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HDB 101 : What the PAP don't want you to know.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Don't dilute arguments against the tyrannical PAP and its HDB with issues regarding whether it is a lease or ownership or rental. It is a poor argment with chances of very little headway.

Better to hone in on the major and intrinsic issues with the HDB -
poor planning and construction
poor and yet high maintenance
riiculous grant amount that is not a true subsidy
deliberately hiding information from the public and refusing to answer to sincere and honest questions regarding costs
now HDB seems duty-bound to cater to FTs housing needs at the expense of locals
abuse of the CPF funds by 'forcing' locals to use it for housing needs

Whether the HDB makes .1% or 2.6%, the money goes into the garment coffers. Remember, the HDB magically loses billions each year. The money goes to other other garment agencies.

Chao, you have brought up a good point that the HDB does not want people to know. Namely the poor construction and planning. This is especially noticeable in HDB flats build in the 70s, and 80s. they seem to be build on "stilts" versus private condos build in the same period. The quality of materials is definitely suspect and so is the workmanship as evidenced by many instances of windows falling out, leaking ceilings and what now. Now I am not an engineer by training, but I would venture to say that HDB flats have a build in obsolescence period that is substantially shorter than 99 years. If you look at 99 year old high rises in NY, they are build solid.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Chao, you have brought up a good point that the HDB does not want people to know. Namely the poor construction and planning. This is especially noticeable in HDB flats build in the 70s, and 80s. they seem to be build on "stilts" versus private condos build in the same period. The quality of materials is definitely suspect and so is the workmanship as evidenced by many instances of windows falling out, leaking ceilings and what now. Now I am not an engineer by training, but I would venture to say that HDB flats have a build in obsolescence period that is substantially shorter than 99 years. If you look at 99 year old high rises in NY, they are build solid.

As an addendum to this post, people who "buy" HDB flats need to understand that with the planned obsolesence, the HDB has no intention of seeing thru the 99 years in its contract to the tenant. The HDB has actually committed fraud, and misrepresentation. The HDB has given you and your descendents the right to occupy this specific space for 99 years. In exchange, you give them a big lump sum payment up front. However, the HDB does not reveal to the tenant that the specified premises will not last 99 years and will be inhabitable long before that. In normal tenancy law, the landlord has to remedy the situation and make the unit livable for the tenant. Instead, thru small print in the contract, the HDB essentially evicts the tenant from the premises when it wants to tear it down or do whatever to it. It offers the tenant various options (eg. move or upgrade to newer estate), but it does not reveal that in normal law, if the tenant has a legal binding contract to occupy the premises, he does not need to move no matter how enticing the option offered by the HDB. In fact, when I peruse the contract, I do not see where the tenant has to move at all. Some lawyer should challenge the HDB. Of course in kangaroo court singapore, they will lose, but will highlight this issue.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
hi there

1. bro, kudos to you. well done!
2. recommend you to forward the article to ah cow, who claimed that it is affordable, mah!

Bro, you mean Mah BT? Ah Cow (Khaw Boon Wan I presume), is Health minister. No need to forward this article to him, he knows already. Anyway, why you want me to share a taxi with RoryTan to go an limp kopi at ISD HQ?LOL.


Ok, I have admitted the playing field is stacked in HDB/PAP's favour. If you are so fucking smart, what is your solution. I have presented 3, where are yours? If you don't have any fuck off. Dumbshits like you only know how to criticise. Lets see your solution.

When you give suggestions, you mean others MUST EITHER: Offer Alternatives or fuck off if no suggestions? Hahaha...

Thanks. You're really the joke of the day.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
When you give suggestions, you mean others MUST EITHER: Offer Alternatives or fuck off if no suggestions? Hahaha...

Thanks. You're really the joke of the day.

Congrats, you are the PAP cocksucker of the day. Now please go down to your MP's office and collect your price.


Congrats, you are the PAP cocksucker of the day. Now please go down to your MP's office and collect your price.

Huh? I've been upgraded by you to a PAP cocksucker now?

Papsmearer: Live in JB, commute to S'pore, after all 300K Malaysians do that every day.
Khaw Boon Wah: Can consider the nursing homes in JB, cheaper.

Papsmearer: I have presented 3, where are yours? If you don't have any fuck off. Dumbshits like you only know how to criticise.
Goh Chok Tong: You can target on such policies but the voters got to ask themselves are you just criticising without offering an alternative solution.

Are they, by any chance, your mentors? Sounds very similar to their train of thoughts. Anyway, Happy CNY to you! :smile:


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Still thinking of buying pigeon holes? People are already giving away their Swiss standard living mansions...


Austrian millionaire gives away fortune for happiness
9/02/2010 12:00:00 PM

By Emma Thelwell, ninemsn Money

An Austrian millionaire "can't wait to be free" of his wealth, after revealing plans to raffle his luxury Alpine home and give away his fortune.

Karl Rabeder, 47, will pour all the proceeds from the sale of his business, two homes, private jet and cars, into charity.

