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Putin need to supply these missiles to ISIS & Hamas to test shooting USAF IDF targets




These look so impressive but not really tested for killing ability especially against US made planes, the best ever live test will be in Gaza and Iraq right now. When the news kept reporting downing of F-35 F-22 non-stop then every customer will line up out side Putin's door with huge cash to buy these missiles. Particularly the rich Arabs and Chinese.

This is truely lucrative billion dollar business. Arms export will make Russia richer and stronger. For each system they export they will have money to build 5 more.

syed putra

Re: Putin need to supply these missiles to ISIS & Hamas to test shooting USAF IDF tar

Too sophisticated for hamas. they will probably dismantle the equipment and use it to build their tunnels.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Putin need to supply these missiles to ISIS & Hamas to test shooting USAF IDF tar

Anyone helping these Muslims will get betrayed by them. Just like how CIA helped Osama and then get plane flew into their Twin Towers. The Jews are doing good by ridding these pest of humankind.


Re: Putin need to supply these missiles to ISIS & Hamas to test shooting USAF IDF tar

There is a huge lucrative market hungry for good.missiles to shoot down F-35 F-22
Ready customers with very deep pockets. Putin have to have war proven results to do effective marketing. Shooting down MH17 or SQ flights are not good enough.
Must down dozens of USAF IDF jets especially top models.

Obama sold F-35 @ US$130m to $150m for billions.

Once they go down by Russian missiles by big numbers. Obama sales will be finished. Orders cancelled.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Putin need to supply these missiles to ISIS & Hamas to test shooting USAF IDF tar

What can NATO aviation do against the the S-300


I hope this does not happen. However, if they are delivered to Syria, we know how to proceed
- Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon


Ingenious designers of the family of anti-aircraft S-300 ahead of time for a quarter century – is still “three hundredth” guardian of heaven is the most advanced anti-aircraft missile system in the world, which bows down before all NATO combat aircraft.

Time has proved the correctness inherent in the C-300 technical solutions: the construction of the complex was perfect, from the point of view of actual combat conditions. Our scientists have guessed the first place missiles in TPK (transport and launch container) – sealed “cans” in which the ammunition (anti-aircraft missile launch + gas generator) can be stored for decades, ready to start at any moment. “The key is to start” – and the rocket leaves the WPK, carried away upwards, towards his imminent death, a minute later it will become a blinding flash of light and disappeared from radar screens with enemy aircraft.
Second ingenious “trick” from the creators of the C-300 – Vertical start: anti-aircraft missile itself takes place in the air and falls on the combat course. Such a scheme allows you to place the launcher on any suitable “patch” in the folds of the landscape between the buildings in the narrow gorges and ravines, protected from the effects of shock waves of enemy weapons. In contrast, the C-300, an American anti-aircraft missile system “Patriot” have to waste precious time, turning the heavy launcher in the direction of the target. Because of the oblique launch, “Patriot” needs space and open space – launcher prevent closely spaced houses, hills and trees.


The creators of the C-300 was originally working for the future, taking into account advances in remedies against air defense systems. It’s no secret that the signals emitted by the radar with lateral branches – “petals”. In the modern electronic warfare enemy is always trying to catch the “side lobes” of the main radio beam, thereby recognizing the frequency and mode of the radar. With this information, there was nothing worth “score” radar interference in the desired wavelength range.

The creators of the C-300 provided this threat – “side lobes” beam-300 are kept to a minimum, which is extremely complicated work on the detection and classification of radar “three-hundredth of” anti-aircraft missile system. In addition, the C-300 were laid significant opportunities for adaptation to noise conditions and the suppression of the “Doppler noise.” In the C-300 used jam-resistant communication lines with automatic frequency tuning modes are “collective” operation in which data from different radars are flocking to a single command post of anti-aircraft missile division. It would not have tried to suppress enemy air defense detection, anti-aircraft gunners in any case will have a clear view of the air situation, summing up scraps of information from multiple radars.

Operation is possible triangulation – simultaneous highlighting goals two speed cameras, and knowing the exact distance (base) between the radar and the angles / azimuths, under which they are observing goal, we can construct a triangle, the base of which – the base, at the top – flogged goal. After a moment, the computer will accurately determine the coordinates of the target. Very old and reliable way, you can calculate, for example, the location of the jammer.

