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Shoe Throwing NON-STOP! Israeli Embassador HIT!





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Sunday, February 8, 2009

<link href="http://news10now.com/cssstyles/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> Shoe thrown at Ithaca mayor

Updated: 02/06/2009 11:49 AM

By: Tamara Lindstrom

ITHACA, N.Y. -- Long-time Ithaca resident Robin Palmer came to the common council meeting wearing an army uniform and armed with an agenda.
"Tour nauseous resolution is a desecration," Palmer said.

Palmer was protesting the Community of Sanctuary resolution passed by the council last year, a resolution that supports military personnel and veterans who are organizing to stop the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. After finishing his speech, he threw a shoe at Alderman J.R. Clairborne, then aimed the second one at Mayor Carolyn Peterson.

Palmer then refused to leave when the mayor wouldn't give him back the shoes. He was eventually escorted out by police. He says the council has no right to declare the war unlawful.

If they're going to throw shoes at the president, then it's perfectly legitimate, and slightly humorous, to throw shoes at the president's enemies," Palmer said.
After the original incident in Iraq received wide-spread attention, several copycats have thrown shoes at political figures.

"It spreads and eventually it reaches a small place like Ithaca," said Ithaca College Politics Professor Donald Beachler.

But Beachler says the trend will soon run its course.

"People are going to start being charged. Obviously, throwing shoes at someone is a crime. Somebody's going to spend a little time in the county jail and that should put a stop to it," Beachler said.

Palmer did get his shoes back and so far, no charges have been brought against him.

Beachler has some advice for any would-be copycats: If you're going to try to pull this stunt in the winter, be sure to bring an extra pair of shoes.



以大使訪瑞典 慘遭「飛鞋」攻擊

<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2009/02/07 13:40</q>







Israel ambassador is latest shoe-throwing target


<abbr title="2009-02-05T07:42:26-0800" class="timedate"></abbr>
Israel ambassador is latest shoe-throwing target

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<!-- end: .hd --> STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – Israel's ambassador to Sweden has become the latest public figure to be targeted by a shoe-throwing protester.

Police said Ambassador Benny Dagan was hit on the leg by the shoe, one of several projectiles thrown when he turned up to address a student gathering at Stockholm University this week.

"During this seminar, someone threw a shoe at the ambassador," university spokeswoman Maria Sandqvist said.

"It was a student organisation that had an event and they had invited the ambassador to talk about the upcoming election in Israel."

Police spokeswoman Petra Sjolander said two people, one male and one female, had been detained and then released following the incident. A public prosecutor was considering whether to charge them.

Sjolander said the ambassador had been interviewed by police and that he had been struck by the shoe. "Yes, on the leg," she said, adding that books had been thrown as well.

Dagan himself and officials at the Israeli Embassy in Stockholm could not be reached for comment.

Last December, an Iraqi journalist hurled both shoes at former U.S. President George W. Bush when he was on a farewell visit to Iraq in December.

Then last Monday a protester threw a shoe at Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao during a speech at Cambridge University in England.

The Foreign Policies Association student group in Stockholm issued a statement on its web site deploring the incident.

"Violence is never a solution," it said.

A video posted on the Internet purporting to depict the event showed objects being hurled across a lecture hall towards a group of people at the front, who then hurried out of the room. A part of the video was blacked out and it was not possible to see who had hurled the objects.

(Reporting by Adam Cox; Writing by Richard Balmforth)



Israeli envoy hit in Sweden when shoe, books tossed during lecture

<table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top">
</td> </tr> </tbody></table> Stockholm - Israel's ambassador to Sweden was hit when a shoe and books were thrown at him as he was giving a lecture at Stockholm University, radio reports said Thursday. Benny Dagan was talking about upcoming elections in his country Wednesday night when the objects were hurled at him from the audience of 50 people. Police at the event took two people into custody.

The motive was believed to be a protest against Israel's policy toward the Palestinians. A tossed shoe is considered a grave insult in the Arab world, and the incident involving Dagan followed another in December in which an Iraqi journalist threw shoes at US president George W Bush. The incident occurred at a press conference during Bush's farewell visit to Iraq before he left office last month. Bush ducked and was not hit.

A protestor shouting, "Dictator," also tossed a shoe Monday at Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao while he was visiting Cambridge University in Britain. The shoe missed the premier.