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What is WP Aljunied GRC Town Council doing?

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset

This image was posted on FB that supports PAP "Fabrication About the PAP".

I am a little disturbed about the report that Aljunied GRC has conducted the polling for upgrading and the Town Council actually celebrates the "success" by having "lucky draw"... Err, did I read wrongly or the report is wrong? What has "Lucky Draw" has to do with upgrading? To reward the residents of supporting the upgrading? Who sponsored these prizes for the lucky draw? Is there any conflict of interests? Is the Town Council doing some "promotion sales" or anything like that when they decide to go to the residents to provide them upgrading?

Well, according to the report, there is apparently a "discriminatory practice" that all those who have voted for the upgrading project will "automatically" become participants of the lucky draw.... Errr.... so the voting is not secret? They know what you vote for? Why the discrimination? Is that what inclusive society is all about?

We as opposition have been fighting against the unjust and divisive tactic PAP has been using all these decades... In fact, the single most powerful push factor that made me join opposition politics is Goh Chok Tong's famous words about "If you don't vote PAP, you will not get HDB upgrading".... and it was said in GE 1997, specifically to Cheng San voters like me.

It is very sad that the party that I first joined to fight against such unfair divisive tactic has ironically become a party that actually practices exactly what PAP did!

More over, the same logic applies... PAP threaten us with such "stick" and literally saying or using scare tactic that "We know how you vote".... but that was for precinct level. But now, WP actually implicitly saying that they know how EACH and EVERY household votes in this upgrading polling exercise? And exploiting it or using it as the "carrot"?

I do not understand why WP wanted to implicitly "reward" or show favoritism towards those who voted for the upgrading. Whether people want upgrading or not, let them decide, why would the Town Council be overly concerned about whether the poll gets over 75% or not? What are the incentives or motivations of the Town Council to encourage people to vote for such upgrading? It is after all, the residents' money that paid for the upgrading. I really cannot understand every bits of what WP Aljunied Town Council is doing it!

I just hope that everyone who has fought in past GEs, will never forget about what we are actually fighting for... against the injustice of HDB upgrading as a means of pork barrel politics, fighting against the ill-democracy and the iron fist rule of PAP, fighting against PAP for more Freedom of expression, fighting against PAP for more political space.... most importantly, fighting for social justice and democratic development of Singapore.

Goh Meng Seng


"We as opposition have been fighting against the unjust and divisive tactic PAP has been using all these decades"

You are an opposition?:confused::confused::confused:

Don't think so leh. You are the opposition of opposition:rolleyes:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
He is even better, he is more than an opposition. He is an opposition against the opposition.

"We as opposition have been fighting against the unjust and divisive tactic PAP has been using all these decades"

You are an opposition?:confused::confused::confused:

Don't think so leh. You are the opposition of opposition:rolleyes:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Errr.. Other Town councils run by PAP.. HDB also run by PAP Govt.. AHTC is the only opposition town council.. They cannot suka suka make decisions on behalf of HDB..

1 + 1 = 2? :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
An opposition so silent on the confiscation of Chiam's MPS venue by PPTC / Sitoh? Even I, not an opposition, also commented something on this.


Can anyhow exclude those who don't want upgrading? What if it is an old uncle aunty that have no money and dont want disruption to their home. They voted for WP then get cheated like this.


Errr.. Other Town councils run by PAP.. HDB also run by PAP Govt.. AHTC is the only opposition town council.. They cannot suka suka make decisions on behalf of HDB..

1 + 1 = 2? :biggrin:

Yes, all upgrading control by HDB (PAP).
If they vote 'No" PAP is most happy to pass over that precinct as long as they are under WP.
What Bayi is doing is for the overall benefit of Aljunied GRC.
I hope they could see the bigger picture and GMS is just undermining their position again.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I am more than happy to give Aljunied Town council their monthly fees and let the estate facilities go to shit and rot. Lim peh money. why? who the fuck not happy here? :confused:
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Looking at it from another perspective.. (Have to make assumptions as I don't live there nor have more details, but based on what is seen in the first post)

1) I believe the Lucky Draw was not known before households polled.. so I don't think using "carrot" would be suitable here.. more like.. urmm.. "surprised prize?" damn can't find the right term to use..