As for the weapons of S-300 – a theme battered and obvious. Meeting with a missile, cutting the sky in the six-speed sound – a guaranteed end to any aerodynamic object created by human hands. Finally, the family of anti-aircraft missile system S-300 – is a set of detection, mobile launchers on a wheeled or tracked chassis (not counting the ship’s S-300F), military trucks with auxiliary equipment and software modules alert.

The choice – two dozen models of rocket ammunition medium, high and extra high range, with regular and “special” warheads with active and semi-active homing.


The downside? They have in any system. The list of shortcomings of S-300 usually consists of two factors:

First – bulkiness of the complex. There are complaints about its hardware components. As the old joke: our chip – the biggest chip in the world!

The second drawback is not related to the construction SAM – this is a common problem with all the modern anti-aircraft missile systems related to the fundamental laws of nature. Radio waves propagate strictly straightforward, and it causes problems with the detection of low-flying objects. For example, the threatening statements about the destruction of targets at a distance of 400 km for the S-400 “Triumph” apply only to the objectives in the upper stratosphere. At the same time, any “corncob”, flying over the very tops of the trees can safely sneak up to the position of S-400 at a distance of a few dozen kilometers away, while remaining completely invisible and invulnerable to anti-missile system (superrefraction and other rare atmospheric phenomena that increase the detection range of the radar will not be considered).



The formula for calculating distance horizon (radio horizon), taking into account the height of the observer and the observed object height
Radio horizon problem has two solutions:

The first – giving targeting external means of detection (AWACS aircraft, spacecraft), followed by firing anti-aircraft missiles to the active homing. Alas, none of the modern air defense system does not have such fantastic modes.

The second solution – lifting the suspension antenna. To expand the “line of sight” radar-300 a versatile mobile tower height of 25 m, carried on the vehicle MAZ-537 and 39-meter high tower Duplex 40V6M that, despite the enormous height, can be mounted on unequipped position for two hours .

Combat capabilities of the system are extremely great – no coincidence, our “Western partners” so rage at the mention of the C-300. However, it is naive to believe that NATO members were sitting all this time “idle.” There is a problem – there should be a solution. The American military-industrial complex frantically searching for a way out of the situation, and offered a number of very important and effective means.

Invite readers to see the set of NATO air forces to overcome the powerful echelon air defense systems and make a prediction: there is a chance for the C-300 to protect the Syrian sky?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Putin need to supply these missiles to ISIS & Hamas to test shooting USAF IDF tar

S-300PMU (SA-10) Air Defence Missile System

The PLA Air Force (PLAAF)’s Surface-to-Air Missile Corps has been operating the S-300 (NATO reporting name: SA-10 Grumble) family of surface-to-air missile (SAM) system developed by Russian Almaz Central Design Bureau since the mid-1990s. The S-300 missile system was regarded as one of the world’s most effective all-altitude regional air defence system, comparable in performance to the U.S. MIM-104 Patriot system. The PRC remains the largest export customer of the S-300, mainly due to its incapability to produce a similar system domestically or acquire it from another country.


The PRC ordered two battalions (eight batteries) of the S-300PMU (SA-10 Grumble) SAM system in 1991 and received them in 1993. The US$220 million package included 32 truck-towed 5P85T (KrAZ-260V) transporter-erector-launchers (TEL), each with four ready-to-launch semi-active radar homing 5V55U missiles and 4~8 spare missiles, totalling 256~384 missiles in the package. Some additional 120 spare missiles were ordered from Russia in 1994 to replace those fired in exercises.

The contract to purchase two battalions (eight batteries) of the improved S-300PMU1 (SA-10A Grumble) system was signed in 1994 and the delivery took place in the late 1990s. The US$400 million package included 32 self-propelled 5P85SE/DE TEL vehicles and 196 TVM-guidance 48N6E missiles. 50% of the package was paid through barter and 50% in hard currency.

An additional two battalions (eight batteries) of the S-300PMU1 system was ordered in 2001 in a contract worth US$400 million. The packaged included 32 TEL vehicles and 198 missiles, also in the 48N6E model. These missiles were reportedly deployed in the southeast Fujian province across the strait from Taiwan.

In 2002, The PRC ordered two Altair S-300F Rif (NATO reporting name: SA-N-6) shipboard air defence missile complexes worth US$£200 million from Russia. Each of theses complexes consists of six large-size revolver vertical launching systems (VLS), housing eight ready-to-launch 5V55RM semi-active radar homing missiles each. These systems were installed on the PLA Navy’s Type 051C (Luzhou class) missile destroyers.

