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Benjamin Lim Thread


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why does WP MP allow Shamu to deflect the issue?

on the contrary, i'm very impressed with sham for even taking time in parliament to explain the episode in earnest over the self-pwn and suicide of a loser teenager. this will never happen in congress if some stupid teenagers kill themselves (not shot by cops) over a molestation charge. the law makers will tell you blokes to fuck off. there are more pressing issues to deal with.

I only see MPs reading from prepared speeches. Obviously many decisions have already been decided outside of parliament . Maybe that is why so few MPs turn up or koon inside parliament.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why does WP MP allow Shamu to deflect the issue?

Well this goes to show that when the right temperature is applied even the President or the PM would have to get out of their comfort zone to let out some steam.

it's the wrong kind of pressure, focus and energy wasted when higher priority issues remain unsolved. it's sad that oppos in sg have nothing else to contribute for the betterment of sinkies and sg but will rather waste resources, time and (lack of) intellect on self-pwn nit pick incidence of insignificant consequence which hardly makes a dent to the reputation and popularity of the pap among the 69.86% (and growing). if oppos are hoping for an embarrassment, the same jokers should be embarrassed themselves.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why does WP MP allow Shamu to deflect the issue?

I only see MPs reading from prepared speeches. Obviously many decisions have already been decided outside of parliament . Maybe that is why so few MPs turn up or koon inside parliament.

i'm referring to congress.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: There are still many unanswered questions on Benjamin Lim case

Semaj2357 bastard bully again proven he cannot understand simple English. I already said so clearly here I am presuming the question is not on police efficiency and yet all the rubbish comments on that. And the fact is the boy was spoken to by ONE officer about the alleged crime in school, not five. Brought back to the station by three officers, and interviewed in the police station by one officer.

hey dafatfugs, you posted this (what we already knew) below. the fact that the boy was spoken to by one poodle or interviewed by one poodle at the station (which the poodles claim but remains questionable) is not the point.
question still remains: is it acceptable to you that 5 poodles go to the school?

Originally Posted by ginfreely I am presuming here when you all questioned why so many needed, why five not two police officers went to the school, you all are not questioning the police efficiency but rather your concern was whether the boy had been intimidated by the five police and that was why he committed suicide. Apparently this part was talked about in the parliament session and also already answered according to the news report. The answer is although five police officers went to the school, only ONE officer spoke to the boy after he was identified by the school official based on CCTV screenshot. Then he was brought back to the station by three officers.

"Of the five officers, three were there "to link up" the school with the other two police officers from Ang Mo Kio Division, who were there to investigate, he said.

Only one officer spoke to Benjamin about the alleged crime.


Said Mr Shanmugam: "We should look at the facts and in this case, what did the boy see? He saw one officer at first, and then three brought him back to the station.. and he was interviewed by one officer at the station."
hey dafatfugs, and you think that's acceptable :confused:
little wonder dumbfatfugs like you accept explanations without question and logic - 3 poodles "to link up" the school?
does that mean you need 3 poodles to introduce the 2 div poodles to the principal, disc master, teachers etc.?
why not also introduce the school canteen hawkers and pta and it should be a good pr exercise in community relations.
to the boy, 5 poodles is definitely intimidating - regardless of whether in uniform or not....
hey derfatfugs ginfreely : Don't wriggle away, you slippery worm! I caught you.

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Re: There are still many unanswered questions on Benjamin Lim case

Now she will be scar for life.

It's quite common to hear primary school children addressing their boyfriends or girlfriends
as husband and wife when they in a relationship.
There were even news reports about this phenomenon,
9, 10, 11 or 12 year old girls having intimate relationship with their adult partners.

Whether it was a lover's tiff over a third party, or some petty squabbles, and or mistaken
identity, and or a boyfriend she is trying to ditch, and or whatever other reasons,
she would have to live the rest of her life with Benjamin Lim etched deep in the recesses
of her mind.

It's a bad start for a young girl, recurring nightmares, may even develop muscle spasm and
uncontrollable twitch and speech problems as a result of mental suppression.


Re: Why does WP MP allow Shamu to deflect the issue?

I am utterly disappointed by the Minister for Home Affairs (who is also the Minister of Law, which I always feel is totally inappropriate as it may constitute a conflict of interests but this article is not about this) Mr. Shanmugam's statement made in parliament with regards to the case of Benjamin Lim Jun Hui.

