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Chitchat EDB Scholar and the 2 fridges at Blk 441, Tampines St 43


By now you must have heard about the 2 fridges at the void deck of Blk 441 to help the needy. When I asked around about MP Baey Yam Keng' new idea, the resounding reply was "what has changed". The guy was a resounding flop in EDB as a scholar so they pushed him from pillar to post.He had however began to sell himself as the bridge between the Chinese Ed and the English Ed in the political space and started high brow activities in the Arts and literary space. He eventually found refugee at Hill & Knowlton. They too told him to take hike.

So spend his time with short time gains, coming up with novel ideas that will disappear eventually and Singaporeans will have to bear with him.


SINGAPORE — Two brand-new refrigerators, parked side-by-side at a lift lobby in Tampines, have been drawing strange stares from residents there of late.

Those who have ventured a closer look have been somewhat surprised by the sight of fresh produce, meat and eggs inside the refrigerators located at Block 441 Tampines Street 43. And they are free to take what they want or need - no questions asked.

It is not a prank or a marketing gimmick. Instead, the refrigerators are part of a new, experimental community initiative aimed at encouraging residents in the area to help provide food for needy residents.

The project, launched last Saturday (Jan 21), was started by the Tampines North Citizens’ Consultative Committee, with support from the Tampines Town Council. One of the refrigerators stores Halal food and the other contains non-Halal items.

The Tampines North — My Kind of Fridge project seeks to kindle the community’s “kampung spirit”, said Mr Baey Yam Keng, a Member of Parliament for Tampines Group Representation Constituency.

The refrigerators, which were donated, were first stocked up last Saturday with contributions from residents who learnt of the initiative through social media.

While the project targets families in Blocks 441 and 442 — rental blocks that house between 200 and 300 residents across 100-odd units — Mr Baey said it was not confined only to these residents.

“There’ll be some people who may not be living in rental flats but may face hardship as well, and if they need that occasional access to food on the table, they’re most welcome,” he said, adding that the initiative was intentionally left “open and accessible”.

He acknowledged that some people may abuse the initiative by sweeping the fridges clean of items.

“But I’ve faith in the community that these people are in the real minority,” said Mr Baey, who is also Parliamentary Secretary for Culture, Community and Youth. “I don’t have to devise a very complicated mechanism to deter them at the expense of a lot more people who can benefit.”

To heighten awareness of the initiative, posters have been put up on the notice boards of flats in Tampines North. Grassroots volunteers have also been helping to spread the word.

However, when TODAY visited Block 441(space here please)on Tuesday, the fridges were largely bare, save for items such as chillies, and a handful of fruits and vegetables.

Madam Ng Ai Mui, 76, who has lived in Block 441 for nearly two decades, said she would take items such as fruits, but would be considerate in leaving some for others.

“Some people are very greedy and take a lot. Some take for their grandchildren and others; they shouldn’t do so,” she told TODAY in Mandarin.

Another resident, Madam Aminah Sakibau, has taken fish, vegetables and apples from the fridge and said she would not take whatever she already has.

“We go to the market also. Whatever I have, I won’t take,” said the 73-year-old.

Madam Tan Joo Lang, of neighbouring Block 442, said she would keep the cabbage, carrot and potatoes she obtained until Chinese New Year, but the items are “not fresh”. “It’s better to buy from the market,” she added in Mandarin.

Apart from guidelines on the fridges advising residents to inspect the food for its cleanliness, and to ensure it is hygienic, volunteers from the area’s Residents’ Committees will also drop in to check on expired food. Residents in the block also serve as volunteers to keep the fridges clean.

Said Mr Baey: “It’s a joint responsibility ... (to have) this sense of ownership and also accountability and responsibility for what we eat (and) receive.”

The constituency will study the response to the initiative for the next three to six months before deciding if tweaks are needed and if it will be extended to other rental blocks in Tampines.

“If it works well, I’m happy to be able to roll it out to other rental areas in Tampines,” said Mr Baey.


I always wonder what the fuck he does as parliamentary secretary. He spends more time running in the morning and doing constituency work rather than actual government work. Wasnt he the one who resigned to be a full time MP but somehow managed to wring an office holder position?