2) WP has the objective of getting the estate upgraded?

3) As a thank you to residents for helping them with getting their objective, they decide to hold a lucky draw

4) It says residents who voted yes are automatically included in the lucky draw:
- lucky draw, does not mean will definately get a prize
- never say residents who voted no cannot be included, can just attend the function to be included i think?

5) I think HDB is the one who has the result of the poll.. and they decided to release it to WP upon request? so responsibility lies with HDB?

Just providing some perspectives.. some may be wrong due to lack of details.. but something to think about...

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
It doesn't matter whether the lucky draw has been announced before hand or not.

This is PAP's tactic of behaviour social-engineering. As the famous saying was made, it is just like training a dog. If you do it repeatedly, rewarding the "desired" behaviour, the dog will be trained to respond according to what you want.

What WP did will affect future polling of HDB upgrading. Apparently such move will send a clear signal to future voters of such HDB upgrading.

It is not just about rewarding now and then. It is about how you want your children to be cultivated, what environment you want your children to grow up in. I protested against PAP's HDB upgrading pork barrel politics not because I am against HDB upgrading but it is about the social mindset that PAP is cultivating. Using materialistic means as a reward will give our children the wrong idea that in life, you will only do something if there is materialistic reward.

WP is doing exactly that.

Furthermore, if WP has found out that the polling is NOT secret and both HDB aka PAP and WP could know who voted for or against the HDB upgrading, the right thing to do is NOT to exploit it for their own benefits BUT PROTEST against such practice! This is basic common sense of Democratic Principles!

Goh Meng Seng

Looking at it from another perspective.. (Have to make assumptions as I don't live there nor have more details, but based on what is seen in the first post)

1) I believe the Lucky Draw was not known before households polled.. so I don't think using "carrot" would be suitable here.. more like.. urmm.. "surprised prize?" damn can't find the right term to use..

2) WP has the objective of getting the estate upgraded?

3) As a thank you to residents for helping them with getting their objective, they decide to hold a lucky draw

4) It says residents who voted yes are automatically included in the lucky draw:
- lucky draw, does not mean will definately get a prize
- never say residents who voted no cannot be included, can just attend the function to be included i think?

5) I think HDB is the one who has the result of the poll.. and they decided to release it to WP upon request? so responsibility lies with HDB?

Just providing some perspectives.. some may be wrong due to lack of details.. but something to think about...
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Somewhat agree with your points theoractically, but practically/realistically .. will end up like SDP, where a lot of people don't understand Dr CSJ, and interpret his actions as how MSM wants it to be like..

Sg population not ready for it. Sinkie mentality is not ready yet, no thanks to the Kiasu-ism & Kiasee-ism mentality social engineered by the PAP over the decades.. 10-20 years down the road things will be different, perhaps majority would understand democratic principles..

Plus I believe the constituents @Eunos Spring are not well off, any little bit to help their household would be a welcome move.. better to gain popularity amoung the constituents, then to go on about Democratic Principles, when PERHAPS majority of the constituents have no idea what you are on about...

If anything, WP/SDP/others would have to be the dominant party in parliament for things to happen... you can't do shit with less than 10% of the votes in parliament..
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Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
When one tries to do everything to fight the devil and eventually won the devil by using the devilish means, you have won a little small battle but lost the bigger war by losing your soul to the devil.

Goh Meng Seng

Somewhat agree with your points theoractically, but practically/realistically .. will end up like SDP, where a lot of people don't understand Dr CSJ, and interpret his actions as how MSM wants it to be like..

Sg population not ready for it. Sinkie mentality is not ready yet, no thanks to the Kiasu-ism & Kiasee-ism mentality social engineered by the PAP over the decades..