In 2003, the PRC finalised a contract worth US$980 million with the Russian state export agency Rosoboronexport to acquire four battalions (16 batteries) of the more advanced S-300PMU2 (SA-10B Favorit) system, which was introduced to the international market in 2001. The package included 64 self-propelled 5P85SE2/DE2 TEL vehicles and 256 improved 48N6E2 missiles, which has an extended range of 200km against aircraft and 40km range against ballistic missile. The first two battalions were delivered in 2007, and the rest two battalions are scheduled to be delivered in 2008.

By the end of 2008, the PLAAF will be operating a total of 160 S-300 launchers grouped into 10 SAM battalions (40 batteries). These launchers include 32 S-300PMUs, 64 S-300PMU1s, and 64 S-300PMU2s. Each launcher is equipped with four ready-to-launch missiles and 4~8 spare missiles. If taking additional spare and practice missiles purchased from Russia into account, the total number of missiles received by the PLAAF has amounted well above 1,000.

The acquisition of the S-300 system has significantly improved the PLA’s capability of denying Chinese airspace to enemy air forces. In particular, the latest S-300PMU2 system gives the PLAAF limited ballistic missile defence capability for the first time. As well as serving defensive roles, the missile system could also be used in a more “offensive” manner by deploying them close to the border to force enemy aircraft avoid entering their envelope, thus forming an airspace blockage over enemy territory.

However, the mere 160 launchers are barely adequate to provide cover for few key cities and strategic assets. A number of indigenous SAM development projects have been initiated since the mid-1980s, but none has been able to produce a capable SAM system of the S-300-class. As a result, the PLAAF is forced to continue relying on the obsolete HQ-2 SAM system based on the 1950s-era Soviet SA-2 Guideline technology to provide air-defence in most parts of the country. The PRC was reportedly seeking a licensed co-production of the S-300, but the request may have been turned down by Russia.

S-300PMU Missiles

The vertically launched S-300 missile uses a single-stage solid propellant rocket motor. It is normally armed with a 100~150kg HE-fragmentation warhead with a proximity fuse, though a low yield tactical nuclear type is believed to be an alternative warhead option. The missile's vertical launch trajectory provides fastest available reaction time capability to counter targets approaching from any azimuth. Missile engagement altitude extends from 25m up to about 30,000m. The maximum engagement range is 120~150km. The missile is carried inside a sealed container-launcher cylinder and does not to require any check-ups or adjustments for a period of 10 years.

The initial version acquired by the PLA is the S-300PMU introduced in 1992 for the export market. The system features the improved 5V55U missile, which was developed from the 5V55R, The missile still utilised the older semi-active radar homing (SARH) terminal guidance but had an increased engagement envelope to give this missile roughly the same altitude capabilities as the newer 150km-range 48N6 missile.

The S-300PMU1 uses the improved 48N6E missile using the more advanced Track-Via-Missile (TVM) guidance similar to that used on the U.S. Patriot missile air defence system. The TVM guidance provides the 48N6E missile with anti-ballistic missile (ABM) capability as well as improved performance against aircraft. The S-300PMU2 (Favorit) uses a further improved 48N6E2 missile that has extended range and performance.

HongQi 15

There has been speculations that the PLA may be considering a licensed co-production of the S-300 SAM systems in China. The Chinese copy of the S-300 was reportedly designated HongQi 15. Some reports suggested that Chinese-assembled S-300 missiles using Russian-made kits have already been tested by the PLA, but this cannot be confirmed. China has the capability to initiate such a co-production but the PLA may wish to use the S-300 technology to improve its own indigenous designs such as HongQi 9 instead. Another possibility is that China will only produce the missile, but not the TEL vehicles and guidance radar, to save the overall costs of the programme.

S-300PMU Launch Complex

Each missile battery consists of four TEL vehicles (with 16 ready-to-launch missiles), a 30N6E Flap Lid B (also known as Tomb Stone) phased-array illumination and guidance radar, and a 76N6 Clam Shell low-altitude early warning radar At the regiment level, there is also a command post consisting of a combat control system mounted on a 8X8 MAZ 543 truck, and a 64N6E Big Bird early warning radar mounted on a semi-trailer towed by an 8X8 MAZ-7910 tractor truck.