I always wonder what the fuck he does as parliamentary secretary. He spends more time running in the morning and doing constituency work rather than actual government work. Wasnt he the one who resigned to be a full time MP but somehow managed to wring an office holder position?

Baey Yam Keng 马炎庆 on Twitter: "Post a photo of yourself in your ...

Baey Yam Keng 马炎庆 on Twitter: "Post a photo of yourself in your school uniform. Income will donate $1, up to $1 million, for each photo posted.





By now you must have heard about the 2 fridges at the void deck of Blk 441 to help the needy. When I asked around about MP Baey Yam Keng' new idea, the resounding reply was "what has changed". The guy was a resounding flop in EDB as a scholar so they pushed him from pillar to post.He had however began to sell himself as the bridge between the Chinese Ed and the English Ed in the political space and started high brow activities in the Arts and literary space. He eventually found refugee at Hill & Knowlton. They too told him to take hike.

So spend his time with short time gains, coming up with novel ideas that will disappear eventually and Singaporeans will have to bear with him.


SINGAPORE — Two brand-new refrigerators, parked side-by-side at a lift lobby in Tampines, have been drawing strange stares from residents there of late.

Those who have ventured a closer look have been somewhat surprised by the sight of fresh produce, meat and eggs inside the refrigerators located at Block 441 Tampines Street 43. And they are free to take what they want or need - no questions asked.

It is not a prank or a marketing gimmick. Instead, the refrigerators are part of a new, experimental community initiative aimed at encouraging residents in the area to help provide food for needy residents.

The project, launched last Saturday (Jan 21), was started by the Tampines North Citizens’ Consultative Committee, with support from the Tampines Town Council. One of the refrigerators stores Halal food and the other contains non-Halal items.

The Tampines North — My Kind of Fridge project seeks to kindle the community’s “kampung spirit”, said Mr Baey Yam Keng, a Member of Parliament for Tampines Group Representation Constituency.

The refrigerators, which were donated, were first stocked up last Saturday with contributions from residents who learnt of the initiative through social media.

While the project targets families in Blocks 441 and 442 — rental blocks that house between 200 and 300 residents across 100-odd units — Mr Baey said it was not confined only to these residents.

“There’ll be some people who may not be living in rental flats but may face hardship as well, and if they need that occasional access to food on the table, they’re most welcome,” he said, adding that the initiative was intentionally left “open and accessible”.

He acknowledged that some people may abuse the initiative by sweeping the fridges clean of items.

“But I’ve faith in the community that these people are in the real minority,” said Mr Baey, who is also Parliamentary Secretary for Culture, Community and Youth. “I don’t have to devise a very complicated mechanism to deter them at the expense of a lot more people who can benefit.”

To heighten awareness of the initiative, posters have been put up on the notice boards of flats in Tampines North. Grassroots volunteers have also been helping to spread the word.

However, when TODAY visited Block 441(space here please)on Tuesday, the fridges were largely bare, save for items such as chillies, and a handful of fruits and vegetables.

Madam Ng Ai Mui, 76, who has lived in Block 441 for nearly two decades, said she would take items such as fruits, but would be considerate in leaving some for others.

“Some people are very greedy and take a lot. Some take for their grandchildren and others; they shouldn’t do so,” she told TODAY in Mandarin.

Another resident, Madam Aminah Sakibau, has taken fish, vegetables and apples from the fridge and said she would not take whatever she already has.

“We go to the market also. Whatever I have, I won’t take,” said the 73-year-old.

Madam Tan Joo Lang, of neighbouring Block 442, said she would keep the cabbage, carrot and potatoes she obtained until Chinese New Year, but the items are “not fresh”. “It’s better to buy from the market,” she added in Mandarin.

Apart from guidelines on the fridges advising residents to inspect the food for its cleanliness, and to ensure it is hygienic, volunteers from the area’s Residents’ Committees will also drop in to check on expired food. Residents in the block also serve as volunteers to keep the fridges clean.

Said Mr Baey: “It’s a joint responsibility ... (to have) this sense of ownership and also accountability and responsibility for what we eat (and) receive.”

The constituency will study the response to the initiative for the next three to six months before deciding if tweaks are needed and if it will be extended to other rental blocks in Tampines.

