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This is a great speech --- Listen to 01:00


I do not need to emphasise enough about who needs to listen to this video.
Listen to 01:00 and if you got time, do listen to the video all the way.

McCain and Palin is a great team, but 01:00 really rings a bell for many in Singapore too, isn't it?

Listen and please Learn, to whoever you are, who needs to listen to this video!!!

<iframe height="339" width="425" src="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22425001/vp/26457563#26457563" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>


Alfrescian (Inf)
hmmm is Palin, Division 1 player?, according to our great sage, only Division 1, can make the grade!


Alfrescian (Inf)
The 1-minute mark demonstrated an example of rhetoric based on a play of adjectives and adverbs, i.e. 'on your side and not in your way'. Its delivery was mediocre - it was actually read! Sorry, no bells rang for me.


John McCain I. Four star Admiral, US Navy. World War II hero commanding carrier task force against the Japanese in the Pacific.(grandfather)
John McCain II. Four star Admiral, US Navy. World War II hero commanding submarine that sank a number of Japanese ships. Commander-in-Chief Pacific Command during the Vietnam War.(father)
John McCain III. Possible next POTUS. A-4 Skyhawk pilot shot down and imprisoned in Vietnam for 5 years. Is this man destined for greatness or what?
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I do not need to emphasise enough about who needs to listen to this video.
Listen to 01:00 and if you got time, do listen to the video all the way.
The statement does not reflect the Republicans except in the field of taxation and the market economy. Everything else is in their hands. Thats the reason why PAP and Old man has always been close to the Republicans from day one.

When the Republicans took office 2 terms ago with Bush, the budget was in surplus. It is not now. The policies are now impacting world.


The statement does not reflect the Republicans except in the field of taxation and the market economy. Everything else is in their hands. Thats the reason why PAP and Old man has always been close to the Republicans from day one.

When the Republicans took office 2 terms ago with Bush, the budget was in surplus. It is not now. The policies are now impacting world.

The budget need not be in surplus all the time. That is the fallacy of economics that the PAP is trying to hoodwink many into believing. So what that Singapore has a budget surplus at all costs? Does that mean everyone is having a good life and the future secure? USA has a budget deficit in billions but the economy is still rock solid and not about to crash.
Why? The reason is very simple. The economic health of a country is not entirely measured by it having a budget surplus.

When Singapore was having a rough time, PAP had found it extremely reluctant to pump money into the economy. That is the reason why the economy is still hovering on the brink of collapse. One more major economic crisis and Singapore's economy will collapse. Don't believe it? Well, don't bet on that. During the economic bad times, has Singapore's budget ever gone under? The answer is no but where are all the money surplus but merely hidden in the coffers and not used to help the economy. So, where will the money be used for? Who is gaining from this money surplus? Why still no transparency on this at all?

My point to your statement on budget surplus is this. Does a country needs to be in budget surplus? Surprisingly, Alan Greenspan had served so many presidents, dating back to the days of Nixon. If he had felt a budget surplus was really that important to a country's economic health, he would have been grilled by congress years ago when USA gone into a deficit.

A country strives for budget surplus but it is not the holy grail of economics. This is a fallacy which we should never fall for and the PAP is pushing this "feel safe" and not "fail safe" false sense of security to everyone.

What is important is equitable distribution of wealth and bridging the income gap between the rich and the poor. More importantly, it is the entrepreneurial spirit of the people which will see us through the hard economic times. PAP policies, unfortunately, are not doing enough for these two aspects and hence, so what if Singapore's budget is in surplus? The people in Singapore are not having a first world life-style like those in USA.

Think about this.


The budget need not be in surplus all the time. That is the fallacy of economics that the PAP is trying to hoodwink many into believing.

There are many things wrong with the Republicans. The surplus is just one. No one sits on a single point to come to a view. I am aware that both surplus and defeceits may arise from good policies. Could you explain which policy that was good that resulted in defecits during the Bush era.

Republicans have a more dictatorial style compared to the Democrats. Its the party that has low taxation as the cornerstone of its existence and the favourite of capitalist, businessmen and entrepreneurs. That lot cannot be identified with equitable distribtuion of wealth in any context.

Thats one reason why the old man prefers the Republican.


There are many things wrong with the Republicans. The surplus is just one. No one sits on a single point to come to a view. ......... That lot cannot be identified with equitable distribtuion of wealth in any context.

Thats one reason why the old man prefers the Republican.

Since you asked, even though I hate to dwell too much into US politics and its fiscal policies, as it is a very complex equation, just as complex as the reason or reasons why you think the old man prefers Republicans to Democrats. I really do not know much of the old man's thinking and I really do not give much thoughts to it either.

However, having said what I said, perhaps it is good for me to state the following to clear the air somewhat.

Reagon's years were the best years in recent times, as far as the people in USA are concerned, but using supply-side fiscal policies, the country was in deficit but the economy was booming. It was the period of cold war and defence spendings contributed a large part to the deficit. Supply-side fiscal policies mean reducing taxes on the rich and rich corporations, so that it will induce investments and spendings which is good for the economy.

Clinton's years were the best years too, but the deficit was reduced primarily because of the end to the cold war, which means defence spendings dropped drastically. But defence spendings can be dropped because Reagon ended the cold war. Clinton taxed the rich and rich corporations and put an end to supply-side economics. But we should remember that Clinton had a bit of economic luck during the dot-com bubble boom, which was never repeated since it gone bust.

Bush's years were a mixed bag of fortunes. The dot-com bubble burst. He reverted back to a variant of supply-side fiscal policies, where tax cuts were given to the rich and rich corporations so as to infuse investments and spendings and to revive the economy. Bush must have done good work during his first term as his popularity poll was very high then. He was re-elected too.

However, to answer your question as to which policy that was good while also contributed to the deficit, the answer may not be as simple. Yet, perhaps it can be answered by saying that the present ballooning deficit that the USA is facing is due to an increase in social security spending and medicare, while federal revenues had not increased enough to compensate for the rise in federal spendings on social security and healthcare. Defence spendings had been flat and budgeted for, even with the Iraq war costed in. As you know my stance by now. I am for social security spending and medicare spending, as I have always felt it is the duty of a responsible government to take care of such matters.

During his latter term, supply-side economics seemed not to have worked its magic like the manner in which it played out for Reagon, due in part to the emergence of a strong European economic bloc and the rise of China and India's economies, where institutional buyers are pumping money into. Besides, the mortgage woes and the global economic slow-down during his latter term magnified the budget deficit and he cannot tax the rich corporations as this will nail the coffin shut for the US economy during such trying times.

To conclude, the Republicans, as opposed to the Democrats, are less protectionist in trade so perhaps this could be one of the reasons why the old man prefers the Republicans. Other than that, I really don't know and I don't think I need nor bother to know either.