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Meeting at Speaker's Corner 18 Oct, 6-7 pm

Ah Hai

Singapore Budget 2009 - The Alternative Policies

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Singapore Budget 2009 - The Alternative Policies

I am speaking at this public forum organised by The Reform Party at 2 pm today at the Allson Hotel. Please attend for an interesting discussion.

Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 7:26 AM

Ah Hai

Choose your financial product carefully

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Choose your financial product carefully

Dear Mr Tan,
I have been curious about the development of banking industry and insurance industry for the past decade. Since the two industries evolve and expand their line of business, I can see the overlapping of the products offered by the two industries. I can choose an insurance company or a bank if I want to buy investment fund, securities bond or even insurance.

What are the main differences between these two industries? Maybe in terms of operational aspect, insurance companies tend to stick with agent-based customer management. However, I don't see much different in terms of investment product offering.

What do you think the competitive edge for both banks and insurance companies, in terms of service diversity, service level, financial power, reliability?

It is more important for you to know if the product is designed to give good value to the customers. Unfortunately, many financial institutions design products to have big profit margin for their institutions, often at the expense of the customer. They pay high commission to their agents and distributors. The customer gets a poor deal, after deducing the expenses and profit margins.

It is better for the customer to invest directly in stocks and bonds, especially in low cost, diversified funds. Read my views in www.tankinlian.com/faq
Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 4:40 PM

zhummmeng said...

What you see today is because these institutions have not been regulated enough resulting in them doing whatever they like.
The products are designed without the customers in mind; the advisory process if there is , loaded against the customers, eg like caveat emptor.
Self regulation is good if the market is disciplined because it offers flexibility. Unfortunately the FIs have taken it as 'doing anything you like so long you make money". Where does the money come from? Of course it is from the consumers. But is the interest of the consumers factored into the equation? Their money , yes but not their interest and financial well being.
As the CEO of HKMA said that the industry is not to serve the interest of the bankers, to make the RMs rich so that they can drive posh car and live in condos NOR to help the insurance agents to qualify for mdrt, cot or tot BUT to help consumers meet their financial needs and to achieve financial independence.
Unfortunately, leaving the insurance companies and the banks to do whatever they like is BIG mistake.
The results tell. Today the consumers are grossly under insured and unable to retire.
The products are dubious, expensive, low return and give poor protection.
The insurance agents and the RMs poorly trained, unqualified, all are salesmen and product pushers although they have fanciful titles, they dump and push products to benefit themselves.
The regulator, if it exists, is always on vacations, bochap although there are existing laws but for show and not enforced and as a result the FIs ,the RMs and the insurance agents are free to fleece the poor unwary, ignorant and unsavvy consumers.
The system, making up of them, is heavily loaded against the consumers.
What are the solutions?
1. no more product pushing
2. needs of the consumers must be examined first before the reccomendation of the product. This is to be made a must approach.
The intermediary is also to be responsible for the result.
3. to raise the standard of entry, all existing agents required to be re-certified' to pass new stringent exams of at least diploma level or tertiary level, new level of financial advisory skills
3. To avoid conflict of interest commission must be replaced by a more equitable system of remuneration, like fee.This is to follow other countries and UK FSA is implementing it soon.
4. The product should be simple, plain vanilla and should give certain acceptable return and protection at a low cost.If risk is needed to achieve higher return it must be disclosed to the buyer.
5. The intermedairies must be audited frequently to ensure compliance.
6. The regulator must enforce and MUST BE SEEN to enforce like punishment, fines and jail.
Sure, the market will be affected but no more fiasco or debacles or financial dramas.
February 28, 2009 6:22 PM

Ah Hai

How will you vote in the General Election (2)?

Saturday, February 28, 2009
How will you vote in the General Election (2)?

Take part in this survey.

Here are the survey results based on 121 replies.

Key finding.
If the alternative parties are able field credible candidates, 86.7% of the respondents will vote for the alternative parties.

The main reasons are:
> alternative voices in Parliament 80.7%
> make PAP listen more to the people 73.7%
> more active debate in Parliament 64.9%
> dislike high salaries of ministers 62.3%
> a more just society 50.0%

Reasons give to vote PAP are:
> stablility in Singapore 68.1%
> PAP has been a good government 46.4%
> ensure Singapore's continued prosperity 40.6%

Here are the comments given by some respondents. They are the honest views and are intresting to read.

Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 11:00 PM

Ah Hai

Secure investments 'misleading'

Sunday, March 01, 2009
Secure investments 'misleading'

By Samantha Washington
BBC Radio 4's Money Box

As guarantor, Lehman going bust did not result in compensation
Thousands of people who put their money into investments that promised their capital was secure face losing some or all of their money.

