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Hacker Anonymous putting up threats to PAP government!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: HOT N SHIOK!! WAR declared against PAP GOVT !! V for Vandita

Sinkapore's TOTAL DEFENCE team will thwart any attacks, including online ones.

The PAPER Generals will take charge and overseen by a team of PAPER ministers.


Re: HOT N SHIOK!! WAR declared against PAP GOVT !! V for Vandita



Re: HOT N SHIOK!! WAR declared against PAP GOVT !! V for Vandita

Full transcript from the video:

We are Anonymous and we believe that we have your undivided attention.

We also believe that you have had the pleasure of meeting our comrade The Messiah, who demonstrated what a single Anon could do to your so call technologically advanced island.
Now allow us to explain the objective of our recent invasions.

The secondary objective was to welcome you to the new rule where ignoring the issues of your citizens will not go ignored by Anonymous. We advise you to stop feigning ignorance and serve the people.

Any form of arrogant and ignorant statement from a person of position towards the people will not go ignored by Anonymous.

Have you forgotten who you work for? Traditionally the workers respect the boss. Let us stick to tradition.

But the primary objective of our invasion was to protest the implementation of the internet licensing framework by giving you a sneak peak of the state of your cyberspace if the ridiculous, communistic, oppressive and offensive framework gets implemented.

Did i mention the previous hacks was executed by a single
Anonymous member?

Now close your eyes and imagine a legion of Anonymous unleashed upon your tiny little island and infrastructures. It will be like dipping yourselves into a pool of piranhas.

We have faced much larger and more secured corporations such as the F.B.I & the NSA.

Do you think the I.D.A will be a problem for us?

After all, security is just an illusion against time and temporary ignorance.

So mark our words when we say that we Anonymous stand firm on our belief that no Government has the right to deprive their citizens the freedom of information.

No one has the right to tell an individual what he can or cannot read or write.

This is a basic fundamental of democracy and we will use everything in our resources to protect it at all cost.

We demand you reconsider the regulations of your framework or we will be forced to go to war with you. For every single time you deprive a citizen his right to information, we will cost you financial loss by aggressive cyber intrusion. An intrusion your $130 million cyber security will not be able to stop.

After all how do you stop an idea?

You may be ambitious enough to try and stop us but remember, the people you are after are the people you depend on:

we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we teach your children, we pay your high salaries, we feed your families, we guard you while you sleep!

It is not wise to piss us off.

And finally we call upon our fellow Singaporean brothers and sisters to join our protest by dressing fully in black & red on the 5th of November to paint your streets with the colors that represent the current Singaporeans emotion.

We urge you to black out your FB profile picture for a day along with the status message:

I am a Singaporean and i had enough of being oppressed! I want my freedom back!!

Anonymous will be making a virtual protest by your side.

Let us demonstrate our frustrations in organized unseen unity that may live a thousand years. This action might not make a political change but it is the first step towards the mental conditioning needed to achieve our goals.

Remember, remember. The fifth of November.

We are anonymous, we are legion.
We do not forgive, we do not forget.
Expect Us!

(Editing by Josh Horwitz)

我爸是李肛=Ass Loong

Re: HOT N SHIOK!! WAR declared against PAP GOVT !! V for Vandita

I gaving the fucking MSK ISD 7 days to save my fucking ass from this or their fucking heads rolls. CB!


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Re: HOT N SHIOK!! WAR declared against PAP GOVT !! V for Vandita

Singapore's cyber defence firepower gets $130m boost
Funds will support research to make networks, IT systems more secure


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: HOT N SHIOK!! WAR declared against PAP GOVT !! V for Vandita

This is just let like old time black shirt protest. Now is black Facebook photo?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: HOT N SHIOK!! WAR declared against PAP GOVT !! V for Vandita

Sinkapore's TOTAL DEFENCE team will thwart any attacks, including online ones.

The PAPER Generals will take charge and overseen by a team of PAPER ministers.

They are twerts and twart nothing.
They know only how to steal toothpicks, steal billions from us to be paid millions by that fucking smear of shit on sole of shoe LKY

They are what sinkies deserved for not having the balls and for being stupid to vote and vote for those walking bags of excrement

Maybe sinkies and PAP made for each other, one to stay head down down and arseholes up high high and PAP to fuck and screw them in the way they deserved


Super Moderator
Re: HOT N SHIOK!! WAR declared against PAP GOVT !! V for Vandita

This is just let like old time black shirt protest. Now is black Facebook photo?


last read the TRS that ST got hacked...

ps: anyone with problems with Internet Banking with UOB now? want to transfer money also cannot log in... &^%$*^%@
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: HOT N SHIOK!! WAR declared against PAP GOVT !! V for Vandita

This type of thing, ball-less sinkie shit Zeddy will not understand, that sinkie cock only know how to stand one corner and wait for 2016.

protest and civil disobedience need creativity and brains to carry out, waiting for 2016 no need a brain, need an ass only. No wonder Zeddy loves it. Plus there is no risk by waiting for 2016..oh yes, ball-less shit loser do not dare to take risk..


