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Bastard HK MRT (MTR) Project again full of FRAUDS Quality Cheat & Risks

democracy my butt


分判商工人剪短鋼筋 港鐵監管人員無量度

東方日報 OrientalDaily

3.6k 人追蹤
2018年6月8日 上午5:45



五度揭違規 僅一次有文件紀錄







" data-reactid="31">沙中線紅磡站擴建月台鋼筋接駁工程懷疑造假事件疑點重重,港鐵連日解畫卻語焉不詳,昨日終於首度揭開「真兇」身份。港鐵工程總監黃唯銘透露,根據工程監管人員的匯報,是負責紮鐵工程的分判商「泛迅」的工人剪短鋼筋,相信對方是施工時「貪方便」而作出有關行為,但港鐵的人員並無量度鋼筋被剪短的幅度。港鐵主席馬時亨重申,若證明有人違法必定「送官究辦」,並指今次事關重大,呼籲工程總承建商「禮頓」現身交代事件。


五度揭違規 僅一次有文件紀錄











Subcontractors cut short steel bars MTR supervisors have no measure
[Oriental Daily OrientalDaily]
Oriental Daily OrientalDaily
3.6k person tracking
Oriental Daily
June 8, 2018 5:45am
MTR refers to the situation where the rebar connection was found to be out of specification during the inspection.
See photos
MTR refers to the situation where the rebar connection was found to be out of specification during the inspection.

During the expansion of the Shaping Line Hung Hom station, there was considerable doubt about the suspicion of counterfeiting during the construction of the steel plate connection project at the platform of the Strait. MTR's interpretation of the picture on the same day was unknown, but it finally opened its identity as "authentic murderer" for the first time yesterday. Ms. Huang Weiming, Director of MTR Engineering, disclosed that according to the report of the project supervisor, the worker of the subcontractor “Fanxun” who was responsible for the tie-iron project cut the steel bars. He believed that the other party was doing “conscientious” at the time of construction and made the relevant actions, but the MTR The staff did not measure the extent to which the bars were cut. MTR Chairman Ma Shiheng reiterated that if anyone proves that someone has violated the law, he must “send to the government” and he means that the matter is important. He called on the engineering contractor Leighton to appear in the incident.

The MTR held a press conference the day before and was repeatedly asked about who cut the steel bars and then pretended to be installed. The director of engineering, Huang Weiming, responded that there was no evidence to show who the person was doing. However, after a night of absence, Huang yesterday morning suddenly uncovered the radio program. The answer is that according to the MTR project supervisors' report, they found that only when the steel bars were cut short, were the workers involved in the process. It was believed that the workers cut short steel bars. He also quoted the workers' explanation that because of the more intensive use of steel bars in certain parts of the project, the installation also had a sequence, and some steel bars were difficult to place. Workers then dealt with them “by another method”.

The fifth violation was only documented once

Huang Weiming explained that the engineering supervisors inspected the site on a full-time basis on a number of occasions. The number of inspections was about 100. Each time about one hundred screw caps were inspected, five out of the five inspections found out of standard conditions. Only the third, that is, ten years and ten years. One documentary record was recorded in mid-February. He pointed out that the supervisory staff found that the five reinforcing bars were cut short and "thought it was awkward". Therefore, he issued a warning letter to the chief contractor "Leighton," and Leighton subsequently issued a warning letter to the "pan-Xun." For the remaining four times, it was found that each time fewer than five reinforcements were cut short. As workers were immediately required to make corrections and replace another reinforcement, there was no record and no measure was taken. According to Liang Guoquan, chief executive officer of the MTR Corporation, based on the memory and written records of the inspectors, it can be inferred that the total number of steel bars involved in the problem is less than a few.

Ma Shiheng: falsification must bear legal responsibility

As to whether or not the steel bars are deliberately falsified, Huang Weiming pointed out that the MTR Corporation requires the construction of the contractors to strictly meet the requirements of the design and plans. If any irregularities are found, it is necessary to amend them. The usual practice in the industry is to retreat unless there is interest or fraud. Ma Shiheng added that the contractor has the responsibility to ensure that all 26,000 screw caps are free from problems. If any artificial vacations are found, major contractors and subcontractors are liable.

Ma Shiheng also believes that if the same situation is encountered, the engineering staff should report to the Works Committee under the management of the MTR Corporation Board. “After looking at the family and turning around, the stern ditch should call me a safety issue.” However, he emphasized that most members of the board of directors are not engineers. “If everything is presented in detail, it will affect the process of the company.” If there is a need to improve the notification mechanism, the MTR will adopt a humility and open attitude. He pointed out that after the report is submitted next week, the MTR will cooperate if the Government considers it necessary to set up a committee to follow up.