Article. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/moneybox/7916534.stm

Ah Hai

Re: Secure investments 'misleading'

Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Forum on Budget 2009
I presented this paper at the forum organised by The Reform Party.

Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 1:12 PM

Ah Hai

Re: Secure investments 'misleading'


Parka said...

In Europe, the bankers said they are sorry. In US, the bankers are totally defensive. Read all at Time Magazine website.
March 03, 2009 6:57 PM
The Dude said...

I'd love to see some of our leaders own up to their mistakes. *evil grin*
March 03, 2009 8:07 PM
zhummmeng said...

Will our government ever admit mistakes?
But they may ask, "what mistakes?"
The answer is "you ask me I ask who".
There is no humility. The regulator, the salespeople, the perpetrator the FIs will never confess to the wrong doings.Yhey stick to their gun there will be no solution in sight.Maybe they are looking for scapegoats.
Unlike their counterpart,
Ed Balls, Mr Brown’s former
economic adviser who is now a Cabinet minister, also conceded that financial regulation should have been tougher. No, MAS still insists that self regulation is better.The FIs and the salespeople should be left to decide what is the best for them.You see, for them
and not the consumers.
The problem here is everyone is obsessed with "performance".
The insurance agents are obsessed with commission and mdrt, the RMs with commission and fast car and condo, the FIs with profit, the insurance companies with market share. The poor consumers are forgotten..
What happened then? the financial markets were allowed to run out of control for much of the past decade.It is free wheeling ,Miss-selling, misrepresentation, conflict of interest,unethical practices, cheating , churning , twisting, and any practices imaginable. You name what they have done what.
Dishonesty driven by greed is the order of the day.
March 03, 2009 8:22 PM

Ah Hai

Re: Secure investments 'misleading'

Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Dispute Resolution through FIDREC
If you have lodged your complaint to FIDREC, please read the following advisory from MAS.

You have probably been asked to complete a questionnaire to provide the facts on your complaint. This puts the onus on the investor to justify the claim.

As the complainant, you can ask FIDREC to get the financial institution's representative to complete a questionnaire based on the attached questionnaire. This will provide information for the adjudicator to decide on any possible mis-selling of the product.

I have asked the Consumer Association to suggest to FIDREC that this questionnaire should be used. I have not heard about any decision on this matter.

As you investor, you can ask FIDREC to get the answers to this questionaire, in the interest of fairness and natural justice. I hope that you find this questionnaire to be useful to support your complaint,

Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 9:00 PM

CC said...

We do our best to follow the instructions from authorities in seeking redress for our complaints against the FIs but so far we are getting nowhere.

1. Would someone comment on their experience with FIDReC?

2. Out of nowhere, SIAS recently issued a statement offering "advice".
I sent an email to inquire how they can help but have not received any response after a week. A friend called and was not given any specifics either.


3. We are left with no choice but to take legal action.
March 04, 2009 9:59 PM
zhummmeng said...

Class action is the only recourse to full compensation. You only have to prove that you were misled and conned into buying and also that the section 27 of the FAA was breached by RMs.
They are not difficult to prove. All the evidences can be found in the KYC or fact finding forms.
Your key witnesses are RMs and if they are willing to come forward to testify the FIs will be nailed.
The truth is the FIs are afraid of going to court. They are trying to deter you by telling you it is going be long drawn and expensive.If it is long drawn their reputation is going down the drain too.
Be warned, SIAS is a red herring,
March 04, 2009 11:01 PM

Ah Hai

Re: Secure investments 'misleading'

Wednesday, March 04, 2009
There was no one left to speak for me
Extract from the letter by Lasantha Wikramatunga, assassinated editor of a newspaper in Sri Lanka.

People often ask me why I take such risks and tell me it is a matter of time before I am bumped off. Of course I know that: it is inevitable. But if we do not speak out now, there will be no one left to speak for those who cannot, whether they be ethnic minorities, the disadvantaged or the persecuted. An example that has inspired me throughout my career in journalism has been that of the German theologian, Martin Niemoller. In his youth he was an anti-Semite and an admirer of Hitler. As Nazism took hold in Germany, however, he saw Nazism for what it was: it was not just the Jews Hitler sought to extirpate, it was just about anyone with an alternate point of view. Niemoller spoke out, and for his trouble was incarcerated in the Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps from 1937 to 1945, and very nearly executed. While incarcerated, Niemoller wrote a poem that, from the first time I read it in my teenage years, stuck hauntingly in my mind:

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

If you remember nothing else, remember this: The Leader is there for you, be you Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim, low-caste, homosexual, dissident or disabled. Its staff will fight on, unbowed and unafraid, with the courage to which you have become accustomed. Do not take that commitment for granted. Let there be no doubt that whatever sacrifices we journalists make, they are not made for our own glory or enrichment: they are made for you. Whether you deserve their sacrifice is another matter. As for me, God knows I tried.
Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 10:06 PM

zhummmeng said...

