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Recent content by tsang

  1. tsang

    How many bros here can read Cantonese ?

    我知,其實全世界都係咁嘅,為咗利益老豆姓咩都可以忘記 呢樣嘢支那人就更加特出喇
  2. tsang

    How many bros here can read Cantonese ?

  3. tsang

    How many bros here can read Cantonese ?

    我都係咁認為 英文係你哋嘅官方語言例㗎嘛,但係身為唐人,應該要識睇識寫識讀識講先得㗎喎 注意我冇話中國人,我係話唐人,同共匪黨冇關係嘅
  4. tsang

    How many bros here can read Cantonese ?

    我一直冇離開過,一路睇住嘅 係呢度我一直都係以廣東話po文,識睇就識識睇,唔識果啲我都廢事睬佢哋啲人
  5. tsang

    Chitchat Cantonese Chinks Butt Hurt Being Callled Ching Ching by Higher Caste AMDK International School Teachers!

    有咪咁好笑呀? 呢啲係有錢人仔女嘅學校,我哋呢啲讀本地學校冇咁嘅問題 香港社會撕裂係人都知,呢啲投訴,簽聯署行動梗係啲中產親中人士高調做咗然後搵親中紅媒體報導囉
  6. tsang

    Chitchat Cantonese Chinks Butt Hurt Being Callled Ching Ching by Higher Caste AMDK International School Teachers!

    你老母同老豆結婚後生咗你都係假新聞 因為個事實係你老母係雞而你老豆不振結果為咗賺錢幫你老母拉客 結果生咗你個賤種雜種 精蟲來源好亂因為太多男人中出係你老母入面 呢個就係真實新聞
  7. tsang

    Serious 10 July 2020 Is Polling Day! It's The Day Of The 5G PAP Government! Majulah PAP!

    佢哋乜都係,唯有唔誠實冇能力 They are anything but honest and capable 翻譯啱唔啱呀 ?
  8. tsang

    Chitchat HK Graduate SYTs No Job as Economic Collapsed!

  9. tsang

    The Pathetic Indians Have Managed to Block Tiong Belt and Road to Pakistan. Trillion Dollar Flop!!!

    又係一帶一路?收咗皮喇! 黃泉路就有一條,比支那賤種行啦