The battery takes only five minutes to deploy once it comes to the halt. The vehicles have electronic inter-vehicle communications and data transmission links with elevatable pole-type antenna, and thus it does not require interconnecting vehicle cables. Each of the KrAZ-260 tractor truck has four hydraulic jacks positioned either side between the first/second and third/fourth road wheels which are lowered to the ground to provide a more stable and level environment.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Putin need to supply these missiles to ISIS & Hamas to test shooting USAF IDF tar

Around one year ago the stat of the art's nato airforce undetook exercises in order to evaluate Sam 10.
Sam 10 belonged to Slovakia against other nato's airfleets. In order I think to prepare a syria -and next Iran-'s attack -but canceled now-. Sam 10 underwent several nato jammers, aerial attacks
The result of this exercise, demonstrated how hard it is Sa-10. Without huge losses -as there was during Vietnam's war, and Korea's war- it is nearly impossible to bypass the radar's Sa-10. With personnal highly trained, and very comptetent Sa-10 has great chances to inflict sever blows to nato's airforces.

This was a blow to the israelis's propaganda that claimed they -supposed- bypassed the Sa-10 complex in a so-called exercises where they would successufly jammed S-300.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Putin need to supply these missiles to ISIS & Hamas to test shooting USAF IDF tar


Trial MACE XIII exercise in Slovakia

Slovakia’s sole S-300PMU (SA-10 ‘Grumble’) surface-to-air missile system was the main actor during the ‘Trial MACE XIII” electronic warfare exercise held in Slovakia from 16-27 April. The S-300PMU and its attendant ‘Flap Lid’ and ‘Clam Shell’ radars were sited at Nitra, with support provided by a Slovakian Air Force L-39ZAM from the 2nd Squadron at Sliac that flew as a target for the SAM crews. The exercise allowed NATO air arms to practise tactics to deal with the so-called ‘double digit’ air defence threat, while ground and flying personnel alike were exposed to operations under electronic jamming conditions.

Sliac air base hosted the tactical air contingent, which consisted of French Air Force Mirage 2000Ds and Rafale Bs, Royal Danish Air Force F-16AMs, a NATO E-3A and a French Air Force E-3F, a Royal Norwegian Air Force Falcon 20, resident Slovakian Air Force MiG-29AS/UBS, and

Slovakian L-39ZAMTurkish Air Force F-4E-2020s from 111 Filo. Also involved was the rarely seen Learjet 35A D-CARL of German firm GFD, fitted with two Cassidian EW pods, again operating from Sliac.

Aircraft involved in ‘Trial MACE XIII’ included 111 Filo ‘Panthers’ F-4E-2020 from Eskisehir equipped with an Elta EL/L-8222 electronic countermeasures pod. Special markings to commemorate 50,000 Phantom flying hours within the unit were applied during the exercise

- See more at: http://www.kamov.net/general-aviation/trial-mace-xiii-exercise-in-slovakia/#sthash.iz7b0Yf2.dpuf


Re: Putin need to supply these missiles to ISIS & Hamas to test shooting USAF IDF tar

I can prove my point by this news


中俄苏35大单即将完成 S-400只卖给中国
08-14 18:05 综合
36 放到桌面
00:0000:00 / 04:07
日本整人节目 妹纸被射一脸浆糊
保定一家7口惨遭灭门 凶手撞大货自杀
史诗般的狙击枪恶作剧 环环相扣吓死人






click for video n pic


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Putin need to supply these missiles to ISIS & Hamas to test shooting USAF IDF tar

russian missile that grabs your attention....


  • image.jpg
    78.1 KB · Views: 736


Re: Putin need to supply these missiles to ISIS & Hamas to test shooting USAF IDF tar

High profile Russian Sino missiles and arms deal in press release:


2014年08月14日 10:14**新浪军事* 评论中大奖(4,544人参与) 收藏本文

1/23 *

  俄罗斯向中国出口S-400/苏-35在去年已经立项,俄罗斯总统普京已经下达文电,要求俄主管方与中方 进行军技合作的市场化运作,同时也成为日本、台湾地区、东南亚、美国等国家关注的焦点。

  周二,俄罗斯安泰公司副总经理VYACHESLAV K.DZLRKALN在莫斯科接受新浪特约军事评论员、新浪微博认证电视记者卢宇光专访。以下是专访实录。*******