First, I knew that the products were not good for the consumers
and I did not speak out because I was not a consumer.
Then the salesmen conned the customers into buying them
and I did not speak out because I was not a consumer.
Then the salesmen lied about the products and I did not speak out because I was also a salesman.
Then when hell broke out about miss-selling and cheating I blamed it on the consumers
Then when MAS came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
March 04, 2009 10:50 PM
Jackie said...

What a touching letter. Thanks for posting it.

At the hour of our death, when the final reckoning is made, all the money we made... all the titles we may have been awarded.... all come to naught. It is the little moments of kindness and the uncommon courage shown by "common men" like Lasantha Wikramatunga which count.
March 05, 2009 1:44 AM
M said...

Shame on all people who bully those who dare to speak the truth !! These bullies are scoundrels of society who have no conscious and are no different from animals. We also have many such scoundrels in Singapore !
March 05, 2009 12:32 PM

Ah Hai

Re: Secure investments 'misleading'

Thursday, March 05, 2009
Legal action on Credit Linked Notes
Several investors had received the rejection letters on their claims for compensation. They have been disappointed at the outcome, after waiting for several months. They felt that they were unfairly treated and are keen to take collective legal action now.

A few legal teams have been organised. Before you decide to join any collective action, you should get answers to the following questions:

1. What are the legal grounds proposed by the lawyer to pursue the claim for compensation?
2. What are the chance of winning based on the strategy proposed by the lawyer? Why and how?
3. What are the terms of engagement of the lawyer?

Terms of engagement
a) What is the initial amount payable
b) What are the estimated payments for the various stages of the case?
c) What are the actual charges to be paid to the lawyers
d) Is there a maximum cap on the legal fees and charges?
e) If the cases are settled earlier, will the participants get a refund of the unused fees?

Before you sign on the letter of appointment and write your cheque, you should attend a briefing to be given by the lawyer where all of the above points have been explained and accepted by you. If you are not sure, you should get the viwes of fellow participants and make your personal judgement.

You still have the option of getting your case adjudicated in FIDREC for a fee of $50. You can ask FIDREC to get the financial institution representative to complete this questionnaire, so that the adjudicator has the full facts on both sides to make an adjudication.

Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 7:35 AM

Ah Hai

Re: Secure investments 'misleading'

Thursday, March 05, 2009
HK: Minibond mom hits bank for $6m
A customer has filed a writ against Citic Ka Wah Bank in the High Court seeking the return of HK$6 million she invested in Lehman minibonds, alleging she had not been informed of the risks involved.

Lau Wai-lan, 45, is suing the bank for misrepresentation, unconscionable conduct and negligent investment advice. She is being assisted by the Democratic Party.
Lau is a single mother of three. She received secondary education but suffered a chronic brain injury in 1994 and has not been able to work since. Her sister, Lau Wai-ping, said Lau has been under immense mental stress since the failure of Lehman Brothers.

She has twice attempted suicide and is now on a regime of tranquilizers.

"We sent a few letters to the bank and the Securities and Futures Commission in October, but we received no assistance. This is our last resort," Lau Wai-ping said.

In 1995, Lau Wai-lan divorced her husband and sold her assets for HK$6.2 million. She put the money in a Bank of China fixed-time deposit and used the interest to support her three children, who are now aged eight, nine and 15.

On January 6, 2006, Lau claimed she was persuaded by a staff member she had known for several years to put HK$3 million into a 4 percent fixed-term deposit account at the Tai Wai branch of the bank.

But two weeks later, Lau broke the deposit to invest in the minibond series 23 HKD fixed- rate callable credit-linked notes due 2011 after being allegedly assured the investment was "low risk" and "safer than a bank deposit with triple A guarantee." Lau was also guaranteed a 5.1 percent interest rate.

On August 16, she transferred another HK$3 million in savings from her Citibank account and invested in minibond series 27.

Lau Wai-ping insisted her sister always reminded staff of her physical status and asked them not to introduce her to high-risk products.

In the writ, Lau maintained she was never told she might not obtain any refund of the principal at the end of the investment period. She was also not informed of any commission or financial interests involved.

