national reserves, why shouldn't the WP make any suggestions that it wants? For example, I have yet to hear the WP suggest that all CPF should be released at the age of 55, as per the original intend of the CPF. If the PAP thinks it will bankrupt the govt, then let them come out and say it. They will have to show why and how it will bankrupt the govt. All citizens would love to hear it too. In this, you have been too timid.

Mr Low: Mdm speaker, again I’d like to say the PM is reasonable to say that the WP may not be able to come up with all the alternative policies. That’s true. But to say that the WP has no position on major issues, that’s not true. I think we did state our position in Parliament. We debated major policies vigorously. We don’t oppose all the policies but where we think that there is a need for us to oppose and it concerns the future of Singapore, like the Population White Paper, we did so. So we state our position on important issues and we didn’t oppose for things that we think are doing right. Is that not enough?

Mr. Low, are you stupid here? Never ever admit that your party has no alternative policies. If you want some alternative policies idea, just come to SBF. How U can be taken as a serious contender to run the country when you have no "alternative policies". even if you really do not have them, don't ever admit it. The PAP will never admit a weakness, why should you? Even if you set your staff to sketch out an alternative policy without fleshing it out, you should still have an outline. U should have a staff member shadowing every ministry and cabinet position, just so you can have an alternative policy available.

Mr Lee: I think it is useful to bring it down to something very specific. Let’s come back to the Population White Paper. During the debate, the position taken by the WP is that enough is enough, zero growth. We have continued to grow; I have not heard the WP demand zero growth today. Do you still demand that or do you now think that we should allow SMEs to survive in Singapore?

Mr Low: We had made a calculation at that point in time while debating the Population White Paper and that if you continue to allow the foreign workers (FWs) to grow it will be untenable in the future population growth and thereby we decided that we need to keep the population number in check and one way of doing it, of course, is to freeze the foreign workers’ growth in numbers.

Our calculation was that probably within the existing number of foreign workers, you can still move (them) around in some sectors that don’t need so much of FWs thereby you can still get by with the zero foreign workers’ growth.

We understand perfectly the possibility and the trade-off. That is our position at that point in time. We have not objected subsequently, or grilled the Government, for why are (they) not doing it because that is our view, that it should have zero (foreign worker) growth, but the Government decided otherwise that’s their way of doing it. We have said our piece but we have to respect the decision of the Government to move on. But our message has got across. We cannot sustain continuously the kind of population growth plan the Government is planning and I’m glad to hear today that PM is saying that the Government is taking a very serious view the about tightening and watching the growth of population.

When gay Loong puts it to you like this, don't micro manage the reply. Instead, reply in a manner that will resonate with the population. When gay loong says "we have continued to grow", you have to ask him "at what cost", and " who does this growth benefit.?" You should have informed him that the only growth that the PAP has be responsible for is the growth of 2 million new jobs to FTs. You should have told him the so called growth has not benefited the singaporean men and women on the street. And that this growth has come at the expense of riots, crowded public transportation, expensive housing, etc. Under this circumstances, zero growth is better than the PAP's kind of growth. why bother to talk simi lancheow population white paper with him?

Mr Low: Mdm speaker, I disagree. This is not the mark of a sub-standard Opposition. This is the mark of a responsible Opposition not to jam up the Government; allowing the Government - after giving our view, debating it – allowing the Government to move forward, not to jam up the Government. It is a mark of a responsible Government and a mark of first world Parliament.

jam up simi lancheow, Mr. Low? You only have 7 seats in parliament. At any one time, they can steam roll over u with any bills they want to pass. U are but a speed bump. Your reluctance to fight the PAP on each and every front because you "do not want to jam up the government" is indicative of either your party as PAP stooges, or you are really clueless. The fact is the situation is very dire for many singaporeans, and for you not to fight tooth and nail against the PAP because you are afraid of "jamming" the govt. is really a stupid concept on you part. That is why I think you are a fake oppo. JBJ would have never stood there and took the beating that you did. I am a nobody, but even I could have put up a better fight that you. $16,000 a month is not easy money to earn, lets see you really work for it.
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Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

Ya the guy needs to grow a pair.


Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

Mark my words, LTK is biding his time. That's the smart thing to do. When the time comes, you'll see the tiger and heroes that Pinky was so sure they were not.


Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

Just for the record; the sacred cows we need to slay, more will build up as the opposition waits...:
Constructive politics Stink@poor style: in practise, looks like the operations of a criminal syndicate to me though...