There are still several contracts between MTR and Leighton

As to whether the MTRCL still has confidence in Leighton, Liang Guoquan pointed out that the MTR began to cooperate with Leighton for many years. The other party has been in Hong Kong for decades and has various certifications. There are still several contracts between the two sides. The situation will be dealt with again. Leighton had not responded to the incident for several days. The reporter visited the offices of Panxun Construction Co., Ltd. yesterday, but no one answered the door.

Ma Shiheng (second from left) appealed to Leighton to present his case. The first one is Huang Weiming. (photo by Yuan Zhihao)
See photos
Ma Shiheng (second from left) appealed to Leighton to present his case. The first one is Huang Weiming. (photo by Yuan Zhihao)
The expansion project of the Hung Hom Station on the Shazhong Line has led to the occurrence of suspicion of steel fraud.
See photos
The expansion project of the Hung Hom Station on the Shazhong Line has led to the occurrence of suspicion of steel fraud.
The reporter visited the office of the “Fasting News” yesterday, but no one answered the door. (Huang Xiong photo)
See photos
The reporter visited the office of the “Fasting News” yesterday, but no one answered the door. (Huang Xiong photo)


Alfrescian (Inf)
fake steel from prc flooding the world market. and tiongs are trying to tranship their fake steel to u.s. via canada, mexico, and europe using proxy companies in these regions to fool u.s. buyers.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
If the Chinese are involved the words "fake", "fraud", "cheat" etc will invariably appear sooner rather than later.


...Even though fraudulent involved...But they do not have many break down like our sinkie trains...Bunch of crowns in our management..jlb


If HK was independent or remain under the poms such things would have been minimise...icac is loosing it's influence due to commie interference


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The Chinese should stick to what they are good at ie exporting their prostitutes around the world!

If the Burmese had such a successful whore export business the country would be super rich today.





democracy my butt

Today's mainland China got better integrity than Ang Moh & Japs. Japs are now admittedly full of quality and safety frauds and commercial figures frauds, Japs government also do frauds on their own civil servants retirement funds. Japs citizens widely fraud with pension, and pretending the dead were still alive by stashing their corpses to collect pensions. This is the truth of "Japanese Longevity".

HK are fraudsters, because they were fed with Ang Moh's shit and became crooks and bastards. So is Taiwan - Taiwan is the global center of telephone and internet scam inventions and masterminds. #1 Crook Island. What the Chinese need to do is to genocide them all.


  6月8日,国家主席习近平同俄罗斯总统普京共同乘坐高铁前往天津,出席中俄友好交流活动。 新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄

Chinese Trains are Perfect and World #1. Engineering standard and achievements are #1. Because everything are done perfectly with pride. They look down on Ang Moh & Japs & especially Ah Nehs.

democracy my butt

Mainland Chinese consulting firm FORTUNATELY CAUGHT the HK Fraudsters! Reported them!

Well Done! Send them to prison!


運房局曾收中科電郵 指紅磡站工程有問題


11.9k 人追蹤
2018年6月9日 上午6:11










The Transport Bureau has received the email from the China Branch indicating that there is a problem with the Hung Hom station project.
[Sing Tao Daily]
Star Island Daily
11.9k person tracking
June 9, 2018 6:11 AM
■ In September last year, China Science and Technology issued an e-mail to the Office of the Secretary for Housing and Housing, requesting a meeting to discuss the construction of the Sha Zhong line, but no further information was provided by email.

[Sing Tao Daily reported] (Sing Tao Daily reports) There have been new developments in the steel counterfeiting incident at the Hung Hom station of the MTR Shachine Line. The government has always stated that it did not know before the incident was revealed, but the Transport and Housing Bureau confirmed yesterday that the sub-contractor Ke Xingye originally sent an e-mail to the office of the director in September last year and asked to discuss technical issues related to the expansion project of Hung Hom station. However, the e-mail did not disclose specific details. After three days, China Science and Industrial was renamed. All the suspicions have been clarified and it is considered that the parties need not follow up again. As a result, they did not meet with the Bureau. According to the reply from the Administration, the Highways Department had inquiries with the MTR at that time, but the MTR said that it needed more information to respond and the Department stopped following up. Some legislators urged the government to open an e-mail record with China Science and Technology to release public concerns and request the government to set up an independent investigation committee to investigate the incident.