Instead of addressing the many valid pertinent concerns raised by the public, on and off-line, he has put up a barrage of fire attacks at The Online Citizen (TOC) and the President of Law Society, Mr. Thio Shen Yi with totally irrelevant petty details of bickering.

Whether there were 4 or 5 policemen went to the school, wearing police uniforms or plain clothes are really irrelevant to the pertinent questions asked by TOC, Mr Thio and the public at large.

It is even more ridiculous for the Minister to cast doubts on TOC's intent by raising the fact that it has reported that the Police refused to comment on the matter when approached!

For whatever reasons the police refused to comment (such as those reasons presented by the Minister himself), it should just say so when TOC asked them! A good and competent Public Relations Officer from the Police would have made a simple comment like "We cannot comment on this case as internal investigation is still ongoing." or "We cannot comment on this case as there will be Coroner Inquiry, please wait for the result of Coroner Inquiry"...etc.

The total ignore aka silence from the Police smacks of either arrogance or complete incompetency in its Public Relations communication.

See more at Dodging the REAL Issues - The Case of Benjamin Lim

No conflict on interest at all! In fact, it is very efficient. What is wrong, who is guilty, all very quickly decided. It called streamlining.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why does WP MP allow Shamu to deflect the issue?

it's the wrong kind of pressure, focus and energy wasted when higher priority issues remain unsolved. it's sad that oppos in sg have nothing else to contribute for the betterment of sinkies and sg but will rather waste resources, time and (lack of) intellect on self-pwn nit pick incidence of insignificant consequence which hardly makes a dent to the reputation and popularity of the pap among the 69.86% (and growing). if oppos are hoping for an embarrassment, the same jokers should be embarrassed themselves.

The WP isn't real opposition lah. They are paid by the PAP to pretend to be opposition We need JBJ spirit to return.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why does WP MP allow Shamu to deflect the issue?

The WP isn't real opposition lah. They are paid by the PAP to pretend to be opposition We need JBJ spirit to return.

if jbj's spirit were to return, another more dominant spirit would also reappear from ashes like a phoenix.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why does WP MP allow Shamu to deflect the issue?

I only see MPs reading from prepared speeches. Obviously many decisions have already been decided outside of parliament . Maybe that is why so few MPs turn up or koon inside parliament.

Our parliament is a joke ...no different from the Communist Party Congress of China.

Ministars cannot answer questions on the fly. Questions have to be submitted weeks in advance. Why? The ministars are supposed to be the best, that's why they deserve million dollar salary, their boss claims.

And how often does our parliament sit? Not more than 2 months in a year! Crap.

We need to have parliament sit 9 months in a year. We need a question period every day Parliament sit. At Question Period, the ministars and PM will answer questions from the Opposition and back benchers.

The Speaker of the House must quit all her party role.

Parliamentary committees must have the right to question; no ministar should be exempted.

Every parliamentary committee must have at least one opposition MP.

Election Commission must be independent and report to Parliament.


Re: There are still many unanswered questions on Benjamin Lim case

Semaj2357 bully dog should learn how to read before commenting. The boy being spoken to by ONE officer in the SCHOOL is not the point then what's the point? The fact is according to the minister in the parliament session, the five were not present when the boy was called up. Only one officer saw and spoke to him about his alleged crime. Then three officers brought him back to the station. AND then one officer interviewed him at the station. Sometimes things are not what it seems. Five police went to school but only one saw and spoke to the boy about the alleged crime. One police saw and spoke to the boy in school not acceptable to bastard semaj2357 or anyone else? Should it be ZERO then?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why does WP MP allow Shamu to deflect the issue?

Your Congress is dysfunctional lah.

at least they don't hold a session just to hear a boy jumping off a building because he got busted by cctv footage. in sg and u.s. every fool should know they are constantly being recorded and monitored. if this deceased darwinian douchebag didn't know there are cameras everywhere in sg, he deserved to die.

moreover, your description of congress being dysfunctional is absolutely correct, in stark contrast to the efficiency and effectiveness of sg's parliament. :wink:


Re: There are still many unanswered questions on Benjamin Lim case

It's quite common to hear primary school children addressing their boyfriends or girlfriends
as husband and wife when they in a relationship.
There were even news reports about this phenomenon,
9, 10, 11 or 12 year old girls having intimate relationship with their adult partners.

Whether it was a lover's tiff over a third party, or some petty squabbles, and or mistaken
identity, and or a boyfriend she is trying to ditch, and or whatever other reasons,
she would have to live the rest of her life with Benjamin Lim etched deep in the recesses
of her mind.

