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Sinkie Slut Ris Low and her BF (pic)



The guy is a ex-Mediacorp Manager that went to jail, I heard?


Alfrescian (Inf)
The before photo already CMI liao. How in the world did she managed to win in the first place



The guy is a ex-Mediacorp Manager that went to jail, I heard?

Found it.

Lucky draw winners fined
The six agreed to bribe MediaCorp Enterprises executive to rig draw
By Elena Chong

Lim Boon Hwee (seen here) and James Ong Eng Kong (next picture), who were winners of a Shell lucky draw for free fuel vouchers, were fined $5,000 and $6,000 respectively for corruption. -- ST PHOTOS: AZIZ HUSSIN
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SIX motorists thought they had hit on a way to save themselves some money when they agreed to give half their prizes to a MediaCorp Enterprises executive for picking them as winners in a Shell lucky draw for free fuel vouchers.
But the six found themselves out of pocket when they were fined yesterday for giving, or agreeing to give, bribes to the executive, Teh Gim Leng.

Two of them, James Ong Eng Kong, 34, and Goh Soon Yong, 33, were each fined $6,000 while four others - Thomas Gwee Boon Wee, 33; Lim Boon Hwee, 32; Ng Sze Siong, 31; and Christine Yee Nuok Sze, 26 - had to pay fines of $5,000 each.

Both Ong and Goh had a second charge considered during sentencing.

There were 12 people hauled to court yesterday for corruption. The others had their cases adjourned.

The six who were fined admitted to agreeing to give Shell fuel vouchers valued at between $2,500 and $3,000 or $2,000 cash to Teh, then a senior accounts manager of MediaCorp Enterprises who undertook the daily draws.

In return, he would choose them to be lucky draw prize winners of the 'Free fuel for a year' promotion in October last year.

Each person 'won' $5,000 in vouchers from Shell.

Teh, 28, has served his three-month jail sentence and paid a penalty of $5,900 for his offences.

Shell Eastern Petroleum had engaged Maxus Communications, which in turn roped in MediaCorp Enterprises to run the campaign.

The maximum penalty for corruption is a $100,000 fine and five years' jail.

[email protected]


Alfrescian (Inf)
Posted on 16 Jul 2010
Ris Low's new BF is ex-Mediacorp exec jailed 3 months for corruption


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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Ris Low's new boyfriend has something in common with her: they both have criminal records, said STOMPer rl. Her boyfriend is an ex-Mediacorp executive who was jailed three months for his involvement in a lucky draw scam.

Ris Low was crowned Miss Singapore World 2009 in September last year, but her title was quickly removed when a news report revealed that she had been convicted of credit card fraud.

She stole seven credit cards belonging to patients while working as a clinic assistant in 2008, and spent nearly $8,000 on the cards. Ris Low was sentenced in May 2009 to 24 months of supervised probation.

The 20-year-old first shot to infamy when she displayed her poor command of English during a RazorTV interview, mispronouncing words like red ('rad'), bikini ('bigini'), and prints ('preens').

STOMPer rl tells us:

"Her new boyfriend is apparently some ex-Mediacorp executive who was jailed three months for his part in a lucky draw scam.

“He says he doesn’t mind her reputation as a ‘scandal queen’, because he does not have the right to judge her considering his own tainted past.

“When asked about his criminal record during his interview, the boyfriend was calm, and said that he deserved his time behind bars. He says he was muddle-headed and had allowed greed to get the better of him.

“He says ‘his time in jail was neither long nor short, but was the lowest point in his life.’

“However, his time behind bars gave him the chance to see the error of his ways and repent.

“He swears he will never commit a crime again. He now believes that it is better to work hard than to take shortcuts in life.”

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Keywords: Ris Low , scandal , boyfriend