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Fuck the ruling party for overcrowding this tiny island!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
weekends everywhere crowded
tuesdays pls avoid all the fairprice supermarkets
people people people everywhere
business is booming
economy is booming
but people get very stressed and piqued....
and the cost of living also booming


Alfrescian (Inf)
weekends everywhere crowded
tuesdays pls avoid all the fairprice supermarkets
people people people everywhere
business is booming
economy is booming
but people get very stressed and piqued....
and the cost of living also booming

be careful, your hemorrhoids may boom also, but borrow an extra absorbent lining from iluvsingapura can help a bit.


Alfrescian (Inf)
weekends everywhere crowded
tuesdays pls avoid all the fairprice supermarkets
people people people everywhere
business is booming
economy is booming
but people get very stressed and piqued....
and the cost of living also booming

is this good or bad?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
is this good or bad?

good for business
bAd for the ordinary singaporeans who want to spend
a peaceful and quiet weekend
what to do if no people , no business
no business, economy down.
if economy down everything spirals down
so there must be a balance
i think the number of immigrants has dwindled
less china meimeis around


Alfrescian (Inf)
good for business
bAd for the ordinary singaporeans who want to spend
a peaceful and quiet weekend
what to do if no people , no business
no business, economy down.
if economy down everything spirals down
so there must be a balance
i think the number of immigrants has dwindled
less china meimeis around

so we need more and more ppl for business and for the economy to grow right?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
so we need more and more ppl for business and for the economy to grow right?
some shops in the heartlands already empty
many have given up because business is bad
rentals sky high....no people no business
yes,we do need the numbers...but of course there need to be a balance
many market stalls and food stalls thrive on foreign workers
little india is a boom town now


partly blame the dispora migrating Singapore in the past 20 years. PAP panic so many SInkies leaving and screwed up your life big time replacing more than those leaving.

10 years ago less people, less cars and less traffic lah
of course when a city grows, parking is a problem everywhere
try parking in downtown Chicago...and compare your parking fee here ?
you will faint and collapse..even the americans don't park their cars in the city centre...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Come to think of it, it's even more stupid to queue 30 minutes for a lot. Park some distance away and walk...

Singaporeans and their cars make me want to vomit sometimes.

In sinkieland car is only useful during night time maybe after 9pm. After midnight is best form of transport.
During day time only morons will insist to drive and kpkb about parking, jam etc. Night time anywhere also can park.


Alfrescian (Inf)
some shops in the heartlands already empty
many have given up because business is bad
rentals sky high....no people no business
yes,we do need the numbers...but of course there need to be a balance
many market stalls and food stalls thrive on foreign workers
little india is a boom town now

talk cock, foreign workers still cumming in slower rate, and not dropping.

so spending should at the least be same,

you are trying to be 156th, is it??????


partly blame the dispora migrating Singapore in the past 20 years. PAP panic so many SInkies leaving and screwed up your life big time replacing more than those leaving.

you cannot blame them for emigrating. each one of them had to make a tough choice to leave their comfort zones.

the problem with the government is that played it too safe - making sure there was adequate headcount before increasing infrastructure capacity. remember the white elephant campaign by a bunch of school girls?

its hard to deny the direct correlation between increasing immigrants and economic growth. if they fix the infrastructure and social fabric, regain the trust of the people, then we can push on as a nation towards greater heights.

i hope this temporary respite will be put to good use to forge a new compact with the citizens, old and new.

maybe its time we re-claimed christmas island from the aussies. i'm sure we could make the aussies an offer they couldnt refuse for that worthless rock.


I considered Singapore overcrowded already during the nineties while stuck in heavy traffic, but all urban cities the world over are crowded. NYC, Toronto, Frisco, London, Rome, Tokyo, Jakarta, KL, Sydney, all have seen increased human invasions, all have experienced increase property prices, it's a worldwide happening. Singapore's case is unique in that her citizens do not have a choice of a countryside getaway without leaving the country. On this, you can't blame the government, it just happens to be a factor inherent for Singapore. What can the government do? What can the people do? Just toleratte and live with it. Make adjustments where necessary. Even if you blame the gahmen, what can they do about it? I work in Tuas; looking around at the shipyard workers, metalworking and other heavy industries, I don't see local boys doing the work, and I don't see my aunts and uncles encouraging their children into this kind of work, yet somebody's got to do it. Back to the East where I live, foreign maids are the ones walking the pedigree dogs owned by Singaporeans. Yes, Singaporeans are overpaying for progress.