Plus I believe the constituents @Eunos Spring are not well off, any little bit to help their household would be a welcome move.. better to gain popularity amoung the constituents, then to go on about Democratic Principles, when PERHAPS majority of the constituents have no idea what you are on about...

If anything, WP/SDP/others would have to be the dominant party in parliament for things to happen... you can't do shit with less than 10% of the votes in parliament..


Alfrescian (Inf)
When one tries to do everything to fight the devil and eventually won the devil by using the devilish means, you have won a little small battle but lost the bigger war by losing your soul to the devil.

Goh Meng Seng

excellent wisdom! i'm framing this up in my office so my colleagues can wonder and ponder all week what the real meaning is. thanks and up yours!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
When one tries to do everything to fight the devil and eventually won the devil by using the devilish means, you have won a little small battle but lost the bigger war by losing your soul to the devil.

Goh Meng Seng

When in sinkieland, do what the sinkies want.. 10 years later in sinkie land, still do what the sinkies want, even though the wants may be changed to somewhat totally opposite.. that is the govt by the people, for the people..

- valiant20 :P

Seriously, if in Oz.. talking about democratic principles would totally hit if off with a normal person walking on the street. That's why I'm headed back there.

If in sinkieland.. talking about democratic principles to a normal person on the street would lead someone asking.. err.. you related to CSJ? :p or "are you talking about our pledge? to build a democratic society"..
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Looking at it from another perspective.. (Have to make assumptions as I don't live there nor have more details, but based on what is seen in the first post)

1) I believe the Lucky Draw was not known before households polled.. so I don't think using "carrot" would be suitable here.. more like.. urmm.. "surprised prize?" damn can't find the right term to use..

I may be wrong and we can only wait for some clarifications, but I suspect it has more to do with the English. It could possibly mean the residents who collectively voted "yes". Fishing out votes is already lot of paperwork, moreover to roll out those who vote yes and then draw lots among them.

This is why I never doubt the vote secrecy. For those who have done a decent day's work in admin would know. Most people online are bosses or professionals.

If I am right, maybe Aljunied TC had a foreign talent to draft the English :biggrin:

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
You are actually saying, Pritam Singh, a lawyer to be, didn't read through before he signs off that letter? That is really unbelievable but if this is true, then I cannot imagine what will happen to Singapore if they become the government..... signing off without reading may become a big problem you know!

Such excuse will make things even worse!

Goh Meng Seng

I may be wrong and we can only wait for some clarifications, but I suspect it has more to do with the English. It could possibly mean the residents who collectively voted "yes". Fishing out votes is already lot of paperwork, moreover to roll out those who vote yes and then draw lots among them.

This is why I never doubt the vote secrecy. For those who have done a decent day's work in admin would know. Most people online are bosses or professionals.

If I am right, maybe Aljunied TC had a foreign talent to draft the English :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are actually saying, Pritam Singh, a lawyer to be, didn't read through before he signs off that letter?

Lawyers are not English teachers. You'll be surprised some letters, emails and phonecalls I have received from lawyers have English falling below my standards. The points are there, though.
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Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
You are implying that Pritam is just an average or below average lawyer? Gosh!

Lawyers are no English teacher but they are supposedly good in logic.... if not, how can they win law suits? It wasn't the English is bad, but the logical conclusion points to the obvious.

Goh Meng Seng

Lawyers are not English teachers. You'll be surprised some letters, emails and phonecalls I have received from lawyers have English falling below my standards. The points are there, though.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are implying that Pritam is just an average or below average lawyer? Gosh!

Goh Meng Seng

Excuse me, you can settle your grudge with WP on your own. Don't put words in my mouth. Especially from you, thing from you aren't usually edible.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Excuse me, you can settle your grudge with WP on your own. Don't put words in my mouth. Especially from you, thing from you aren't usually edible.

you should have known better. pain is a wonderful teacher