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The effect would have been better if they post their message on straitstimes or channel news asia website.



His message

For Greetings Irene Tham & Straitstimes.com,

I am The Messiah from the Anonymous Collective. We are a decentralized non-violent resistance movement, which seeks to restore the rule of law and fight back against the organized criminal class. We oppose any form of internet censorship among other things.

Allow me to explain our intrusion.

Earlier today upon discovering the existence of a Youtube video of ours (click here), a straitstimes correspondent by the name of Irene Tham chose to publicize an article distorting our words and intentions (click here). She chose to conveniently modify the sentence "war against the Singapore Government" into "war against Singapore".

That in our opinion can be very misleading and unfortunately we suspect that must have been her intentions. Look what she made us do!

Irene Tham, since you had the ignorant nerve of invading our world (the internet) to speak blasphemous lies, then we took it upon ourselves to invade your tiny little space to voice our issues over a few matter. We sincerely hope you wont mind.


1) So dear SPH, in regards to Irene Tham, we will give her 48 hours to make an apology to the citizens of Singapore for trying to mislead them with her hate. In the event she refuses to apologize then we expect her resignation. If those demands are met we will be on our way. But in the event our demands are not met in the next 48 hours, we will place you in our "to do" list and next time you wont be let off this easy.

2) Next we would like the attention of the PAP community foundation that was involved with the baby scalding incident. We demand that you make known to the public your investigation details and discoveries. We advise you to do that before attempting to reappear on the internet. This is to save yourselves the trouble of taking it down again.

3) To those disappointed in us for not intervening in the Dhinesh Chandran case, allow us to explain. Anonymous have been watching this case for a while now. We feared that our aggressive protesting methods could affect the verdict of the appeal. This can be very disastrous if miscalculated. So now, Anonymous would like to appeal on behalf of the mother of Dhinesh Chandaran to the High Courts and AGC to give her the closure she requires.

Your verdict will demonstrate the level of humanity our justice system has on the low & middle class citizens. We will be watching, that we promise.

4) In regards to the murder of Tammy the puppy by Dr Esmee Koh from The Animal Clinic. All we can say to Dr Esmee Koh is that you are fucked. This we take personally and we have decided to attack you in ways you least expect. Making it a touch more personal. Stay excited!

5) In regards to CHC and Pastor Satan Kong Hee, we have time.

6) Finally to the Singaporeans who are behind us, we salute you! For the rest who are more distracted on unnecessary details such as deciphering the software we use, graphic we use or criticizing our skill sets. We genuinely sympathize with your inability to see the bigger picture and also your deep seeding insecurities. Nonetheless, we will fight on the behalf of your freedom.

The media has also misled our intentions by stating that we had plans to attack the infrastructure of Singapore on the 5th of November. That is ONLY our intention if the internet framework gets implemented. Not otherwise.

Instead on the 5th of November, we shall paint the streets red and black with our attires and when you see your fellow comrades in black and red, smile and shake their hand. Let us use that day to demonstrate our new undivided unity even in the amidst of all our differences. This is a very important stage in regaining your freedom.

Join us!
the people.:
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
where is equalisation?

they might hack the cpf and he will get his cpf instantly.






woah... the shit just got real...

Even straits time tio hack. Anonymous not fucking around! I wonder how our boyz in bluez gonna handle this...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singapore is now consulting with China on how to deal with the situation, at the same time, a large sum of money is readied to be flown across to Russia.
Intelligence sources tell me that Americans are involved as well in Operation Find-The-Anon-Assholes.

Financial losses over hacking is a big no no.

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Alfrescian (Inf)
where is equalisation?

they might hack the cpf and he will get his cpf instantly.

Please spare the old man from a heart attack!, to discover that his retirement money on paper shows, 999,999.99 but actually it is only 0.99cts, the balance...erh!??? :biggrin:


Re: HOT N SHIOK!! WAR declared against PAP GOVT !! V for Vandita

“We demand you reconsider the regulations of your framework or we will be forced to go to war with you. For every single time you deprive a citizen his right to information, we will cost you financial loss by aggressive cyber intrusion. An intrusion your $130 million cyber security will not be able to stop.”

Hackers wouldn't ask zheng hu to reconsider. Hackers have better english.