I agree with you that the current model of economy based on growth is not sustanaible, but none of us are so big that we can change the rules of the game, so just do what we can, pay our taxes, and keep our fingers crossed that we will not be left behind. The rest is beyond us.

Fren, I am not the top 20%, just part of the working crowd. I have to face my day to day struggles like the rest of working peoples in the world. Lucky in that my parents emphasised on education during student days so that I had a decent chance in this world when I started work.

I don't look up to gahmen, but I do not despise them either, just take it that society has put them there, and they should never forget that.


Kawan, it wasn't that bad until they let in the millions of foreigners.

If we don't blame government, who do we hold accountable? Can we drive the foreigners away?

We are overpaying for progress! And we are having the wrong kind of progress, a growth that is not sustainable. Folks like you in the top 20 percent can shrug your shoulders coz you have the means to avoid the negatives ...not the 80 percent below.


Yes. To many people, Singapore was much more livable during the seventies. You played golf back then? I was only a teeny bopper then (seventies), and Orchard Road was, well for me, motorcycle racing. I wasn't into the nightclub scene, and hungout more at sarabat stalls then. If I go to the malls to shop, it'd be at Parkway Parade, I suppose every other mall is more or less same same, bigger or smaller only. SICC is nice, I don't play golf, however the chicken rice at SICC is good.


Fren, when I joined the SICC I only paid $2000 entrance fee for my full ordinary membership.

I've lived in the Orchard Rd vicinity since the 70's and I've seen how the situation has rapidly deteriorated to what it is today.


Thanks for your kind wishes.

No, I do not see myself in the same boat as others, however I am an ordinary working class bloke who faces the same struggles as many others. Sometimes I choose to take a different route, that's all. Win some, lose some, screw up some.


good luck to you, so you talk as though all others are in the same boat as you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dear All

The PAP is still fixated on the old school of GDP measurement of a country's success and therefore the minsters' pay. This is a naive and outdated model. PM LHL should upgrade himself to stay relevant.

GDP = Govt Spending + Exports + Private Investments + Consumption.

There is how much a Govt can spend (widening CTE, PIE, digging holes here and there); exports are down with the strong SGD, Private Investments (other countries are catching up). The GDP is shrinking. The aim of the white paper is to boost Consumption; ie, by importing more FTrash.

In our immigration policy, I think we should differentiate between JOB AND WEALTH CREATORS vs LOWLY SKILLED WORKERS and JOB COMPETITORs. I am in if we are getting in the right people, like the next Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Kuek Leng Beng or Li Kah Hsing, etc, that helps to create jobs and opprtunities for S'poreans. However, I think we should avoid the Indian and Bangla Shitskins, Burnese, Vietnamese, and Pinoys, etc, ie, robbers, cheats and prostitutes, etc. These lowly third world fucktards are eating into our country's limited resources (eg: MRT and HDBs), and in reality dont contribute much, and yet many are complaining about S'pore no good here and there, and expensive! Such ingrates should be sent back to their shitholes.

Meantime, I think PM LHL should not only be talking about enhancing social safety net, but rather, look at ways to help upgrade and equip lower paid Sporeans to upgrade their skills and compete better in more high tech and knowledge-based areas and jobs. More study and upgrading grants can be given to S'poreans.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This is why I like NZ. 99% of the time, I can get a free parking spot just outside the shop or restaurant I'm visiting.

The only place where you're likely to be charged for parking is in the city centre.

In most Western countries, a car is a necessity like food and water. Most people living in the suburbs and countryside can't live without a car.

In most Asian countries, a car is a status symbol as it's almost impossible to find a parking spot when they have reached the shopping centers due to overcrowding in most Asian cities. The wealthy don't have to worry about finding parking spaces as they have drivers to drop them off and pick them up at designated areas. It's the middle class people who own cars for status' sake but can't afford to have drivers that whines about not being able to find parking spaces.
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cars are passe. this is the future of autonomous mobility:


In most Western countries, a car is a necessity like food and water. Most people living in the suburbs and countryside can't live without a car.