The writ said the bank should perform a duty of care towards Lau, as well as provide proper advice and assistance. Lau was also rendered unable to make informed decisions as to what was in her own best interests.


Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 7:49 AM

Ah Hai

Re: Secure investments 'misleading'

Thursday, March 05, 2009
Performance of the Government
How do you rate the performance of the Government and ministers in running the country and managing the economic crisis? Join this survey.
Here are the preliminary survey results based on 49 and 97 replies.

Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 7:59 AM
Labels: Survey

David said...

Whatever their performance from internet surveys, however huge the opposition rallies, but when it comes to the vote, majority are with the PAP. This is the beauty of it all.

For the simple reason there is no credible alternative emerging so far or likely to emerge.
March 03, 2009 7:32 PM
AB said...

I have said it many times. Many people are still trapped by the notion that there is no "credible" opposition able to give "better" ideas than pap, so they will continue to vote pap.

For 50 years these people still do not realise this trap set by pap. You vote pap and you expect to see stronger opposition appear out of the blue?

And so there will continue to be weak or no opposition. For another 50 years maybe longer, until these people realise and get out of this trap to support and strengthen the opposition.
March 04, 2009 10:00 PM
zhummmeng said...

When you want an opposition it is NOT about a credible opposition but just an opposition. PAP started this way too. They fielded people from different stations but with one commonality, COMMITTIMENT AND BELIEF.
and not 'credible' PhDs and usless in parlaiment.
March 05, 2009 9:20 AM
M said...

I agree with zhummmeng.
What is the use of PhDs when they cannot even lead the country out of a recession and lost billions of our national reserves. A moron can do that, no need PhDs !
March 05, 2009 12:07 PM

Ah Hai

Re: Secure investments 'misleading'

Thursday, March 05, 2009
Be considerate and give way
To motorists in Singapore

When you see the car in front of you signal its intention to change lane, do slow down, give way and let that car move into your lane. The driver may be unfamiliar with the road and realised, quite late, that the car is in the wrong lane.

Do not sound the horn loudly and speed up to "chop" your place in the lane. Use your brake, rather than your horn. It does not cost you to be considerate and helpful. It will make life better for everyone in Singapore.

Tan Kin Lian

Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 9:41 AM

Concerned said...

There are too many bicycles on the roads. They should be taken off the roads as they are dangerous to the cyclists and slowed down traffic movement considerably both the motor cars and buses. Many of these cyclists are foreigners Chinaman and Indians whose traffic behaviour are deplorable
March 05, 2009 6:46 PM
Bright said...

well said..
March 05, 2009 10:57 PM

Ah Hai

Re: Secure investments 'misleading'

Thursday, March 05, 2009
Insurance and technology
How should a country use technology to deliver insurance to its people efficiently and usefully? This paper contains some of my ideas.

Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 1:18 PM

singaporenewsalternative said...

Two weeks ago, I contacted one of the big local insurance company to make some queries about term insurance. I was told that the company do not sell policy directly to client and I have to buy their policy through an agent. I do not want to pay commission to agents as I have unpleasant experiences with them in the past. I hope that will change in the future.
March 05, 2009 1:54 PM
David said...

With so many vested interests, how to change? Who can lead or enforce the change? MAS?
March 05, 2009 6:40 PM
zhummmeng said...

1. For people who know what they need, ie. the kind of insurance and the amount and which company offers the product, they should be allowed to buy directly from insurance company at a steep discount because they don't need advice.
This is the "no advice needed" group as defined in the FAA section 27
2.For people who know what they need but do not know which company sells that product, therefore need comparison by getting the INFORMATION from agent. This is the 'product advice" group which also need NOT pay the full commission, just pay for information.This group is also defined in the FAA.
3. For the groups who need financial advice and NOT product they should be paid a fee or commission which commensurate with the advice and scope of service and recommendations that are of reasonable basis.
This is how I interpret section 27 of the FAA.
This will ensure the responsibility of the adviser who is liable for all recommendations made by him . After all he is paid for making competent and responsible recommendation. As long his recommendations are of reasonable basis he should NOT be afraid of the negative outcome.
This is another way to get rid of salesmen who peddle and push unwanted products and also to ensure the efficiency and efficacy
of the products and advisory service and lastly, to eradicate miss-selling and malpractice.
March 05, 2009 7:40 PM


I think those very unfortunate investor must be aware of the fact that with CITI and AIG loss 98% of their market cap..BOA[MERRILE LYNCH] loss over 90%..and UBS in deep loss and deep legal suit by US gov...their hope of retreiving residuals is close to nill...simply cos..DBS or any issuing banl will not be willing to absorpt all the huge losses and refund to all those unfortunate investors...they must be aware that are they being made used or manipulated by being shown another rainbow in the sky ..which is just plin illusion ..as for the first time they were connen into buying those RUBBISH papers....PROMOTED BY OUR HIGHLY RESPECTED ABD TRUSTED BANK....beware.........