1) [2006GE]: Admit to change goal posts to fix the opposition:
fixing opposition parties; actually just creating an authoritarian, monolithic political state, with little or no political vibrancy/choice...
(YouTube; LHL: "fix the opposition")

2) [1991 onwards]: Fill up parliament with overpriced puppet MPs in supersized GRCs:
'Without some assurance of a good chance of winning at least their first election, many able and successful young Singaporeans may not risk their careers to join politics,' Mr Goh Chok Tong, June 2006 ['GRCs make it easier to find top talent: SM'].
[Pict= [URL="http://www.theonlinecitizen.com/2012/04/disassembling-grc-benefits-pap-1/"]Disassembling GRC system benefits PAP (Part 1 of 3)[/URL]]

3) Run roughshod over any opposition and
a) [2011]: say whatever nonsense U want to explain getting your hand stuck in cookie jar more often than once...
"If the annual salary of the Minister of Information, Communication and Arts is only $500,000, it may pose some problems when he discuss policies with media CEOs who earn millions of dollars because they need not listen to the minister's ideas and proposals. Hence, a reasonable payout will help to maintain a bit of dignity."

b) [1997]: When bending the law for partisan gain, always good to have the Attorney General covering your back side:...
(Pict source)


Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

he should learn ftom the taiwanese

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/c5sjCwZGPjI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/qZ-hNVfTZqw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

TS i think u are a fake oppo as well,bashing oppo every which way and left.


Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

The PM was trying to corner LTK into firstly agreeing that the role of the Opp is to form the alternative govt; and then secondly, proving that the WP did not and could not do so.

This is the trap, and I could sense that LTK knows this and has remained calm and unagitated (unlike LHL). In fact, LHL came across as bullying, (like his father tho missing it by a mile), and unhappy. By sounding rational and reasonable, LTK may have lost one battle, but he certainly hasnt lost the war. People are watching, and they can see that the PAP is indeed the Big Bad Wolf and WP the little red riding hood. Sympathies are very important.

Wtf! After all, it was the PAP's bad politics and bad policies that drove the voters to put a bigger WP into Parliament. It wasnt WP's fault; they just were there at the right place at the right time!!!

So, Mr Lee, why such a sore loser and a sulk?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

I looking forward to see the attack ads in GE2016. I hope that the WP will wise up and hit the PAP hard with facts at that time. Do focus group to see which message sticks with the people.
There are so many issues that are of concern to the people which the PAP has messed up. Time for the kill.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

The PM was trying to corner LTK into firstly agreeing that the role of the Opp is to form the alternative govt; and then secondly, proving that the WP did not and could not do so.

This is the trap, and I could sense that LTK knows this and has remained calm and unagitated (unlike LHL). In fact, LHL came across as bullying, (like his father tho missing it by a mile), and unhappy. By sounding rational and reasonable, LTK may have lost one battle, but he certainly hasnt lost the war. People are watching, and they can see that the PAP is indeed the Big Bad Wolf and WP the little red riding hood. Sympathies are very important.

Wtf! After all, it was the PAP's bad politics and bad policies that drove the voters to put a bigger WP into Parliament. It wasnt WP's fault; they just were there at the right place at the right time!!!

So, Mr Lee, why such a sore loser and a sulk?

Totally agree with you. Trap aside, LKT knows that he can never win the media war per se. And MediaCorpse performed through to form - in all broadcasts, the PAP dog always has the last word.

His whole demeanour was calm like a Buddhist monk, a mildly smirk look on his face, with hints of facial muscles saying "is this guy for real?"


Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

Totally agree with you. Trap aside, LKT knows that he can never win the media war per se. And MediaCorpse performed through to form - in all broadcasts, the PAP dog always has the last word.

His whole demeanour was calm like a Buddhist monk, a mildly smirk look on his face, with hints of facial muscles saying "is this guy for real?"

When there's no opposition it does not matter how many mistakes the Government makes. If the PAP cannot win by pleasing people they will try to win by obliterating the opposition. Watch out for more ugly politics along with sanctimonious words. If the WP was aggressive like JBJ and CSJ of old they would get sued. If they acted reasonable they would be accused of having no position. Since the WP is not taking the path of aggression, it is clear what the PAP is trying to do. In the past they left it to their provocateurs like Vikram and Indranee. Now the PM is at it.

The PAP is worried. But they only need to get a few things right:

1. Jobs for citizens
2. Shelter for citizens
3. A dignified retirement

This would be the mark of a first world society . Instead we find Singaporeans increasingly scarce in the workplace. If the citizen achieves 2, then 3 is in peril. Since wages have stagnated for a long time, getting 2 and 3 is difficult. If we had a GE today the PM would not get a very good report card.

No government can be said to be a success when there is high forced savings/taxes and no social security. more so since the government makes the rules, controls business through GLCs and and all the levers of the economy.
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Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

LKT may not have been a school debater, Chinese or English but neither was Pinky--unless nephew is coaching him. But clearly, LTK play his stance well. Lee was all over the place.