In most Asian countries, a car is a status symbol as it's almost impossible to find a parking spot when they have reached the shopping centers due to overcrowding in most Asian cities. The wealthy don't have to worry about finding parking spaces as they have drivers to drop them off and pick them up at designated areas. It's the middle class people who own cars for status' sake but can't afford to have drivers that whines about not being able to find parking spaces.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dear All

The PAP is still fixated on the old school of GDP measurement of a country's success and therefore the minsters' pay. This is a naive and outdated model. PM LHL should upgrade himself to stay relevant.

GDP = Govt Spending + Exports + Private Investments + Consumption.

There is how much a Govt can spend (widening CTE, PIE, digging holes here and there); exports are down with the strong SGD, Private Investments (other countries are catching up). The GDP is shrinking. The aim of the white paper is to boost Consumption; ie, by importing more FTrash.

In our immigration policy, I think we should differentiate between JOB AND WEALTH CREATORS vs LOWLY SKILLED WORKERS and JOB COMPETITORs. I am in if we are getting in the right people, like the next Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Kuek Leng Beng or Li Kah Hsing, etc, that helps to create jobs and opprtunities for S'poreans. However, I think we should avoid the Indian and Bangla Shitskins, Burnese, Vietnamese, and Pinoys, etc, ie, robbers, cheats and prostitutes, etc. These lowly third world fucktards are eating into our country's limited resources (eg: MRT and HDBs), and in reality dont contribute much, and yet many are complaining about S'pore no good here and there, and expensive! Such ingrates should be sent back to their shitholes.

Meantime, I think PM LHL should not only be talking about enhancing social safety net, but rather, look at ways to help upgrade and equip lower paid Sporeans to upgrade their skills and compete better in more high tech and knowledge-based areas and jobs. More study and upgrading grants can be given to S'poreans.

I agree with you on the PROPER SELECTION PROCESS for immigrants, workers and new citizens.

Argo is not sound when the posts say we "can't blame the gahmen".. why can't we blame them? They want use to believe them over all other political parties.. over all others.. and they even dare to say they go for the brightest and finest in our midst.. and their salaries are really really HUGE.

And yet.. we have a often (too much for me to handle) teary PM, who admits that him and his ppl do not have 20/20 foresight vision.. this when Argo had mantioned that SG does not have land mass, countrysides etc etc. Is Agro trying to say that the pappies DON'T KOW THIS??!!

And yet.. the "floodgates are opened".. and overcrowding is felt by almost everyone.. mostly by the ordinary folk who take public transport every day. Good thing that for those who drive.. they seem to be feeling the overcrowding too. That makes me a bit happy that ALL are feeling it.

The SG ppl.. the citizens.. voters.. trusted what the gahmen told them.. that it will take care of them.. and yet... I feel that not enought has been done. From a statement that PM had said.. that he did not want SG to be a retirement home.. (which I find ridiculous as he might as well said SG doesn't wand old ppl).. to saying that "not everyone is equal" (might not be the correct phrase.. check the internet on his comment on brining in the rich so that the rich can CREATE JOBS).. till now.. his most recent NDP.. telling all that the gahmen will be looking after ALL.

Do I trust his words? How can I? It has flip-flopped so many times that I don't even know which is to be taken seriuosly.

Honestly., if the gahmen can't take responsibility for the mistakes.. and come clean on what it has done wrong.. then the voices of angst, frustration and rejection will never die down.


The govt and PM LHL, and the whitepaper can do whatever they want

WE, the ordinary people can do other things vs the foreigners influx.

One is by raising the cost of entry into S'pore.

I am raising the cost of entry into Spore by renting out my 3 room HDB at sgd 4,500 per month.

I told them that Hotel 81, one small room with a toilet is charging sgd 100+ a night. For an Indian Ah Neh family of 4, 2 rooms = sgd 100++ x 2 x 30 days = sgd 6000 per month in Hotel 81. My 3 room HDB pigeon hole is bigger, better and more comfortable!