The trappings of a fortune worth $5.4 million have never made him happy, Mr Rabeder said, but he was not "brave" enough to give it all up until now, he told UK newspapers.

Mr Rabeder has sold more than 20,000 raffle tickets, at $158 a ticket, for his Alpine retreat, which is worth around $2.5 million and boasts stunning mountain views, a lake and a sauna.

He also plans to sell his farmhouse in Provence, the South of France, for as much as $1.1 million, six gliders worth $631,000 and his Audi A8, valued at $79,000.

From humble origins as the son of a painter, Mr Rabeder has built up his fortune through his interior decorations business – which is now worth some $4.8 million. However, the millionaire plans to give it all up to live in a simple mountain hut or flat, on an income of $1,442 a month.

The turning point for him came during a 5-star holiday in Hawaii with his wife in 2004.

"It was the biggest shock in my life, when I realised how horrible, soulless and without feeling the five star lifestyle is," he told the UK's Daily Telegraph.

"In those three weeks, we spent all the money you could possibly spend. But in all that time, we had the feeling we hadn't met a single real person."

He returned from the holiday with the realisation that he was "dying through consumerism", he told The Daily Mail.

"It has taken me until now to realise that I don't need money and possessions," he added.

Mr Rabeder plans to donate the proceeds from his belongings to charity, funding orphanages, small businesses and development projects in Central and Latin America.

The Austrian millionaire, who is now divorced, told the Telegraph he wanted to have absolutely nothing left, as "it prevents happiness to come".

That is why the wife divorced him? She does not want to live with him in a small hut on $1442 a month?


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
WTF is Mah po Tofu talking about. I can't make head or tails of it.

Mah cautions against seeing renting flats as easy way out Channel NewsAsia - Sunday, February 21Send IM Story Print

Mah cautions against seeing renting flats as easy way out
SINGAPORE: National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan has cautioned against seeing renting flats from HDB as an easy way out as these flats generally have low rents.

Mr Mah’s comments at a January 15 PAP policy forum on "Housing in Singapore" were reported in the recent copy of Petir, which is a People’s Action Party magazine.

The HDB is working to increase the supply of rental flats for the needy and there will be about 7,500 more by 2012.

Mr Mah also touched on reports that some build—to—order (BTO) flats have been very oversubscribed.

He explained that the high number of applications does not mean there are insufficient flats because a huge proportion of would—be buyers do not select a flat.

Mr Mah cited figures which showed over 40 percent of those invited to choose a BTO flat did not do so.


Alfrescian (Inf)
HDB control the price by control number of HDB flat. Why can HDB built 10k flat every year?? If they do that HDB price for 4 room will remain flat at $200k.


Also on this point, applicable to you, even if the PAP were overthrown at the next election, how would the incoming new oppo govt. help the people by lowering the housing costs? Very difficult for them to decrease HDB prices by a meaningful amount. They would also face a housing collapse and people will blame them as being less competent than the PAP even though the PAP was the one who caused it. If you think about it, even the rumour of HDB lowering the prices will have a bad effect on the housing market. In the end, its necessary, but I am not sure sinkies can take the medicine at all.

You have raised an interesting point. However there is simply no reply from the NSP Sec-Gen as I expected. Sometimes I really have to wonder if the PAP has simply planted opposition within our midst to make fools out of the electorate. These clowns are way better than Harsban Singh and company.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
HDB control the price by control number of HDB flat. Why can HDB built 10k flat every year?? If they do that HDB price for 4 room will remain flat at $200k.

In the peak years, they were building 30,000 plus units a year. Certainly, they can build 20,000 a year no problem, which would have eliminated the housing shortages. As mentioned in earlier posts in this thread, this is a deliberate attempt by HDB to create a shortage so they can justify a higher price for their flats.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
You have raised an interesting point. However there is simply no reply from the NSP Sec-Gen as I expected. Sometimes I really have to wonder if the PAP has simply planted opposition within our midst to make fools out of the electorate. These clowns are way better than Harsban Singh and company.

I don't think the oppo has thought so far ahead. They are looking just to get a few more seats, much less win outright.


I don't think the oppo has thought so far ahead. They are looking just to get a few more seats, much less win outright.

The problem is these oppositions are looking at piece-meal policies. That is good strategy when you are looking at the sector of the electorate that is PAP adverse. That is, they would vote anything that is not PAP. But the majority of the electorate are comprised of the rationale voters. They are going to look at their assets and salaries and see what alternatives the opposition has to offer before casting their votes.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
The problem is these oppositions are looking at piece-meal policies. That is good strategy when you are looking at the sector of the electorate that is PAP adverse. That is, they would vote anything that is not PAP. But the majority of the electorate are comprised of the rationale voters. They are going to look at their assets and salaries and see what alternatives the opposition has to offer before casting their votes.

They are just too short sighted. At the current rate of PAP policy, their assets and salaries will be gone to some FTs.