The sand line project broke the scandal of steel bars being cut. The government has been unaware of it. However, “Cable TV” quoted the news yesterday as saying that the subcontractor responsible for the concrete construction of laminated slabs in China Science and Technology Industrial Co., Ltd. was on September 15 last year. An e-mail was sent to the Director of the Office of the Secretary for Transport and Housing to meet with the bureau, the MTR, and the main contractor Leighton to discuss the construction of the SCL, but the e-mail did not provide further information.

When the Transport and Housing Bureau responded to the enquiries yesterday, the incident was confirmed. The bureau has already contacted China Science and Technology Group on the same day and was informed of the concerns raised by China Science and Technology Corporation. It was a technical issue related to the “Shanzhong Line Engineering Contract 11-12”. Ke Industrial agreed to discuss with the Highways Department. On September 15 and 16 last year, the Highways Department tried several times to call and emailed Zhong Ke Xingye to discuss the incident. However, it has not been successful.

The Bureau pointed out that after three days, Zhongke Xingye replied by email that the suspicions of China Science and Technology had been completely clarified. The bureau needed no further follow-up and the meeting did not proceed. The Bureau also mentioned that the Highways Department had separately queried the MTR Corporation on the incident. However, the MTR said that it needed more information to respond. In addition, the company did not provide relevant information and the HyD stopped short of following up.

The reply of the Administration did not mention the date the Highways Department had enquired with the MTR, nor did it disclose the officials responsible for handling the e-mails. It was alleged that a permanent secretary of the Transport and Home Affairs Department and a senior engineer of the Highways Department had followed up on the e-mails at that time, and the permanent secret agent responsible for the transport within the bureau was Li Yide.

The Chairman of the Legislative Council’s Sub-committee on Railway Matters Tian Beichen said yesterday that the HyD had contacted the Chinese Branch immediately after learning of the incident. In addition to the e-mail contents or lack of reference to the steel bars being cut off, China Communications subsequently informed the Board that the suspicion was completely For clarification, it is no longer necessary to follow up. It is difficult to say whether the Government is suspected of concealment. However, he criticized the Highways Department for failing to take the initiative when making inquiries with the MTR, indicating that the Department should have requested the MTR to give a specific reply.

Chen Shuzhuang, a member of the Civic Party Legislative Council, said that the government should publicly disclose relevant information, such as records, with Zhong Ke's e-mail in order to clarify public concerns. She pointed out that an earlier media report that Zhongke had sent an e-mail to Leighton’s senior executive on the same day last year, September 15, requested that the follow-up reinforcements be cut short. Therefore, it was inferred that Zhongke’s e-mails to contact the YHA office on the same day should have Referring to the related content, "At least not a blank email, there must be content in order to prompt the Bureau to follow up immediately."

The MTR will submit a report next week and several members of the establishment will propose that the government set up an independent investigation committee to investigate the incident. Chen Hengji, a member of the Legislative Council of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB), said that he had already written to the Chief Executive, Mrs Lam, asking for the establishment of an independent investigation committee headed by a judge. He pointed out that the committee has the power of summons and right of discovery, and it is expected that the truth can be objectively and fairly ascertained.

The Legislative Council’s internal committee yesterday rejected the warm-blooded citizen Zheng Songtai’s reference to the privilege law with 21 votes in favor, 26 votes against and two votes, and set up a committee to investigate the steel counterfeiting incident at Hung Hom Station on the Shachine Line. According to Lin Jianfeng of the Democratic People's Political Consultative Conference, things have become politicized and should be handled by an independent government committee. The Secretary for Housing and Housing, Chen Fan, said yesterday that he was aware of the opinions expressed by the Legislative Council's House Committee on the establishment of an independent investigation committee and reiterated that the government is paying close attention to the incident and does not rule out an independent investigation when necessary.

democracy my butt

HK bastard eats Ang Moh shit and followed Ang Moh became bankrupted beggars!

Policeman STOLEN RMB$670K evidence cash from Police Station Steel Cabinet!

Cops also no integrity! Mainland Gongan 1000X better! Fucking HK bastards!



now.com 新聞

1.3k 人追蹤
2018年6月8日 下午10:24



Police arrested for stealing 670,000 yuan worth of exhibits
[now.com News]
Now.com News
1.3k person tracking
June 8, 2018 10:24 PM

[Now News] A police officer allegedly stole 670,000 yuan worth of exhibits.

The police pointed out that when Taguling zoning officers checked the safe on Saturday, they discovered that about 670,000 yuan of renminbi were suspected to have been stolen. An arrested 41-year-old surnamed Liu was arrested on suspicion of theft in Kwai Chung District after investigation.

The police pointed out that there are established procedures to regulate the storage of exhibits. The police attach great importance to the integrity of the personnel. Any person who commits illegal activities will not tolerate and tolerate the police. It will definitely handle it.