If this was the British House of Commons, Lee would have lost.


Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

Firstly, when you debate gay Loong be aware of one thing. This guy's is an idiot. He is good in maths but not much else. He is not the mental equal of his father and therefore, Low should not be intimidated and give him the respect that he did.

Mr Low: Mdm, I wish to clarify a few points. First of all, the reason why I decided to focus my speech on constructive politics: Because I thought that was an important issue that we should look at. As what I say in my speech, Singapore is becoming more diversified, there will be different views, and moving forward, how the Government will deal and accommodate different views and different perspectives of Singapore. It’s important for us to move forward together as one united people.

I would suggest that Mr. low understand one thing. we can never be a united people as long as the PAP is in power. All the PAP has done is divided us between the have and have nots, the FTs and the local, etc. to think that the PAP can move forward with you and be a united people is to kid yourself.

Mr Lee: Mdm Speaker, I’m very grateful for the extremely reasonable explanation from the member. I hope he takes an equally reasonable approach when it comes to election rallies because the WP approach has been to be extremely reasonable – indeed low profile – in Parliament but come election time to turn into tigers and heroes.

Mr. Low, you never want the leader of the govt to say that you as an opposition party have been "extremely reasonable", and "low profile" in parliament. And is he right? what have you done as an oppo? other than the white paper on the 6.9 million population, you have voted for pretty much everything that the PAP has voted for. Do the words "fake opposition" ring a bell?

Mr. Low: We debate the policies, we came up with some suggestions but these are not bankrupting the Government coffer or suggesting to use the reserves.

Since Mr. Low nor anyone in the country knows how much is in the national reserves, why shouldn't the WP make any suggestions that it wants? For example, I have yet to hear the WP suggest that all CPF should be released at the age of 55, as per the original intend of the CPF. If the PAP thinks it will bankrupt the govt, then let them come out and say it. They will have to show why and how it will bankrupt the govt. All citizens would love to hear it too. In this, you have been too timid.

Mr Low: Mdm speaker, again I’d like to say the PM is reasonable to say that the WP may not be able to come up with all the alternative policies. That’s true. But to say that the WP has no position on major issues, that’s not true. I think we did state our position in Parliament. We debated major policies vigorously. We don’t oppose all the policies but where we think that there is a need for us to oppose and it concerns the future of Singapore, like the Population White Paper, we did so. So we state our position on important issues and we didn’t oppose for things that we think are doing right. Is that not enough?

Mr. Low, are you stupid here? Never ever admit that your party has no alternative policies. If you want some alternative policies idea, just come to SBF. How U can be taken as a serious contender to run the country when you have no "alternative policies". even if you really do not have them, don't ever admit it. The PAP will never admit a weakness, why should you? Even if you set your staff to sketch out an alternative policy without fleshing it out, you should still have an outline. U should have a staff member shadowing every ministry and cabinet position, just so you can have an alternative policy available.

Mr Lee: I think it is useful to bring it down to something very specific. Let’s come back to the Population White Paper. During the debate, the position taken by the WP is that enough is enough, zero growth. We have continued to grow; I have not heard the WP demand zero growth today. Do you still demand that or do you now think that we should allow SMEs to survive in Singapore?

Mr Low: We had made a calculation at that point in time while debating the Population White Paper and that if you continue to allow the foreign workers (FWs) to grow it will be untenable in the future population growth and thereby we decided that we need to keep the population number in check and one way of doing it, of course, is to freeze the foreign workers’ growth in numbers.

Our calculation was that probably within the existing number of foreign workers, you can still move (them) around in some sectors that don’t need so much of FWs thereby you can still get by with the zero foreign workers’ growth.

We understand perfectly the possibility and the trade-off. That is our position at that point in time. We have not objected subsequently, or grilled the Government, for why are (they) not doing it because that is our view, that it should have zero (foreign worker) growth, but the Government decided otherwise that’s their way of doing it. We have said our piece but we have to respect the decision of the Government to move on. But our message has got across. We cannot sustain continuously the kind of population growth plan the Government is planning and I’m glad to hear today that PM is saying that the Government is taking a very serious view the about tightening and watching the growth of population.

When gay Loong puts it to you like this, don't micro manage the reply. Instead, reply in a manner that will resonate with the population. When gay loong says "we have continued to grow", you have to ask him "at what cost", and " who does this growth benefit.?" You should have informed him that the only growth that the PAP has be responsible for is the growth of 2 million new jobs to FTs. You should have told him the so called growth has not benefited the singaporean men and women on the street. And that this growth has come at the expense of riots, crowded public transportation, expensive housing, etc. Under this circumstances, zero growth is better than the PAP's kind of growth. why bother to talk simi lancheow population white paper with him?