I urge fellow S'porean to do likewise what you can within your control....ie, raising the cost of entry for all foreigners...Indians, Pinoys and PRCs, they have no NS, want to come to Spore n complain that our HDB flats are pigeon holes...so let them BLEED through their bloody noses, and feel the pinch.

If the cost of entry for foreigners (like housing) is high, they will feel the pinch of S'poreans living and staying in S'pore, they wont lowball and depress wages. Employers will see no dollar advantage employing these foreigners if their wages factor in their housing costs.

So pls help spread the words to your friends and fellow countrymen to raise their housing rentals for foreigners! This is something that we can do other than protesting futilelessly at Hong Lim.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
if we stay at 4 millions, our economy will stagnant
the houses and flats will be empty
the shopping malls will be empty
the markets and food courts will be empty
everywhere the economy will grind to a halt
geylang will be deserted
sentosa will be like a belakang mati ghost town
china town will be another cemetery
we need the numbers
we need young people
we need immigrants
we need new citizens
to keep singapore's number one spot in the world
we need our economy engine running...
if you want to see a silver hair singapore
you can go to kolam ayer, peoples' park, or any of the old HDB void decks
elderly, sick looking and idling singaporeans wasting their lives
if this is what you want? a dead singapore city?
i say bring in more people, more vibrant young people into singapore
turn the silver hair tsunami into a black tornado and sweep this place to the top!
majulah singapura!!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
if we stay at 4 millions, our economy will stagnant
the houses and flats will be empty
the shopping malls will be empty
the markets and food courts will be empty
everywhere the economy will grind to a halt
geylang will be deserted
sentosa will be like a belakang mati ghost town
china town will be another cemetery
we need the numbers
we need young people
we need immigrants
we need new citizens
to keep singapore's number one spot in the world
we need our economy engine running...
if you want to see a silver hair singapore
you can go to kolam ayer, peoples' park, or any of the old HDB void decks
elderly, sick looking and idling singaporeans wasting their lives
if this is what you want? a dead singapore city?
i say bring in more people, more vibrant young people into singapore
turn the silver hair tsunami into a black tornado and sweep this place to the top!
majulah singapura!!!!

Why do you think so lowly of pappies? They are the smartest.. they surely can come up with SOMETHING!(??)

Don't be another fear-monger in this forum

How do you know that business is booming for ALL shopping malls? Does everyone buy when they go shopping? It's just your assumption.

SG came to be when we had lesser than 5million.. why must more numbers matter NOW?

Is it because the current number of SG citizens and voters are NOT happy with the current situation and are showing their frustration at each election, so much so that the ppl who do the surveys and findings realize that more :new blood; can help 'turn the tide'?

With population not "exploding" in such a short span of time, SG might be able to do more.. like cater to all SG citizens via more infrastructure creation, improvement of healthcare for all, re-look at how to get SG ppl into vital services and thus lessen the reliance on foreigners. We can SLOWLY do all this if the number of ppl "flooding" in.. and continuing to do so.. is halted.

Think about it.. with less foreigners, aka cheap labour, the companies will have to relook at their hiring practices and get SG ppl back into their payroll. But if more cheap labour is around.. why bother with SG ppl?

I don' care what ppl say, the govt HAS to look at SG ppl first.. and not cater to all businesses. In other countries, businesses also has to follow the country's laws and policies.. not demand more cheap labour.

The fact that even SMEs dared to tell local newspapers that they will have to "move out of SG" if less foreigners are allowed in, has shown their audacity to challenge the govt itself. Luckily nobody (the general public) paid them a hoot. Many even told them "go la.. if you think other places better or cheaper.. then GO!"

Don't, even for one second, think ALL SG ppl are still believing this GDP thing. When it comes to facing stiffer competition with cheap foreigners.. more will be look at foreigners and even the pappies with anger and frustration.

Bottom-line is.. businesses wants profits.. they will do almost anything to achieve it.. including reducing costs.. and sstaff wages/salaries IS a cost to them. For SG ppl, getting a job is the way to earn money (for most).. those who own businesses (and are SG citizens) and who continue to support pappies cos they can continue to reap benefits from cheap labour.. will one day find themselves at the other end.. when ALL who know their dealings.. turn upon them.

Kopi.. u should just call it a day and stop your fear-mongering.