“If it works well, I’m happy to be able to roll it out to other rental areas in Tampines,” said Mr Baey.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The right thing to do is simple. And I provide the solution.

Soup kitchens using old and deformed but not rotten produce to feed the elderly and needy where biometrics or ic will be the way to prove they deserve it. For the needy, it can be a contract of food and voluntary workfare. This scheme can even work for needy students or those willing to toil for community service to get a meal. So you either prove with your body part that you qualify based on database referencing or you sweep the neighbourhood first before your meal. Singapore is going to the dogs and we need real social enterprise at work here. In fact, this soup kitchen should also be applied to primary and secondary schools. Provides employment and social involvement. It is a win-win. You heard it from me. If you can save the elderly with no money, please start now. Datalogging to keep track of cheats and usage is not difficult.


He acknowledged that some people may abuse the initiative by sweeping the fridges clean of items.

Catch liao all stuff into the cheebye...
If the gianpeng aunty take 10 cucumber ....


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I've heard all sorts of good things about the good MP Baey in the PR and advertising circles. It's a pity to lose a talent like him to politics. But Baey has a higher calling to serve sinkies in all of tampines and beyond. The PR community mustn't be selfish and hoard a talent like him to themselves.


Alfrescian (Inf)
... He acknowledged that some people may abuse the initiative by sweeping the fridges clean of items ...
warao eh! ...

y oni take all items from fridge ...

take whole fridge away lagi best ... brand new 1 summor ...


Alfrescian (Inf)
why do i laugh whenever these chinks especially PAP chinks attempt to carry out an act of generosity,its like watching President Bush have a ackward moment juggling a baby in his arm.....

want to set up a soup kitchen food hall do it properly,not these halfass attempts like placing two fridges in the void deck wtf??

when Tan Kah Kee was alive he generously gave away his entire fortune (140 million in 1920s,more than 2 billion in today's dollars)to helping china fund her war efforts and building schools and universities all over southeast asia and setting up charities and funds.


The right thing to do is simple. And I provide the solution.

Soup kitchens using old and deformed but not rotten produce to feed the elderly and needy where biometrics or ic will be the way to prove they deserve it. For the needy, it can be a contract of food and voluntary workfare. This scheme can even work for needy students or those willing to toil for community service to get a meal. So you either prove with your body part that you qualify based on database referencing or you sweep the neighbourhood first before your meal. Singapore is going to the dogs and we need real social enterprise at work here. In fact, this soup kitchen should also be applied to primary and secondary schools. Provides employment and social involvement. It is a win-win. You heard it from me. If you can save the elderly with no money, please start now. Datalogging to keep track of cheats and usage is not difficult.

from radio and friends said. sgp already got more than 10 social services enterprises
dedicated to providing free meals daily to the poor and needy. why dont just list them down
and let the underpreviliege contact them directly ???

last heard 2 to 3 meals are delivered daily free of charge.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Scholars who are in politics/government positions show their ineptitude. They cannot get a better job in the private sector. Hence they are where they are.

The scholar system will be the root cause for Singapore's eventual demise. Mark my words.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
why do i laugh whenever these chinks especially PAP chinks attempt to carry out an act of generosity,its like watching President Bush have a ackward moment juggling a baby in his arm.....

want to set up a soup kitchen food hall do it properly,not these halfass attempts like placing two fridges in the void deck wtf??

when Tan Kah Kee was alive he generously gave away his entire fortune (140 million in 1920s,more than 2 billion in today's dollars)to helping china fund her war efforts and building schools and universities all over southeast asia and setting up charities and funds.

Pls dun sully Tan Kah Kee's good name by mentioning next to this chow aqua fuckface Baey.

And this cb face do so called charity is using others people money not his own.
Use others backside skin paste on his fuckface


Scholars who are in politics/government positions show their ineptitude. They cannot get a better job in the private sector. Hence they are where they are.

The scholar system will be the root cause for Singapore's eventual demise. Mark my words.

sinkieland will fall becos of too many gong cheesepie around. we need a zoombie cleansing viz a viz train to Bishan, follow by resident evil - the sinkie chapter starting from the turf of istana to purge everything.