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Racist Posts


Alfrescian (Inf)
This half breed shit skin needs to find his proper niche. A postman albeit a highly paid one is a job that a skin should do.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Who grew up drinking this?

Can never forget the remark made by wooden in one of his speeches, could be at one of the national day rallies when he was pm.
He was complaining about the coffee shops increasing prices of "teh si", when it was only "tea and a few drops of evaporated milk".
Of course, as usual, he nato. But since then, I made sure to put "more than a few drops of evaporated milk" in my teh si, in order to enjoy the "swiss standard of living". :rolleyes:

Wah who the fuck remembers shit like this donkey yrs ago?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Big country of 260 million population apologised to 5 million little red dot

That's by no means kow-towing to red dot. Its a gentlemanly thing that President Yudhoyono did. Further, judging from the many Indonesian contacts I know, they are genuinely embarrassed about the haze issue, and some would even in their own small ways try to make things better.

Compared to other FT's who come here to bitch about us, calling us dogs, I'll say Indonesians are good people by and large.


The country causes haze to singapore and it's only right he apologizes and you actually praise him for it? :rolleyes:

Good ppl my ass.

Let's just change the country.

Suppose china was burning and the china president apologized would you praise him for it? Rhetorical question.

Then some china ppl tried to make things better in their own small way in which you didn't even mention how. So are tiongs good ppl now?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Four Chinese workers chopped up by PNG locals

png is wow amazing. It's much worse than indonesia obviously and do you know i actually know of a PNG girl that is half chinese her dad is chinese and half png blackie and she and her sister live in singapore.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Ambulance operator on how to suck money from patient

This is precisely why you do not privatize something that should have been a public good.

Profit maximizing pappies only care about lining their own pockets.

In fact, if an elderly SG citizen needs an ambulance, you jolly well provide it to him or her, free-of-charge.

This is where taxpayer's money should go into funding, instead of vanity projects such as YOG or Gardens By The Bay.

dude no point even if they didn't privatize it cos pappie ambulances won't be any cheaper.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Indonesian haze hits Thailand

Hahahahahaha Jakarta no haze leh

That's right cos java is right in the south of sumatra and also happens to be the capital of that acursed country. Now if java had the haze guess what all of a sudden the fuckers buring those tress, bushes in sumatra would stop suddenly double quick time.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: REMIX! Sinkie woman put the hail stone inside his tongue. Guess which race?

Guess the race? Man this is offensive but not in the ways that you guys think.

Firstly we need to determine if the action done by the person is a good or a bad thing. Obviously things like crimes committed that's bad.

In this case it's gross and rather stupid and cute in a way but let's just play it safe and take that as offensive.

Now as clear as day we can see how that person looks like and which race she belongs to BUT since she has committed something offensive and stupid stating her race is considered as offensive and therefore racist UNLESS she happens to be chinese.

That's it! It's racism if the person in question ISN'T chinese. It's offensive.

That's right it isn't offensive if you posted say 10 articles or videos of chinese ppl doing all sorts of gross or embarrassing things. Nope perfectly fine.

Now what happens if it's a good thing?

That's right it now changes in the opposite direction.

Chinese person does something good like save some drowning kids. Whatever. Nobody gives a fuck it's like he's supposed to do that like it's his job. Mind you i started such a thread of a chinaman saving 1 drowning malay kid and my post got dumped in as a racist post. :rolleyes:

Now if a non chinese person let's say a malay person did something good like save a drowning person or better save a drowning CHINA kid.

Wow let's bring on the champagne. Let's praise him to the skies let's celebrate!! yeah!!! Let's include all ppl in his race as well.

That's right so now you guys know that's exactly how it works not only here but probably in singapore too.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Vivian, the world's highest paid postman

This half breed shit skin needs to find his proper niche. A postman albeit a highly paid one is a job that a skin should do.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: OMG! Chops up wife and puts parts in 22 containers

obvious isnt it?.....its a chink

Fucking chinks with dotted foreheads there now it isn't racist anymore. Thank god. You see how you instantly mentioned chinese as a racial slur cos everyone knows making racist comments on chinese ppl isn't offensive.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Vivian, the world's highest paid postman

you see most postmans are either skins or m&ds pm lee was smart in getting the half breed skin to do the job.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Biker Swings Knife At Cop During Traffic Stop. Guess the nationality

i choose indian or m&d!!!!

Opps i am a racist! :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Sinkie gay activists demand road closure for pink dot event

What the fuck is with this video? THey now promoting faggot ideals?

That secondary school mat also cross dresses as a girl if you watched the vid he dressed up as a girl while working as a waitress and his classmates saw it and laughed at him.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: While the rest of the world fights for freedom and democracy right now, sinkie fi

macs is mostly staff by m&ds and lowly educated chinese and probably only the higher management have any form of tertiary education so nothing surprising.

All computers have spell-checkers. There's no excuse for poor spelling or grammar, especially if you're issuing a press release on behalf of McDonald's.