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Woodlands residents want new water tank. Oh dear...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Woodlands residents want new water tank
Posted: 21 May 2011 2252 hrs <LINK rel=image_src href="http://www.channelnewsasia.com/imagegallery/store/phpHfrfC0.jpg">
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Water tanks</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD class=update></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD><TABLE style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cccccc" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=240><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width="100%"><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff"><TD><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=topic vAlign=top>Video </TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#cccccc vAlign=top>
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SINGAPORE: Residents of Woodlands block 686B are pressing for a new water tank to replace the one where an Indonesian maid's body was found on Monday.

This was the top issue raised at a dialogue session held on Saturday afternoon with member of parliament (MP) Vikram Nair and Town Council members.

The residents made a collective call for a new water tank, CCTV surveillance of the rooftop, and even a change in the Town Council management.

Residents expressed anger and concern during the two-hour dialogue.

MP for Sembawang Group Representation Constituency (GRC) Vikram Nair said: "I understand where they're coming from. If I had a dead body (in my water tank),I would be just as upset; I'd want to know what went wrong".

Responding to some residents' requests, eight religious leaders held a blessing ceremony at the lift landing and rooftop.

Town Council general manager Soon Min Sin apologised to residents for not alerting them as soon as it was discovered that water may be contaminated.

On Monday, the Town Council had issued a written notice to residents informing them that the water supply will be shut off for maintenance purposes, without explaining that the water may be contaminated.

As for a new water tank, no fixed answers were given on Saturday, but Mr Nair said he will look into every request.

"In the meantime, changing the locks and restricting the keys to only Town Council staff will prevent this situation from happening again," Mr Nair said.

"But obviously, there's never enough security; you can always put in more at higher cost so the question is, at what point do you say it's enough?"

Although Mr Nair said he sensed that money was often not the issue, he said residents could approach him or the Town Council to reimburse medical bills for any related illnesses.

A S$10 utilities rebate is also offered as compensation for the authorities' request for residents to run their taps for five minutes before initial use.

Resident Samantha Guo said they have gathered more than 61 signatures from residents, and they may be filing a petition.

"There are people who're affected by this -- (we) can't sleep, (we) don't drink (water from our tap, and we) go to (our) parents' place to shower," she said, adding that she would be satisfied if the affected tank was replaced.

Resident Eric Khoo said: "There's some sincerity from the MP to help us with some clarification. But overall, there're still a lot of unanswered questions and a lot more queries among the residents".

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Alfrescian (Inf)
Yet another piece of evidence that short of denying the FAP 2/3 majority, the FAP's complacent attitude and habit of covering up will NOT be changed.


Very Jialat. The psychological trauma is there for life. Whenever they turn on the tap, the flowing water reminds them of the rotting body up there in the tank. Understandable for the residents to hantum the MPs. Let's see if they walk the talk this time round by genuinely listening to the people's feedback and suggestions.


$10 compensation??? Ahahahahahaha! They should have at least informed the residents ASAP. Vote PAP lah... Orh bee good!


The PAP will come up with a solution by co-payment like upgrading of HDB Flats.
HDB pay 80% and Residents pay 20%.
Remember,Nothing is Free in Singapore !


Alfrescian (Inf)
shucks, man! ...

dey shud demand not oni change of water tank, dey shud oso demand change of all water pipesn taps in whole block, man! ... :mad:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Very Jialat. The psychological trauma is there for life. Whenever they turn on the tap, the flowing water reminds them of the rotting body up there in the tank. Understandable for the residents to hantum the MPs. Let's see if they walk the talk this time round by genuinely listening to the people's feedback and suggestions.

Indeed, this comes quickly after the series of security lapses from MSK's literally limping out of captivity, graffiti attack on the trains and the letting in of FTrash on fake qualifications to replace Sporeans.


sembawang grc reallee knows how 2 treat its residents like junks ....... $10 compensation!!
did they tink sinkapo residents r cheepskate, $monie$-minded??

can't d towncoucil / grc understand?? ...... THEY 1 d BLOODLEE TANK REPLACED !!
$10 compensation??? Ahahahahahaha! They should have at least informed the residents ASAP. Vote PAP lah... Orh bee good!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Residents should ask them to also pay for their visits to the psychiatrist and trauma clinics. It is very stressful to know that one has been drinking water tainted by a dead corpse oozing whatever blood and other liquids from it, together with rotting parts of the body. There apparently has been no sense of urgency to further prevent residents from stopping to use the water hours after the body was discovered. The lack of initiative on the part of the town council and PUB is deplorable and being caught by surprise is no excuse. We pay civil servants top dollar for top performance but apparently we have monkeys in charge of the departments responsible for the inaction. Can we expect more of the same when other such incidents were to happen in future? Drinking the water to prove it is safe is not the issue, but the prevention and what immediate remedial action that takes place after is. The sensible thing to do is to replace the water tank and the pipings to the affected flats and some form of compensation. Dithering and negotiating forms of compensation is far more damaging and not good public relations.


