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Motorcyclist decapitated after collision with truck driven by PRC!


Alfrescian (Inf)
59-year-old motorcyclist decapitated after collision with truck at Tuas West Road
Posted on 09 January 2014 | 30,515 views | 35 comments
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A 59-year-old man was killed after a horrifying accident at the junction of Tuas West Road and Tuas Avenue 7 this morning (Jan 9), at around 6am.
The victim, a Malaysian Chinese, was a welding worker at a factory in the vicinity. His motorcycle had collided with a tipper truck while he was making a turn.
According to a report on Shin Min Daily News via Omy.sg, the man's head was decapitated and sent flying five metres with his helmet still on.
A security guard working in the area told journalists that the lorry had been on Tuas West Road when the motoryclist made a turn from Tuas Avenue 7.
The lorry driver was arrested by the police at the scene and investigations are ongoing.
A spokesperson for the police said:
"​Police received a call today at about 6.07am informing us of an accident at the junction of Tuas West Road and Tuas Avenue 7.
"Upon polive arrival, it was establiashed that an accident involving a tipper truck and a motorycle had occured at the said loction.
"The male motoryclist was pronounced dead by paramedics at the scene.
The driver has been arrested in relation to the case. Police investigations are ongoing."
Read the full report on Jan 9's copy of Shin Min Daily News.

SkyObserver on Fri, 01/10/2014 - 10:59
According to Wan Bao the lorry driver is from China. I don't know their licence is genuine one. As I know there are a lot foreigners holding "KOPI" driving licence. For the safety of residents Singapore government should check and verify their licences and test their driving skill before allow them to drive in Singapore especially those from left hand drived countries .


Alfrescian (Inf)
Fucked up STOMP likes to put its gay watermark on every single pic, even on pics from Wanbao/Zaobao. :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
why does the report state the identity of the dead man but not the driver?


Driver is of a special class imported from the MOTHERLAND & is a comrade, it is to protect their status, whereas, MALAYSIAN CHINESE...are the lowest form in the food chain...this is the whitie caste system...:rolleyes:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
why does the report state the identity of the dead man but not the driver?

The presstitutes have stopped naming the nationality of accident-causing foreign drivers since a while back. It's definitely a gag order directive from above to 'combat rising xenophobia'. But their silence is quite telling too. :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
"The male motoryclist was pronounced dead by paramedics at the scene.

wonder they tried mouth to mouth resuscitation before this.

