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How We Assess People


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
No matter how powerful the civil servants are, they are afraid of their Ministers.

Ministers being politicians are afraid of voters, that is you and me!


you may be right.
but some civil servants can work rather "independently" - they are very frightfully powerful!
you could go on your knees and beg for mercy....but the machinery will just mow you over....


Alfrescian (Inf)
Saw this thread many times past two days but did not come in because thought jw asking how to ass someone.

Saw the sudden surge in traffic over the past few hours came in and realized I was wrong.

You have mixed up jw5 with fishypie. :oIo:

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Many years ago, the CIA Annual Book only mentioned Chiam and Chee as opposition leaders and left out LTK despite the fact that Chee never made it to Parliament and SDP lost their seats sometime ago.

Presumably CIA does not consider us as a country worthy to check their facts for accuracy. Notice they often use outdated facts for not so interesting countries.


Alfrescian (Inf)

i would rather be a happy clown
then a piqued frustrated old intellectual fool

look at the picture, u call that happy? u twisted mind! lol!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Please see my reply to scroobal, it answers some of your points too.
I am still willing to accept that GD has an establishment mentality and is full of himself and is not a cunning instigator.
What I want him (and possibly scroobal too) to accept is that they may have seen this or heard that, but their final conclusion and insinuation may be wrong. That's all.

I don't think you or I can also be 100% certain that they are wrong either. But what we are posting here is based on what we see over the years and the logical sequence of events..
If there was another guy who was making headway, I would be more inclined to accept his views, even if biased. But what he is doing now is preparing a trump card for the pappies, the joker they play when all else fails, including apologies, grovelling, carrots, sticks, threats, curses, brainwashing, etc.
Don't be so silly to think that an annonymous ex-member of the establishment who once was a compatriot is automatically a nice guy. Let's continue to read his posts on police procedure and HFJs and praise them for their informative and entertainment value.

bro, for people like us, the ex establishment. or even now still with the establishment. a lot are fill with self fear.
know a few from ISD, not all willing to share like GD. that is why i respect him not due to once a compatriot. at least we are sticking out our neck by sharing.
i already said, screw the mole thing even its real. no need to harp on is LTK a mole or is Kenneth a mole etc. vote to balance the control in parliament. simple as that, no need to be so complicated. that is why i stop reading those so call political blogs and political analyst.
u may call me simple minded. but i like to simplify the issue, so can reach the masses. no need to make it so complicated to show that we are more atas. i always like to speak in simple language and straight forward. vote pap out, so we can balance the control in parliament. simple as that.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
bro, for people like us, the ex establishment. or even now still with the establishment. a lot are fill with self fear.
know a few from ISD, not all willing to share like GD. that is why i respect him not due to once a compatriot. at least we are sticking out our neck by sharing.
i already said, screw the mole thing even its real. no need to harp on is LTK a mole or is Kenneth a mole etc. vote to balance the control in parliament. simple as that, no need to be so complicated. that is why i stop reading those so call political blogs and political analyst.
u may call me simple minded. but i like to simplify the issue, so can reach the masses. no need to make it so complicated to show that we are more atas. i always like to speak in simple language and straight forward. vote pap out, so we can balance the control in parliament. simple as that.

Right said. Focus on one thing alone no need over analyze. Dun get distracted also. Vote out pap and dismantle their related organs. Only then can we have a fresh clean start.


that is why i respect him not due to once a compatriot. at least we are sticking out our neck by sharing.

Those other points of yours that I didn't include above, I agree, so don't need to mention further.
The above quote from you about sticking out his neck and sharing.
What has he "shared"? A potential trump card that will swing the votes their way. That is not what many of us want.
What is his purpose? Could range from a cunning current establishment instigator to an ex establishment henchman full of himself and wanting to make a name. He claimed that he wanted to inform. Inform? So that more people will vote WP?

Sharing things about police procedure, people in the establishment and gambling tips are all fine.
But if he wants to share an election bombshell, can he also share a few which are potentially damaging to the pappies? I went through his old posts and could not find any.
Don't be so trusting about those who occasionally post a few anti pap sentiments, try to establish rapport with everyone, set up their persona to show that they know a lot and who are very concerned with their "reputation or credibility" as an annonymous forummer. If they really had no other agenda other than being truly concerned about the country and its people, they wouldn't bother about their "reputation or credibility" as an annonymous forummer. What they could be setting all of us up for is a bombshell and a trump card, when all else fails for the pappies. Hope you understand my point too.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sharing things about police procedure, people in the establishment and gambling tips are all fine.
But if he wants to share an election bombshell, can he also share a few which are potentially damaging to the pappies? I went through his old posts and could not find any.
Don't be so trusting about those who occasionally post a few anti pap sentiments, try to establish rapport with everyone, set up their persona to show that they know a lot and who are very concerned with their "reputation or credibility" as an annonymous forummer. If they really had no other agenda other than being truly concerned about the country and its people, they wouldn't bother about their "reputation or credibility" as an annonymous forummer. What they could be setting all of us up for is a bombshell and a trump card, when all else fails for the pappies. Hope you understand my point too.

all those PAP, WP and SDP IB wars here quite confusing to me. there are very few real forummers, <50 posting in this forum 24/7. the forum traffic statistics are likely fake bots therefore the guests reading here are very much lower..... i just feel that this SBF is really a mickey mouse forum, not worth the time, efforts or interest for people with ulterior and sinister motives to go through any great lengths to dupe forummers or simply influence / persuade opinions here with regards to political issues...


all those PAP, WP and SDP IB wars here quite confusing to me. there are very few real forummers, <50 posting in this forum 24/7. the forum traffic statistics are likely fake bots therefore the guests reading here are very much lower..... i just feel that this SBF is really a mickey mouse forum, not worth the time, efforts or interest for people with ulterior and sinister motives to go through any great lengths to dupe forummers or simply influence / persuade opinions here with regards to political issues...