Alfrescian (Inf)
What kind of tank do you want, a iron tank, a steel tank, a titanium tank or a platinium tank? Do you want diamond studs too? How come this Indie talk like YOG failure Indie as well?


New Member
"A S$10 utilities rebate is also offered as compensation for the authorities' request for residents to run their taps for five minutes before initial use."

When govt makes mistake, they offered $10. When citizens make smallest mistake, govt fines them tens of $10.

Then they claim they are talent, we are daft. Then with all the fined & taxed money, they cannot tahan and reward themselves out of this world.

Try to learn from the Japanese. In the event of mistakes, the boss of the country/company will offer to resign or have his pay reduced for a period of time to take responsibility. Can our Mr Gerald Ee consider this in his review? When reward is consider, punishment also must be taken into consideration.


>>A S$10 utilities rebate is also offered as compensation for the authorities' request for residents to run their taps for five minutes before initial use.<<

Now I know how much value the PAPpy dogs place on peasants' health.....$10. Not even enough to buy 1 bottle of Vitamin C. Lol


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
>>A S$10 utilities rebate is also offered as compensation for the authorities' request for residents to run their taps for five minutes before initial use.<<

Now I know how much value the PAPpy dogs place on peasants' health.....$10. Not even enough to buy 1 bottle of Vitamin C. Lol

even not enough to buy a pack of cig ..:wink:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
when comes to the supernatural stuffs ...PAP better dont play with singaporean :wink:


I tink e papers said they'll cover medical costs... Still e Nair guy Suay la... Juz Kenna elected now gt to get erected thanks to a countryman of his doing shit

Nair is Indian, the moron murderer is Banglah. But if u ask me, they both look the same. lol


Indeed one of the difference I see here is that councilling are being provided whenever there is a tragedy like this. Mental health is being treated as well as the physical illness.
Residents should ask them to also pay for their visits to the psychiatrist and trauma clinics. It is very stressful to know that one has been drinking water tainted by a dead corpse oozing whatever blood and other liquids from it, together with rotting parts of the body. There apparently has been no sense of urgency to further prevent residents from stopping to use the water hours after the body was discovered. The lack of initiative on the part of the town council and PUB is deplorable and being caught by surprise is no excuse. We pay civil servants top dollar for top performance but apparently we have monkeys in charge of the departments responsible for the inaction. Can we expect more of the same when other such incidents were to happen in future? Drinking the water to prove it is safe is not the issue, but the prevention and what immediate remedial action that takes place after is. The sensible thing to do is to replace the water tank and the pipings to the affected flats and some form of compensation. Dithering and negotiating forms of compensation is far more damaging and not good public relations.


This has been the mantra for so long - no need to explain anything, accept what the govt tells you. I cannot fathom why they did not feel it right to disclose that the reason for closure was due to the dead body.

When was the last time you heard a civil servant say anything to the press compared to first 25 years of govt. I remembered Bogaars blasting the govt for the design of Sheares Bridge. No any more. And they now paid much more.

We pay civil servants top dollar for top performance but apparently we have monkeys in charge of the departments responsible for the inaction. .


Dear Scroobal.

Interestingly enough. The management of the TC has been outsourced to a privatized HDB and Keppel JV. Technically they are not Civil Servants and thus not bound by civil service rules, hence the JTC issue over Geraldine Soh.

I think we are seeing the phenomenon of little lee kuan yews most kindly brought forth by Ngiam and its disgusting when it comes down to the town council level.

In so much as the blame for this debacle lies soley with the TC for a. not securing roof access and b. not informing the public when they knew.

I can't believe where the PAP finds MPs who have no idea or are completely clueless about the questions to ask. about who knew what when, and who did what when and why

Their role is not only to blindly accept what the beauracracy says, it is also to question and press the beauracracy.


This has been the mantra for so long - no need to explain anything, accept what the govt tells you. I cannot fathom why they did not feel it right to disclose that the reason for closure was due to the dead body.

When was the last time you heard a civil servant say anything to the press compared to first 25 years of govt. I remembered Bogaars blasting the govt for the design of Sheares Bridge. No any more. And they now paid much more.