  答:俄罗斯研制的具有反战术弹道导弹能力的中高空、中远程地空导弹系统,俄罗斯称为C-300型,北约称为SA-10(萨姆-10)。1970年开始研制,先后发展有5种型别。从1992年开始,中国先后引进了S-300PMU、S-300PMU1型,并开始生产S-300PMU1型,命名为红旗-15号。S-300PMU1型地空导弹系统由指挥中心、目标搜索雷达、制导站、48N6E型导弹及4联装发射车等组成,以营为建制单位,包括12辆发射车、48枚导弹和1个制导站,能同时拦截6个目标。48N6E型导弹采用惯性制导 主动雷达末端制导,发射方式为垂直发射,弹长7.8米,弹径0.5米,起飞重量1500公斤,最大射程90千米,射高25米-30千米,最大速度6马赫,采用破片杀伤战斗部,可拦截速度2.7千米/妙、射程1500千米来袭的战术弹道导弹,最大拦截距离40千米,最大拦截高度25千米。 S-300的导弹发射车为载重量36吨的马斯543越野车。每辆车配备4枚待发导弹,整个导弹连共有48枚导弹。

  俄罗斯研制的具有反战术弹道导弹能力的中远程地空导弹系统,俄罗斯称C-300型。分两种系列,一是“金钢石”中央设计局研制的S-300P系列,北约称为SA-10(萨姆-10),该系列目前共有S-300P(SA-10A)、S-300PM(SA-10B)、S-300PMU(SA-10C)、S-300PMU1(SA-10D)、S-300PMU2(SA-10E)“骄子”五种型号;二是“安泰”设计局研制的S-300V系列,北约称为SA-12((萨姆-12),该系列目前有S-300V、S-300V1“安泰”-2500两种型号。 S-300P系列原型S-300P于1970年开始研制,1977年装备苏军。其最新改进型S-300PMU2“骄子”于1992年服役,1998年公开亮相。俄军方称其性能优于美国的“爱国者”地空导弹系统。S-300PMU2系统由指挥中心、目标搜索雷达、制导站、48N6E2型导弹及4联装发射车等部分组成,能同时拦截6个目标,具有全天候全空域作战能力。


  S-300V于1987年装备部队,该系统由指挥车、圆扫描雷达、扇面扫描雷达、多通道导弹制导站、9M83型导弹及4联装履带式发射车、9M82型导弹及2联装履带式发射车等部分组成,能同时拦截24个目标。导弹采用惯性制导和半主动雷达末端制导,发射方式为垂直发射,可拦截速度3千米/妙、射程1100千米来袭的战术弹道导弹,最大拦截距离40千米,最大拦截高度25千米。其最新改进型 S-300V1“安泰”-2500于1999年服役,该系统配用9M83M、9M82M型两种导弹,二者可分别对付距离较近和和较远目标,能同时拦截24个气动式目标(即飞机类),或者同时拦截16个速度3千米/妙、射程2500千米来袭的战术弹道导弹,最大拦截距离40千米,最大拦截高度35千米。















Must let these missiles be war tested and proven in CURRENTLY ON-GOING war zones and showed highly successful KILL RECORDS. Sales would be HOT and LUCRATIVE. Prices goes up highly according to high market demands.


Re: Putin need to supply these missiles to ISIS & Hamas to test shooting USAF IDF tar

The Iranians are gaining favorable profiteering deals with Russian and Chinese once the proved to the world that they captured USAF top ace drone.

Fucking Pantagon and Obama deeply.



ussia And China Asked Iran For Access To Shooted Down US drone

Russian and Chinese experts appealed to Iranian authorities asking them to give access to the shot down US drone, wrote on Thursday, the Iranian newspaper The Tehran Times citing an informed source at Iran's armed forces.

It is also possible, the newspaper continues, that the UAV will be on display, "Interfax".
As reported by the newspaper VIEW, according to media reports, American downed Iranian military reconnaissance aircraft invisible CIA used to gather information on Iranian nuclear facilities, as well as the training camps of militants "of Hezbollah."

On Tuesday it was announced that the U.S. spy plane RQ-170 performed the task of American intelligence, but the nature of the device was not specified. Earlier, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby expressed concern that Iran's military might to seize the data about the secret techniques of the American UAVs.

On Sunday, Iranian television channel «Press-TV» spread the information that the Iranian air defense forces in the east downed U.S. drone aircraft.

The coalition of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan (ISAF) later said that the drone, the destruction of which on Sunday said Iran could be lost during the last week in the job in Afghanistan.

