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Dr Gwee Kok Ann say please eat more carcinogens I get more patients


BBQ food: Health alert

BY: Stacey Chia

Think sizzling meat and many think hearty appetite.

However, if you often indulge in barbecued meat like bak kwa, char siew and satay, think about their potential health risks.

Dr Erwin Kay from KCS Medical Centre noted that while there is no clear proof that barbecued food causes cancer, burnt or overcooked food is potentially carcinogenic.

Carcinogens are substances that have been directly linked to cancer.

Dr Yap Chin Kong from Yap Chin Kong Gastroenterology and Liver Clinic explained that carcinogens such as Heterocyclic Amines (HCA) are produced under high temperature when a chemical reaction occurs between amino acids and creatine found in meats.

'This is of concern because HCA has been linked to stomach, colorectal, pancreatic and breast cancer,' he said.

He also said that the production of HCA is not confined to only when beef is barbecued, but happens when chicken, pork and fish are barbecued as well.

'We are seeing an increase in colon, breast and pancreatic cancer in Singapore. Although the reasons are not entirely clear, environmental factors account for about 70 per cent of the reasons for cancer. Dietary factors also play a role,' said Dr Yap.

He said that cooking methods like oven roasting and baking can also produce HCA, but they would be much less than barbecuing.

Ms Pooja Vig, nutritional therapist from The Nutrition Clinic, cited a study conducted by the University of South Carolina which found that women who regularly consumed well-done meats had around five times the risk of getting breast cancer than women who ate meat cooked at lower temperatures.

In a separate study by the National Cancer Institute in the United States, those who had their meat medium-well or well done had more than three times the risk of stomach cancer than those who had their beef rare.

However, if the necessary precautions are taken, barbecued foods can be healthy, said Ms Nicola Porter, a dietitian at Nutri-Style.

'By marinating meat with marinades high in cancer-fighting antioxidants such as lemon or lime juice, prior to cooking, you can reduce HCA levels by over 90 per cent,' she said.

Dr Gwee Kok Ann from the Stomach, Liver and Bowel Clinic said that despite these studies, there is no reason to give up barbecuing and one should take these dietary studies with a pinch of salt.

'I've encountered patients with cancer even though they have led the healthiest lives,' he said


He said that cooking methods like oven roasting and baking can also produce HCA, but they would be much less than barbecuing.

I always bake :biggrin:<!-- / message -->