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Search results

  1. R

    Has Anyone been Mis-Led by their Bank Relationship Managers Before ? Do Share Experience, Please

    Besides Normal Insurance, How many different types of Finance Products are there in SG ? Has anyone bought "Investment" Products from their RM's, and the product failed miserably ? How would the RM Handle such situation ? Isn't the "Risk Assessment" Form, a Tool that covers the backside of the...
  2. R

    Skills Future Credit top-up of S$4,000, Is this Really Beneficial to the Singkie ?

    Who really Benefits from this ? The Course Provider, or the Student ? Is this actually an Accounting game of playing with Government Grants ? How many here, have actually benefitted from this Program ?
  3. R

    Iswaran's Defense of being "Close Friends" to OBS & Mr Lum - Is this a Breech of Tender Principles (if Any) ?

    Are there any Laws, Tender Guidelines that specify that in such a situation, Iswaran should have earlier declared his relationships, possible conflict of interests, to his Bossess ? Are there any "Prevention of Corruption" Guidelines, Pledges with Government ?
  4. R

    Singapore - Johor Economic Zone - Implications, will this push prices down in Singapore ?

    Does anyone here have experience with working in new economic zones ? What are the implications, will such be win-win, win-lose or another round of stealth sabotauge ?
  5. R

    is the F1 and Marketing of Powerful Cars influencing many to be more Reckless in Singapore Roads ?

    ...and More and more Social Influencers post pictures of Super Cars ( Lambos, McClarens, Ferraris,..) to influence the Shallow-minded to Buy, Drive such overly-Powerful cars in Singapore, not realizing that the roads here are saturated with stop-start Traffic Lights,... Note that many,..most...
  6. R

    Which Hospital is the Saab Driver warded at ?

    Why is there still Silence about the Identity of the Saab Driver ? Singapore is Small, are there any Hospital Workers who have come across the Victims, What is the extent of their injuries ? Would someone in the Medical Community, please find out, where is this Saab Driver at ?
  7. R

    Does Singapore really need Such Powerful Cars ? Anyone Remembers the 2005 Miata Fatal Crash ?

    ...about 19 years ago, Angelina He Xue Li, 22 died when a Regan Lee Da Wen test-drive a Miata at Paya Lebar. Google, " Who remembers this sad Story abt an accident in 2005" It seems that no one learns from History, The media still seduces many to buy and drive overly-powerful cars in...
  8. R

    How Confident are You that Johor in 2026 will be much Better ? Was 2013 Johor, over-hyped ?

    Is it really true that incoming PM, LW was from Muar ? In what ways will LW boost-up Johor / use Johor as a "special economic zone" ? 2013 prices of myr 1,200 psf fell to 400 psf,.. and now at time of writing, ..price creeping up to 500psf,...Will this price continue to rise ? Even with price...
  9. R

    What's the latest on Iskandar Malaysia Studios (ex-Pinewood) ?

    Since having sold to SG Public-Listed Company (Controlled by China Chinese), this Studio has been Quiet, at present. Does Anyone Know, what's happening ? Issit another "Money-Laundering" Exercise ?
  10. R

    Are Property Agents such as late DW Good or Bad for the Society ?

    Property Agents are similar to Show Business promoters, as they hype up products to sell. Make money from Property only if the Property Price Rise, and Rental income is generated But isn't there a limit to the property price Rise ? The Property Prices have risen so much, that such affects...
  11. R

    Ship Engine Failure - How many Reasons ?

    What are all the reasons that cause Ship's Engine Failure ? Are there any Mariners, Marine Industry players reading this, appreciate Your Advice It is understood that that there are many Marine Bunker Suppliers - who induce Ship Crew to accept - sub-standard Fuel which results in Engine...
  12. R

    Government Grants - Loopholes to Exploit ?

    the SG Government seems to have about a thousand different Grants to help small enterprises. What is the Success rate of such ? Somehow, it appears that most of these Grants go to the "Consultants" as Training Fees, yes / no ? Some tricks used seems to be, 1. Over-Optismistic Business Plans...
  13. R

    What Do You see in Taylor Swift, What so Special About Her ?

    The media hypes her up, she seems to attract money. But What's so special about her singing skills, dancing ? Strange, How so many seems to be enarmoured by her
  14. R

    Private property owners who are Cash-Poor in Singapore, How ?

    Has anyone come across Private Property Owners here in Singapore, who inherited such properties from their parents, but are unable to pay the high Taxes, maintenance, Repair Costs ? How Real is this Situation in Singapore ? Isn't such situation, an indirect method to chase out those with...
  15. R

    Is there a Standard Price for Food in Singapore Heartland CoffeeShops, FoodCourts ?

    What's the market Price for Fried Rice ? Is S$ 6/- considered "reasonable" Kopi O , S$ 1.20 ? Noodles, S$3.00 to S$4.50 ? Are there any Govt Agencies that check on possible over-charging ?
  16. R

    Are the Shophouses at the Entrance towards Nusa Duta, a Red-Light Sex Zone ?

    I note that there are some touts, soliciting Sexual Services at the Shophouses outside Nusa Duta, Paris Hotel has a floor, dedicated to the accommodation of Sex Workers, as Believed Some Individual Freelance Female Sex Providers are offering Sex at Perling,..and Teega ? These Frelancers reminds...
  17. R

    CordLife - Has Anyone Used this Service Before ?

    Any Insider Information about this company ? How was the high storage temperature issue raised ?
  18. R

    Why Can't see any Indian, Malay Staff in UOB, and the Big Boss's Funeral ?

    I note that the recent Funeral Broadcast, UOB has Zero Indian, Malay Staff, Yes / No ? What's the Real Story ? Was late Boss, really an "Honourable" Man ? RIP, Dr WCY
  19. R

    Kidney Dialysis Centers in Johor, Costs ? Location ?

    What's the difference in Kidney Dialysis Costs between Singapore and Johor ? Does anyone here know of reliable Kidney Dialysis Centers in Johor ? Are there any Special Medical Visa that the Malaysian Immigration issues, if possible ? Is Such Dialysis, for Life ?
  20. R

    How many Different Types of Government Grants are there in Singapore ?

    the internet remains murky, and Government Agencies too. Urban Farming Environmental . . . What are the other industries that can get Government Grants ? Do You really need to hire a Consultant for such process ?