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i hate my team 老巫婆 line manager. how to revenge?


i hate my team line manager. she is very picky and often foul temper. she even used words like fucking hell, fucking bastard, cb, knn and insulting words like stupid, daft, u born yesterday is it on my other team members. she very emo person and very mood swing type. disrespect other people and I hate her very very much. can suggest me a way to destroy her career?


That bitch should have signed on in the Army where fucking up subordinates is the norm.


i hate my team line manager. she is very picky and often foul temper. she even used words like fucking hell, fucking bastard, cb, knn and insulting words like stupid, daft, u born yesterday is it on my other team members. she very emo person and very mood swing type. disrespect other people and I hate her very very much. can suggest me a way to destroy her career?
Spread rumour that she claimed she is a virgin.


Old Fart
i hate my team line manager. she is very picky and often foul temper. she even used words like fucking hell, fucking bastard, cb, knn and insulting words like stupid, daft, u born yesterday is it on my other team members. she very emo person and very mood swing type. disrespect other people and I hate her very very much. can suggest me a way to destroy her career?
is she chio?

Scrooball (clone)

It’s like picking a comfortable seat inside a hot bus without air-conditioning.

Why don’t you leave your job and find better prospects? It’s not like you are having a fantastic career if you are reporting to some ‘line manager’. Lol


i hate my team line manager. she is very picky and often foul temper. she even used words like fucking hell, fucking bastard, cb, knn and insulting words like stupid, daft, u born yesterday is it on my other team members. she very emo person and very mood swing type. disrespect other people and I hate her very very much. can suggest me a way to destroy her career?

Whats stopping you from resignation?


i hate my team line manager. she is very picky and often foul temper. she even used words like fucking hell, fucking bastard, cb, knn and insulting words like stupid, daft, u born yesterday is it on my other team members. she very emo person and very mood swing type. disrespect other people and I hate her very very much. can suggest me a way to destroy her career?
wow ..woman can be so vulgar??


I think this kind of thing have to see the organisation structure then can decide how to move on.
If is a sme kind can forget it and best to fark off.
If is a large mnc, take video of her when she saying the knnbccb then send it to the ceo. She will be gone before you need to do anything.


Alfrescian (Inf)
i hate my team line manager. she is very picky and often foul temper. she even used words like fucking hell, fucking bastard, cb, knn and insulting words like stupid, daft, u born yesterday is it on my other team members. she very emo person and very mood swing type. disrespect other people and I hate her very very much. can suggest me a way to destroy her career?
lianbeng suggests to rape her lah! :biggrin: