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Search results

  1. red amoeba

    muttland chief civil serpent says muttland civil service no corruption kym?

    muttland boleh... How corrupt is Malaysia’s civil service? Chief secretary to the govt gives a perspective John Bunyan 4–5 minutes Chief Secretary to the federal government Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Ali disagrees with the popular view that corruption is rife in the...
  2. red amoeba

    another country wants Swiss standard of living

    Did GCT became the advisor or something? We have quietly abandoned the Swiss standard of living...now Thailand picks up the mantle. PM likens nation to ‘Asian Switzerland’ as investment climbs Mongkol Bangprapa 4–5 minutes Srettha uses trade show to talk up drawing...
  3. red amoeba

    Tony Tan = dead man walking

    he is seriously in trouble...he has trouble standing, needs to be supported. LKY jio ing him to join him soon. here, the president is coming, everyone is preparing to stand...he remained seated PM wife has to hold him. Did he lean on her breast? looking at the way he wear his...
  4. red amoeba

    20 Apr 2024 - this site tio blocked?

    sumthing wrong with this site...see lah....lao lan wong show hand liao...cannot access without VPN.
  5. red amoeba

    you see what i see?

  6. red amoeba

    its coming ...cock sucker disease are you scared?

    cock suckers beware....dun anyhow suck cocks.
  7. red amoeba

    fake news of the day | Whatsapp is the world's default comm app

    lan jiao ok, wechat & tik tok is the default communication app. How WhatsApp became the world’s default communication app https://www.engadget.com/how-whatsapp-became-the-worlds-default-communication-app-144520113.html Pranav Dixit 11–13 minutes In 2014, WIRED asked me...
  8. red amoeba

    Vote for progress & logic | vote Biden

    lets start the greatest showmanship of the year begins. Vote Biden for president:
  9. red amoeba

    who is right who is wrong...you be the judge

    something i witnessed just now: person in PMD behind a person walking but looking at phone. person with phone suddenly stop to text on phone, person in PMD collide into person. person in PMD blame person for suddenly stopping on the pedsestrain walkway. who is right who is wrong?
  10. red amoeba

    do you agree to this statement

    男人有錢會變壞 女人變壞會有錢 guess which movie line is this.
  11. red amoeba

    Just now at swimming pool i noticed ....

    not a single martt swimmer is in sight !! no have noisy, wild martt bodohs....no have bui bui sell past date martts overflowing from their swimsuits....then i realise ramandan....cannot touch water is it? anyways I am happy to have a peaceful surrounding....there are sufficient ATB and XMM...
  12. red amoeba

    SYT want to sell you her home grown oyster KYM?

    for sure, home grown freshest of the freshest...
  13. red amoeba

    EIU Global Democracy Index 2024 - guess where PAP stands?

    Well done to PAP.
  14. red amoeba

    Jailbird ex PM to be released...justice prevailed.

    Thugsin being released....when will Najib's turn? E
  15. red amoeba

    Wishing our Dear Leader - Lee HL a happy birthday

    Today - 10 Feb is his 72 birthday. Lets use this post to pen down your birthday wishes to him as you go around visiting, giving or receiving ang pows....please thank him & PAP for creating a safe environment for us. May he live long long and song song....
  16. red amoeba

    So what can we expect in 2024?

    lets make a few predictions/ guesstimates: 1. Mahathir will survive the year or up lorry finally? 2. LHL will stay in government after handing over the reins? 3. who will Laolan Wong name as DPM after he takes over? Keechiu Chan, Rodent faced Ong or Blackie Lim? 4. first death in...
  17. red amoeba

    Let's talk about - Ching Ching Eating House

    Went there recently and its really one of the cheap & good food joints around. Humble food at reasonable price. Thankfully they did not close down during the COVID. At least they refurbished the store front abit, with air-con and accept card payments. I recall they used to insist on cash...
  18. red amoeba

    Mutts woke up and whack Biden’s dog.

  19. red amoeba

    Supposedly for Iswaran case....

    its low lan wong behind all these? blow up ridout road to get CPIB investigate the ah nehs ...but boh luck, they got acquitted. cook up a scheme to finger Iswaran...hooked a big fish... who's next? Indranee.? last one probably as she is finance .... all the ah nehs are targeted.... he wants...