Definitely more than 50 regulars/members. Guests reading could range from those actually reading posts and contemplating joining to those who just click on but never even see the content.

As for people and motives, you never know right. For some it's just having fun, for others it's an ego trip or they really think there's an impact in social media, or to pass time, or to manipulate others, or to make friends, or to get ideas, or to vent their frustration and dissatisfaction, etc.


doesn't really matter what is posted here, as long as folks on the ground continue to vote against the MIWs, that's good enough :p:p:p

Totally agree, but I want to help prevent anybody from getting an opportunity to use that trump card at the last few moments when they sense that all else has failed and defeat is impending. That particular card is a huge vote swing even though it may be untrue, not among those determined and hardcore but among those who are undecided, uncertain or wavering.

None of us individual annonymous forummers and our "credibility" matters more than this. It could be a setup all the way leading to the playing of he trump card. By then, the trump card player could even be known to the folks on the ground who may just take it in hook, line and sinker, if you consider even the sceptics and cynics here may be taken in.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Totally agree, but I want to help prevent anybody from getting an opportunity to use that trump card at the last few moments when they sense that all else has failed and defeat is impending. That particular card is a huge vote swing even though it may be untrue, not among those determined and hardcore but among those who are undecided, uncertain or wavering.

None of us individual annonymous forummers and our "credibility" matters more than this. It could be a setup all the way leading to the playing of he trump card. By then, the trump card player could even be known to the folks on the ground who may just take it in hook, line and sinker, if you consider even the sceptics and cynics here may be taken in.

that is why i keep saying we must focus and know our priority.
sg future and our future, no idolising of some political leaders like what the 60% did to lky.
we will vote to balance, not vote to support.


You are really infatuated or in love with GD.

Noticed how you conveniently left out GD and tagged me alone with LTK's position.

know a few from ISD, not all willing to share like GD. that is why i respect him not due to once a compatriot. at least we are sticking out our neck by sharing.
i already said, screw the mole thing even its real. no need to harp on is LTK a mole or is Kenneth a mole etc. vote to balance the control in parliament. simple as that, no need to be so complicated. that is why i stop reading those so call political blogs and political analyst.



His fear is that LTK and the cause will be damaged but unsubstantiated claims, smears or false allegations. His world is black and white and he wants prove. Obviously such claims do indeed damage the cause. In such matters nobody is going to hand over proof on a silver platter but the game is much bigger than that. He does not understand the intricacies or the complexities and you cannot force people to accept anything.

doesn't really matter what is posted here, as long as folks on the ground continue to vote against the MIWs, that's good enough :p:p:p


I did not want to respond any earlier because I was curious how others see your comments. The person who is most in love with GD looks like he is more scared of you and is now fawning in his approach. I know he struggles to articulate his position at times but quite disappointing to see the tail between the legs.

Now we know who has the gun.
Next step is to wait to see when and why he would use it.
Also watching with bated breath for him to reveal something that could be damaging to pap in elections.
His opinion that Aubeck is smarter than Leo does not count. That could actually be deemed to be useful to them.

Let's hope that we have planted some doubts in peoples' minds about this fellow's persona.
His standing in this forum as an ex-insider or how high his book makes the bestseller list don't mean shit to me.
Do not let him use the trump card happily when they need it, when many ordinary Singaporeans deserve better lives and not wiseass all-knowing remarks from ex and possibly current henchmen.


Alfrescian (Inf)
..from a cunning current establishment instigator to an ex establishment henchman full of himself and wanting to make a name. But if he wants to share an election bombshell, can he also share a few which are potentially damaging to the pappies? Don't be so trusting about those who occasionally post a few anti pap sentiments.
Seriously, do we have to read more into same? Even if nuggets of inside info (or juicy gossip). Realistically, do we really expect earth shattering disclosures here, to turn the tide?

As for people and motives, you never know right. For some it's just having fun, for others it's an ego trip or they really think there's an impact in social media, or to pass time, or to manipulate others, or to make friends, or to get ideas, or to vent their frustration and dissatisfaction, etc.
Agree, the forum is a sum of all parts (nut jobs, weirdos and others twiddling their thumbs included):p
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
shifting from one forummer to another
from one target to another
calling them moron, cunning, distrustful
porlumpar, sycophants,scheming with agendas
speculate and perceive wrongly
righteously or cunningly or mischievously
to boost one's ego
to enhance one's image
to garner support
for the sake of the ordinary singaporeans
my toes are tickled to no end
to see such mindless hot pursuits
the resident hunters are on the prowl
they are searingly indicting even with no how....