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Hamas seems to rule out key points of truce offer, wants release of Jihad mass murderer Marwan Barghouti



Hamas officials said Friday that the group is studying a proposed ceasefire deal that would include prolonged pauses in fighting in Gaza and swaps of Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners, but at the same time appeared to rule out some of its key components.

Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh held a phone call with Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ziad Nakhaleh to discuss the deal, the Gaza-ruling terror group announced. According to a statement from Haniyeh’s office, the two agreed any deal with Israel for the release of hostages must be accompanied by a complete halt to the fighting, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, ending the blockade, reconstruction of the Strip and the freeing of Palestinian security prisoners.

Such steep demands would seem to be non-starters


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mossad is getting soft. In the past they would have gone all out assasinating those key personnel on the opposite side.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hamas should stop defending and go on a offensive in the west bank.
Yes I agree. A suicide mission would be best for these pedo-god followers. Get it over once and for all and displace Islam with Judaism in Palestine instead.


Israel better use this world to reduce the Palestinian population. these Islamic terrorists reproduce very fast. So must flatten Gaza completely first