I think those very unfortunate investor must be aware of the fact that with CITI and AIG loss 98% of their market cap..BOA[MERRILE LYNCH] loss over 90%..and UBS in deep loss and deep legal suit by US gov...their hope of retreiving residuals is close to nill...simply cos..DBS or any issuing banl will not be willing to absorpt all the huge losses and refund to all those unfortunate investors...they must be aware that are they being made used or manipulated by being shown another rainbow in the sky ..which is just plin illusion ..as for the first time they were connen into buying those RUBBISH papers....PROMOTED BY OUR HIGHLY RESPECTED ABD TRUSTED BANK....beware.........

Sinkies got no balls
You all dare not stand with those that tried to speak for you.
You all dare not give money to them so that they can work for you.
You all dare not support them publicly so that they can speak for you.

You all turn your backs on those that spoke out bravely against LKY
LKY hit out at those who tried to speak for you with his kangaroo courts
You turn your backs and not support them with money and courage.

You let them be beaten and bankrupted because you all have no balls

Why complain now?

Your 400-500++ billions sucked and bled into LKY Temasick and GIC

And even more billions are currently sucked and bled so that LKY can use those money to bastardised and pay his kangaroo courts and running dogs to bleed even more billions from you in future

You got what you all deserved
for your lack of balls


or open your legs to be further screwed by him

Ah Hai

Creating jobs

Monday, March 09, 2009
Creating jobs

We are now in an economic recession. More workers will be retrenched. There will be a bigger pool or unemployed people and first time job seekers competing for a diminishing number of new jobs.

We need an innovative way to create new jobs that never existed before. These are jobs that exist in the community, for example, to take care of the environment, to take care of elderly people and children, to improve education, to run errands and to work in small businesses in the nerighbourhood. They will not be full time work, but part time work that is paid by the hour.

We need a new way to match the people who are willing to do the part time work with the employers who have work to be done. The employer should look for workers that live nearby, so as to reduce travelling time and cost to get to work. This matching has to be done in an efficient and inexpensive way.

I have created a new portal that will allow the matching to be done. It will be launched soon. Meanwhile, interested workers are invited to register in this portal.

This portal is also targeted at students who wish to have part time work during the school vacations.

The part time worker has to register in the portal and provide a mobile number as the contact. A potential employer will send a SMS to contact the part time worker for a telephone interview.

I hope that the publicly funded organisations will take the initiative to create some of these part time work in the community.

Tan Kin Lian

Ah Hai

Tough Job Market

Monday, March 09, 2009
Tough Job Market

A first time job seeker said, "I am disturbed about threats from ridiculous employers during interviews. They said that this is an employer's market. Frankly, they are out to exploit fresh graduates with unreasonably low pay offers, e.g. $2.200 for 24/7 standby and plenty of unpaid overtime opportunities".

An employer said, "Our graduates are still not adjusting to realities. They still have high expectations".

Many businesses are finding it difficult just to survive. So, they cannot afford to pay high salaries. Even the businesses that are profitable are making lower profits compared to previous years. They are reluctant to pay high salaries.

What are your views? Survey.

Here are the survey results.
Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 11:00 PM


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Tough Job Market

Monday, March 09, 2009
Tough Job Market

A first time job seeker said, "I am disturbed about threats from ridiculous employers during interviews. They said that this is an employer's market. Frankly, they are out to exploit fresh graduates with unreasonably low pay offers, e.g. $2.200 for 24/7 standby and plenty of unpaid overtime opportunities".

An employer said, "Our graduates are still not adjusting to realities. They still have high expectations".

Many businesses are finding it difficult just to survive. So, they cannot afford to pay high salaries. Even the businesses that are profitable are making lower profits compared to previous years. They are reluctant to pay high salaries.

What are your views? Survey.

Here are the survey results.
Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 11:00 PM

My view is to rely on yourself and stop thinking that you have the birth right to have a job.

The essence of working is to serve the society and monetary reward is there to measure if the public accept your service willingly with a reason and logic.

People are educated nowadays to work is for themselves. This selfish concept got to stop if they wish to progress well in life. This kind of thinking is age-old and 3rd world.