Mr Low: Mdm speaker, I disagree. This is not the mark of a sub-standard Opposition. This is the mark of a responsible Opposition not to jam up the Government; allowing the Government - after giving our view, debating it – allowing the Government to move forward, not to jam up the Government. It is a mark of a responsible Government and a mark of first world Parliament.

jam up simi lancheow, Mr. Low? You only have 7 seats in parliament. At any one time, they can steam roll over u with any bills they want to pass. U are but a speed bump. Your reluctance to fight the PAP on each and every front because you "do not want to jam up the government" is indicative of either your party as PAP stooges, or you are really clueless. The fact is the situation is very dire for many singaporeans, and for you not to fight tooth and nail against the PAP because you are afraid of "jamming" the govt. is really a stupid concept on you part. That is why I think you are a fake oppo. JBJ would have never stood there and took the beating that you did. I am a nobody, but even I could have put up a better fight that you. $16,000 a month is not easy money to earn, lets see you really work for it.

Your post and comments on LTK as timid is excellent...

I suggest you can sent your above comments or concern to the PMOs office or to LHL personal email which can be easily found on www.gov.sg directly... They'll sure be personel from the PMOs office to attend to your concern!!!



Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

Mark my words, LTK is biding his time. That's the smart thing to do. When the time comes, you'll see the tiger and heroes that Pinky was so sure they were not.

LTK bidding his time???

How old is LTK and how long have LTK been with WP??? How much more 4 or 6 years does LTK has to bid his time???? You mean the WPs will take over PAP when LTK is at a ripe age of 80 or 85 walking with a stick???



Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

TS i think u are a fake oppo as well,bashing oppo every which way and left.

TS is just stating the truth, nothing but the truth.... Indeed the opposition parties be it which party that everyone claims to be so GARANG looks like a mickey mouse in the parliament!!! Only fools n those who claimed to have seen a "BIG SNAKE PEE" will believed that the oppo will win a GE in 2016!!!!


Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

Stupid LTK should speak mandarin lah since he chinese helicopter from 南大, 用你較强的语言耒辯論,傻B干吗硬硬要speaKenglish.

It was clear Ass Loong was out for the kill. He won the so called debate. LTK looked weak and abit hum.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

I would suggest that Mr. low understand one thing. we can never be a united people as long as the PAP is in power.

You would think parliament is like this forum and you can ignore or infract the PAP supporters. In every constituency there is a hotbed of PAP voters that the opposition MP is sitting on. A few still misunderstand pleasing PAP voters as pleasing PAP. We will leave it to them.

other than the white paper on the 6.9 million population, you have voted for pretty much everything that the PAP has voted for. Do the words "fake opposition" ring a bell?

Still not true that WP voted against only the PWP. Let me just say that allies do not whack each other or bring each other to court. So the point is invalid.

For example, I have yet to hear the WP suggest that all CPF should be released at the age of 55, as per the original intend of the CPF. If the PAP thinks it will bankrupt the govt, then let them come out and say it. They will have to show why and how it will bankrupt the govt. All citizens would love to hear it too. In this, you have been too timid.

Withdrawing at 55 is not something WP believes in and for that matter, other of your favourite oppositions and myself also do not. We know there is something wrong with the transparency of CPF or there is too little retirement savings for Singaporeans, but many people use their CPF to pay for their flat. Withdraw what?

Never ever admit that your party has no alternative policies.

Read the whole paragraph instead of taking two words then whack. If you say your mother is not good at cooking, that doesn't mean you are saying your mother is not a good mother.

When gay Loong puts it to you like this, don't micro manage the reply. Instead, reply in a manner that will resonate with the population. When gay loong says "we have continued to grow", you have to ask him "at what cost", and " who does this growth benefit.?" You should have informed him that the only growth that the PAP has be responsible for is the growth of 2 million new jobs to FTs. You should have told him the so called growth has not benefited the singaporean men and women on the street. And that this growth has come at the expense of riots, crowded public transportation, expensive housing, etc. Under this circumstances, zero growth is better than the PAP's kind of growth. why bother to talk simi lancheow population white paper with him?

WP believes in starting with zero growth to stabilize the population, while you believe in growth that will benefit Singaporeans but crowd Singapore out further. Your premise and WP's premise is different, so why are you correcting the semantics without understanding what WP stands for first?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Sadly whole tone of the WP Low's debate is conciliatory, and I have some tips for

LTK bidding his time???

How old is LTK and how long have LTK been with WP??? How much more 4 or 6 years does LTK has to bid his time???? You mean the WPs will take over PAP when LTK is at a ripe age of 80 or 85 walking with a stick???

It is not a matter of how long or whether LTK is going to be there or not.