It's a bad start for a young girl, recurring nightmares, may even develop muscle spasm and
uncontrollable twitch and speech problems as a result of mental suppression.

Lovers' tiff etc ? The facts are already known the girl has never met the boy before. The cctv shows the boy to be from that school based on his uniform. It is the school official who identified the boy based on CCTV screenshot.
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Re: Why does WP MP allow Shamu to deflect the issue?

it's the wrong kind of pressure, focus and energy wasted when higher priority issues remain unsolved. it's sad that oppos in sg have nothing else to contribute for the betterment of sinkies and sg but will rather waste resources, time and (lack of) intellect on self-pwn nit pick incidence of insignificant consequence which hardly makes a dent to the reputation and popularity of the pap among the 69.86% (and growing). if oppos are hoping for an embarrassment, the same jokers should be embarrassed themselves.

The same kind of pressure would also be applicable even if it was the son or daughter of one of the elites, Mps, Ministers or the President himself.
Its a human life we are talking about here, even animals like dogs and cats well-being and welfare have got immediate and better mention both
in Parliament and in the media.
If higher priority issues includes the welfare and well-being of dogs and cats, shouldn't the minister also spare some of his focus and energy on a human life?
With so much focus and energy spent on animals welfare and time spent on taking selfies of ministers and mps (which has been medically classified as a mental problem)
it not hard to see why Singapore is facing an impending downturn storm and the eroding international ranking of Singapore.
Being the highest paid ministers in the World, they should be feeling embarrass with their own performance and reputation in the World stage.

Singapore's Opposition Parties and Supporters are here to ensure that the ruling party are focusing their energies to solve higher priority issues
and if the ruling party fails to deliver, the opposition can and shall take over the helm of governing Singapore to stop Singapore from deteriorating further.


Re: There are still many unanswered questions on Benjamin Lim case

The facts are already known the girl has never met the boy before. The cctv shows the boy to be from that school based on his uniform. It is the school official who identified the boy based on CCTV screenshot.

No one knows for sure who is telling the truth and who is lying.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: There are still many unanswered questions on Benjamin Lim case

No one knows for sure who is telling the truth and who is lying.

The ministar, hiding under parliamentary privilege, pronounce Ben guilty as charged. Shamu is an evil man and deserves the worst.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why does WP MP allow Shamu to deflect the issue?

at least they don't hold a session just to hear a boy jumping off a building because he got busted by cctv footage. in sg and u.s. every fool should know they are constantly being recorded and monitored. if this deceased darwinian douchebag didn't know there are cameras everywhere in sg, he deserved to die.

moreover, your description of congress being dysfunctional is absolutely correct, in stark contrast to the efficiency and effectiveness of sg's parliament. :wink:

Just a 14-year old who had an indiscretion ...who doesn't even know that there are CCTVs everywhere.

Let the deceased have a break. Are you like shamu, going to pronounce him guilty? Just as the lady was mistaken, the principal could have mistaken in identifying Ben.

Hang Shamu is the verdict I pronounce.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why does WP MP allow Shamu to deflect the issue?

at least they don't hold a session just to hear a boy jumping off a building because he got busted by cctv footage. in sg and u.s. every fool should know they are constantly being recorded and monitored. if this deceased darwinian douchebag didn't know there are cameras everywhere in sg, he deserved to die.

moreover, your description of congress being dysfunctional is absolutely correct, in stark contrast to the efficiency and effectiveness of sg's parliament. :wink:

The session was damage control lah. In the US, the ministar would be hauled before a committee and grilled, scolded. Shamu would have pee in his pants, probably shit. In our fake parliament, Shamu talks big because the MPs don't dare to challenge him.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why does WP MP allow Shamu to deflect the issue?

Its a human life we are talking about here, even animals like dogs and cats well-being and welfare have got immediate and better mention both in Parliament and in the media.

human lives in the founding and early years of sg were dirt cheap except for angmos. for sg to evolve to a stage where the value of a loser human life is debated ad nauseum online only proves that the pap has done a marvelous job uplifting the 50-bucket truck syndrome of lowly sinkie coolies to world class shitizens giving them resources and comfort of their armchairs to waste their precious time day and night to seek justice, nope, to seek embarrassment of the very hand that lifted them out of poverty and cheap lives. it's truly a compliment to the pap by the unceasing ease of spewing online hate and adsurdity on their true benefactor.