According to military analyst Vladislav Shurygin: "Management of UAV is its main vulnerable heel. To communicate with control centers, and managed, UAVs must have "thick" radio channels, which are protected from external influence is extremely difficult. They can score a noise, but this is the most primitive solution. Much more serious option is to capture anti-UAV control. To do this, to break the encryption system and the control signals, drowning out the signal control center, to take control of the UAV to its signal. "

Meanwhile, on Monday in the Western press materials, according to which the Iranian electronic warfare drone shot down an American Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel, and "planted" it by using the complex "motor depot", which Russia recently supplied to the IRI.
The coalition of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan (ISAF) later said that the drone, the destruction of which on Sunday said Iran could be lost during the last week in the job in Afghanistan.


It will soon take a test flight': Iran claims to have replicated a U.S. drone it captured during spy mission... and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei even TWEETED a photo of it in show of strength against America
Tehran reportedly captured the US RQ-170 Sentinel in 2011 while it was in its airspace, apparently on a mission to spy on the country's nuclear sites
*'Our engineers succeeded in breaking the drone's secrets and copying them. It will soon take a test flight,' an officer said Saturday
The broadcast showed supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's visit to an exhibition about Iran's military advances
The leader later tweeted a photo of the drone

PUBLISHED: 05:55 GMT, 12 May 2014 | UPDATED: 11:11 GMT, 12 May 2014

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Iran claims to have successfully copied a U.S. drone it captured in December 2011, with state television broadcasting - and even the country's supreme leader tweeting - images of the replicated aircraft.

Tehran captured the US RQ-170 Sentinel in 2011 while it was in its airspace, reportedly on a mission to spy on the country's nuclear sites.

At the time, U.S. military officials tried to play down the incident, saying Iran did not have the technology to decipher its secrets, and President Barack Obama asked the Islamic republic to return the Sentinel to no avail.

But a military officer said in footage, released Sunday, that they had cracked the code.

Scroll down for video

Tweet: Iran said on Sunday it has succeeded in copying a U.S. drone it captured in December 2011, with state television broadcasting - and even the country's supreme leader tweeting - images apparently showing the replicated aircraft

Iran leader was present for the reveal of cloned US drone

'Our engineers succeeded in breaking the drone's secrets and copying them. It will soon take a test flight,' the officer said in a move that will likely appear threatening to Washington.*

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel says he's 'open' to reviewing the military's policy on transgender service
Ukraine's acting leader issues warning to pro-Russians that a separatist vote in referendums will 'destroy' the country
The broadcast showed supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's visit to an exhibition organized by the powerful Revolutionary Guards air wing about Iran's military advances, particularly regarding ballistic missiles and drones. The leader later tweeted a photo of the drone.

Footage showed two nearly identical drones.

'This drone is very important for reconnaissance missions,' Khamenei said, standing in front of the Iranian copy of the American unmanned aircraft.

Original: An undated picture received December 8, 2011 shows a member of Iran's revolutionary guard pointing at the U.S. RQ-170 unmanned spy plane

Iran said it had taken control of the ultra hi-tech drone and forced it down in the desert where it was recovered nearly intact. Washington said it had lost control of the aircraft.

Iran has been working to develop a significant drone programme of its own, and some of its unmanned aircraft have a range of hundreds of miles and are armed with missiles.

The state broadcaster also showed images that the commentary said had been recorded by an Iranian drone above a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Gulf.

In the pictures, which were relatively clear, it was possible to see American personnel working on planes and helicopters aboard the vessel.

Leader: A handout picture released by the office of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on May 11, 2014 shows him, center, being surrounded by military commanders while visiting the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force exhibition in Tehran

Success: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, left, sitting next to the captured US RQ-170 sentinel high-altitude reconnaissance that crashed in Iran on December 2011 and its locally made replica

Meanwhile, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Sunday that Western expectations for the Islamic Republic to limit its missile program were 'stupid and idiotic.'

The Supreme Leader also called on the country's Revolutionary Guards to mass-produce missiles.

The United States and its allies have said they are worried about Iran's missile program as they fear the weapons could carry nuclear warheads. Iran has long denied having any plans to develop atomic weapons.

'They expect us to limit our missile program while they constantly threaten Iran with military action. So this is a stupid, idiotic expectation,' Khamenei was quoted as telling the IRNA news agency while on a visit to an aeronautics fair by the Revolutionary Guards.

'The revolutionary guards should definitely carry out their program and not be satisfied with the present level. They should mass produce. This is a main duty of all military officials,' Khamenei said.

HUAT AH! Iran can trade sanctioned embargo supplies with Chinese and Russians by selling secrets and cloned US drones. :biggrin:

Obama sucks thumb. :biggrin:
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